Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Changes to 2021 NHMRC Grant Program Announced

After much consideration, the NHMRC have released their changes to the upcoming 2021 grant program in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the continuing effect this is having upon the research community.

ANSTO Research Portal for submission of proposals in 2021 - 1 Round

The 2021-1 Round for January- June 2021 access to the following facilities and capabilities at ANSTO is now open  

FMNHS ARC Fellowships Workshop - 3 September 2020

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences invites researchers interested in applying for an ARC Future Fellowship or ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) to join us for a practical workshop via Zoom. The workshop will offer advice and insights into the schemes and application processes. 

Workplace Wellness Conference (Virtual)

Free ticket offer to all Victorian residents!

Below is an open invitation from the Workplace Wellness Festival Team to the Workplace Wellness Conference (Virtual)


DHHS funding to help develop treatment for chronic lung disease in premature babies

A/Prof Rebecca Lim
Congratulations to Associate Professor Rebecca Lim and her team on receiving the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund from the Department of Health and Human Serivices (DHHS) for her research on bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic lung disease that affects extremely premature babies.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

National Stroke Data Linkage Interest Group - Virtual mini conference

Please join the National Stroke Data Linkage Interest Group for the inaugural National Stroke Data Linkage Virtual Conference.