Wednesday, 20 October 2021

New Professional Development Activity: "Write the grant you want: A practical pathway to success (Foundational & Advanced)" offered by Hudson Institute at MMC

Grant writing is a key skill in a research career, and is a great skill to develop for other careers as well.

The Hudson Institute is offering a new Monash accredited Professional Development Activity taking place in the Hudson building at MMC. This practically focussed unit will provide a new opportunity for PhD Students to develop their grant writing skills. 

The unit is broken into two parts: 

  1. A 2-hour Foundational Course that will introduce the basics of grant opportunities, typical considerations for different opportunities and application process and how to develop your CV to be best placed for applications. 
  2. An 8-hour Advanced course - will directly follow the foundational course for a smaller group and will be supported by experienced and highly successful mentors  who will guide participants through preparing an actual application, including how to identify the opportunity that best suits, how to prepare and how to gain and  respond to peer feedback. 

This activity aims to provide students with hands-on experience in grant writing. The first Foundational and Advanced courses will commence in November for a restricted number of applicants and will expand in 2022.

Students may either:

  • Complete the Foundational workshops in the same semester (enrol for both workshops separately); OR
  • Complete the Foundational workshop first, and then enrol for the Advanced workshop in a different semester

Current timetable for 2021:

  • Foundational course: November 25, 2-4pm
  • Advanced course: 
    • November 29, 2-4pm (Convenor and Mentors help students select and plan applications)
    • November 29 - December 03 (Student grant writing time. Students to send their drafts to Mentors by Nov 22, 5pm)
    • December 06, 2-3pm (Application draft review 1 with Convenor and Mentors)
    • December 06-09 (Students finalise their application based on Convenor and Mentor feedback)
    • December 10, 11am-1pm (Students, Convenor & Mentors final review and round table discussion of application).

Availability is limited therefore please register ASAP via myDevelopment.

Academic Promotion 2021: Reminder of actions required for MNHS staff

The 2021-2022 Academic Promotions application due date for SCS is Wednesday 17 November 2021. For all school application due dates see here.

As you prepare your application, you must take the following actions:

  • Step 1: Request a meeting with Prof Ross Coppel or Prof Ian Smyth

If you have not already done so, please fill out this form to request a meeting as soon as possible to discuss your case for promotion. 

Due to capacity issues, late applicants may not be able to be accommodated.  

The HR Academic Promotions team is now running Research Achievement Records and Research Performance Reports.  These documents are official parts of your application that you must obtain prior to submission.  The HR Academic Promotions team will only generate these documents once, so it imperative that you ensure all your data is up to date and correct before requesting the reports.   Please email to request the documents.

Please use your myPerformance Dashboard to ensure your research data is correct.  The Research Activity Guide provides all the information you need to make any necessary updates and corrections.

  • Step 3: Request Summative Peer Review of Teaching and Student Evaluation Report (Teaching & Research applicants only)

Ensure you have a Summative Peer Review of Teaching report from 2021. You can request a review and access your report via the Monash Learning and Teaching Peer Review website.

Student Evaluation Records need to be requested via the University Planning and Statistics Google Form before Friday 19 November.

If you have any questions, please email