Thursday, 21 April 2022


The Faculty’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Travel Grants are designed to provide support for our junior researchers to present papers at international research conferences and to carry out associated travel, including visits to foster connections with Monash University’s international partner institutions, specialist training, or attendance at a lecture, symposium, or workshop.

The objective of this scheme is to enhance the research profile of the applicant, the Faculty, and Monash University and to increase the potential for carrying out high-quality cutting-edge research and developing international collaborations, by facilitating exposure to researchers from the world’s best research organisations.

The Faculty is seeking applications from ECRs for $2,000 travel grants to facilitate overseas travel in 2022 and the first half of 2023. The Faculty will also offer a limited number of Career Disruption Support Packages (an additional $1,000) for travel grant awardees who have experienced a significant reduction in their research productivity as a direct result of an eligible career disruption.

The Faculty encourages the following travel-related activities:

  • Presentations at  international research conferences
  • Collaborative visits that foster connections with Monash University's international partners
  • Trips that combine multiple activities (e.g. conference presentation, collaborative visit, specialist training, arranging PhD student exchange, etc.)

For further information and to apply, please click here.  

(You must be signed in to Google with your Monash account to access further information)    

Submissions close on Thursday 19 May 2022 at 5:00 PM (AEST).

Queries about this scheme should be directed to