Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Research Data Management Responsibilities Support for Researchers

Last year the Management of Data and Information in Research Guide was published as an accompaniment to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

The Library has created the resource for researchers, which takes the “Responsibilities of Researchers” section of the above Guide, and supplements it with additional information about relevant Library and University services and tools.

MRFF News - Further $12 million for CV and Stroke Research

The Government, together with the National Heart Foundation, is announcing a further $12 million for research to improve treatment of people, including children, suffering cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Rejoinders for ARC Discovery Projects 2021 (DP21) NOW OPEN

The ARC has opened the Discovery Projects 2021 rejoinder process in RMS and has set the close date on Wednesday, 1 July 2020.  You now have access to the assessor comments on your application in RMS and can formulate your rejoinder.  It is not mandatory to submit a rejoinder but it is highly recommended that you do so.

MNHS Research Mentoring Program APPLICATIONS CLOSES FRIDAY 10 JULY 2020

The Faculty is pleased to announce the launch of a new Faculty-wide Research Mentoring Program. This Mentoring program will give our level B and C academics an opportunity to be mentored by a level D or E academic from outside their immediate discipline and we hope it will complement any mentoring programs currently run at the school level. Mentee's may also select a preference for gender and type of mentor (e.g. Clinical) to ensure they get the most out of the program.

Slides from ARC Laureate Session

Many thanks to Profs Joanne Tompkins and Marilyn Fleer for taking the time to share their valuable insights.

Please find slides 1 and 2 from both presentations for your reference. Although the up-coming Laureate round (FL21) doesn't yet have a Grant Opportunity on Grant Connect, the application guidelines can be found here on the FL20 page. The Discovery Program Grant Guidelines 2019 edition published here also applies to FL21. Outcome reports from previous years can be found here

SCS Excellence in Research Award winners announced

Congratulations to the following researchers for winning the SCS Excellence in Research Awards.

Congratulations to 2020 SCS 3MT Winners

Congratulations to our PhD students who presented their exceptional research at this year’s SCS Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition held virtually over 3 days from Wednesday 10 June to Friday 12 June 2020.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Suzanne Miller promoted to Professor

Prof Suzanne Miller
Congratulations to Suzanne Miller on her recent academic promotion to full Professor.  Professor Miller is a NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director of The Ritchie Centre where she leads the Neurodevelopment Theme.