Wednesday, 18 November 2020

SCS & Hudson NHMRC Investigator Grant Review 2020 - Call for submissions for 2021 grant proposals

You are invited to be part of the Hudson & SCS Grant Review process of NHMRC Investigator grant applications. Through this process you will receive advice on the strategic direction of your grant and will be allocated reviewers to assist with writing your grant.

To participate in this process, please register your interest by completing the Google Form by Monday 30 Nov, 2020. You will need to indicate whether the grant is a resubmission or new and proposed reviewers.

Published guidelines and Guide to applicants are estimated to be released by the NHMRC in Feb 2021. For last year’s guidelines please visit the Grant Connect.

Please do not hesitate to contact Vanalysa Ly and/or Mai Sarraj if you have any queries.

Gates Foundation grant opportunities and Grand Challenges Annual Meeting videos

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is still accepting applications through the Grand Challenges and Grand Challenges Explorations initiatives for the following three requests for proposals. Their goal is to harness innovation around emerging technologies for transformative solutions to key global health and agricultural development problems, and they seek to anchor the work with the investigators and implementors closest to the problems, who have the knowledge and perspective to direct the right approaches to the right parts of the problems to help ensure success. Please check the website at the links below for the different application deadlines.

Opportunities from our Partners

Keystone Symposia Global Health Series has an upcoming conference. Free registration is available for individuals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) working in science and medicine related fields, and this is open to all career stages:

  • Tuberculosis: Science Aimed at Ending the Epidemic [Virtual Event] – application deadline is November 18, 2020. Learn more here.

Perspective on COVID-19

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation continues to work with the public and private sectors in the global response to COVID-19. To learn more about the foundation’s broader work and how COVID-19 is being addressed across the foundation, please visit the foundation’s website and sign-up for The Optimist newsletter.

Great Ideas Come from Everywhere

You are welcome to read summaries of the grants awarded to date through Grand Challenges initiatives with the Gates Foundation as funder or co-funder and to explore an interactive world map of projects across the broader Grand Challenges funding partner network.

If you have a great idea for one of the open opportunities, please apply.

MRFF Priorities 2020-2022

 Following the recent consultation, the MRFF has now released the updated Priorities for the next 2 years.

As the overarching MRFF Strategies will be reviewed in 2021 we expected very little change to the Priorities and that is indeed the case. The Priorities remain the same as the 2018-2020 document however the text for each one has been updated.

The New Priorities are now on the MRFF website.

If wish to compare it to the previous version to see the changes please find the old version here.

If you have any questions please let Karen McConalogue know.