Friday, 19 February 2021

Compulsory Research Integrity Training from 2021

 As communicated on 9 December 2020, the Research Integrity Team in the Office of the Senior Vice-Provost and Vice-Provost (Research) has advised that in light of Monash University's continued commitment to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and ensuring all research conducted at our institution is carried out with the highest integrity, we will be moving towards implementing compulsory Research Integrity training for our researchers over the coming years.

The training will be rolled out from 1 January 2021 as follows:


Commencing 1 January 2021

All successful award recipient Principal Chief Investigators (PCIs, CIAs), must complete online Research Integrity training at the time of notice of award.

Commencing 1 January 2022

All applicant Principal Chief Investigators (PCIs, CIAs) must complete online Research Integrity training at the time of application submission to funder.

Where can I find the training?

Research Integrity training can be found in 'My Development' within the HR & Employment tile on the homepage. Once within 'My Development', simply search for 'Research Integrity' to bring up the training module.

The training can be undertaken by anyone at any time, but will be compulsory for Principal Chief Investigators as outlined above from 2021. Please note, award monies for successful awards will not be released by R&R unless this training has been completed.

Once completed, training is valid for 5 years.

Should you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Tania Genge, Senior Manager, Research Integrity (

Thursday, 18 February 2021

NHMRC Investigator Grants: MNHS Top 5 Publications Review Initiative

The Faculty Research Office is offering reviews of your Top 5 publications in your Investigator Grant application.  This review is open to all MNHS applicants.

Applicants who participate in this initiative will receive two anonymous reviews of the Top 5 publications section of their application.  Two reviews will take place:

1) One anonymous review will be conducted by members of the Faculty Review Academy, an esteemed cohort of MNHS researchers with extensive NHMRC experience as Fellows and/or reviewers.  
2) A second anonymous peer review by a fellow applicant.  

In order to receive a review, you must conduct a peer review as well.  You will not receive your reviews until you have submitted your peer review.  Reviewers and applicants will be matched by broad research area.  Detailed instructions will be provided to peer reviewers.  It is not necessary to have any reviewer experience to participate.  

Reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.  Applicants can request a review any time before 8 March by filling in this form.  They will receive their review 7-14 days after the request is made. Full instructions can be found in the form.  

Please note, our Investigator Grants: Publications webinars and slides are 
available online to help you get started.  You can also look at examples of success in our Investigator Grant Exemplar Application Library.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please email the Faculty Research Office  (

Young Tall Poppy Science Awards 2021 NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN


This year's Young Tall Poppy Science Awards are now open for nominations, closing 6 April 2021.

These national awards recognise early-career researchers who are passionate science communicators, with excellent research achievements in science, mathematics, engineering, technology, medical research or social/behavioural science. Up to 12 awards have been made annually in Victoria, ahead of the national competition.

Candidates must have graduated from their PhD between 3 and 10 years ago (after accounting for career interruptions), but can be of any age (unlike in previous years). Only Australian/NZ citizens and Australian permanent residents are eligible. Other conditions apply. Candidates will also need the support of a senior nominator in their own field, who will need to participate in completing the nomination.

Online information sessions:

·  AIPS will provide state-level information sessions. Details have not been published to date.

·  Please monitor the AIPS website for updates on session dates/times.

Guidance information can be found in the email circulated on the 15th of February from SCS Research Manager Adrienne Calder.

Application and Submission:

For more information, including nomination procedures, full conditions, and past winners, please see here.

Note: Tuesday 6 April is a University Holiday (Easter Tuesday). Applicants should ensure that they have all the information necessary for submission no later than Wednesday 31 March.

Information about past VIC Tall Poppy winners is available 