Wednesday, 11 May 2022

University-related staff travel

From Mr Peter Marshall AM, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President, and Mr Leigh Petschel, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice-President

Following communications in late 2021 regarding the progressive reinstatement of University-related business travel for staff and HDR students, we are pleased to share that the new online staff travel approval system (Nutrip) is live and ready for use.

Nutrip will ensure ease in seeking and approving travel for our staff community for all domestic and international travel and will be an important tool in managing the University’s staff travel program. 

The new system replaces the temporary form and process to manage travel requests, and maintain a register of approved travel for staff. To support the enhanced approvals, this form and process will continue for HDR students only (managed by the Monash Graduate Research Office).

Approving travel requests

The system will workflow a staff member’s request to their Travel Approver in the first instance. For academic staff, this is the head of the organisational unit (typically school or department); for professional staff, this is their supervisor.

If the travel is deemed high-risk (DFAT level 3 or 4) it will automatically workflow to the Director, Global Security and Crisis Response, for review and consideration.

The recent updates to the enhanced travel settings approved by VCEC last month have been built into this system:

  • Domestic travel: Travel Approver only
  • International low-risk travel: Travel Approver, followed by Dean/Portfolio Head (VCG member)
  • International high-risk travel: Travel Approver, followed by Director, Global Security and Crisis Response, followed by Dean/Portfolio Head (VCG member)

Training opportunities and support

A number of training sessions have been made available for those looking to delve deeper into the functionality within the platform. For more information, visit the Monash Travel Page.

Looking ahead

The related Staff and Student Travel Policy and associated procedures are being developed and will be made available next quarter. 

As previously communicated, enhanced approval requirements will continue throughout 2022 and the University will keep you informed as conditions evolve over the next few months.