Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Publications 17 June 2020

Personalized Biopsy Schedules Based on Risk of Gleason Upgrading for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance Patients
Anirudh Tomer,... Michael Fahey (Movember Foundation's Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance (GAP3) consortium). published in BJU Int. 2020 Jun 12.  doi: 10.1111/bju.15136. Online ahead of print.

LMO2 Expression Distinguishes T-Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma From Indolent T-Lymphoblastic Proliferations
Nivaz Brar,... George Grigoriadis,... Robert S Ohgami. Histopathology 2020 Jun 11.  doi: 10.1111/his.14176.  Online ahead of print.

Developing a Hypothetical Implementation Framework of Expectations for Monitoring Early Signs of Psychosis Relapse Using a Mobile App: Qualitative Study
Stephanie Allan,... Suresh Sundram (EMPOWER Group); Andrew Gumley. J Med Internet Res . 2019 Oct 24;21(10):e14366.  doi: 10.2196/14366.

Urgent message to staff

Sent on behalf of Professor Eric Morand, Head, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health

Dear staff,

The Vice Chancellor has announced the University’s proposal regarding a way forward in the face of the financial impact on the University sector of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please read carefully the Vice Chancellor’s email from June 9. 

New Opportunity: MRFF - CRR 2020 - OPEN 1 JULY 2020

MRFF - CRR 2020 Rapid Response Digital Health Infrastructure Grant
This grant provides funding for innovative digital health approaches to enable health systems to rapidly respond to high-need emerging challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. 'Digital Health' may include but is not limited to, predictive modelling, digital tools for remote screening, diagnostics and monitoring.

Extension to Ideas Grant close – now due Wednesday 17 June 2020

NHMRC has received feedback that the relatively late full return to face-to-face teaching in Victorian schools on 9 June – just before the advertised closing date for Ideas Grants on 10 June – creates inequities for researchers in different states, as well as for researchers with caring responsibilities, primarily women. Despite measures put in place by some Administering Institutions to support parents to prepare their Ideas Grant applications, we remain concerned that not all researchers will have a reasonable opportunity to produce their best possible grant applications.

In response to this feedback, NHMRC is extending the date for the close of the Ideas Grant scheme by one (1) week to 5:00pm AEST Wednesday 17 June 2020. This is in addition to the five-week extension to the original closing date for the scheme, announced on 27 March, in recognition of the stress, additional caring responsibilities and other disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order not to delay peer review any longer, no further extensions will be considered for applicants.

Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Round 13 - NOW OPEN

The Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Round 13 - COVID-19 Collaborative Research Projects is now open. The AISRF provides grants for collaborative research projects with Indian partners. For Round 13 of the AISRF, your project must involve research in a COVID-19 focused priority area and must be mutually beneficial for Australia and India with outcomes that contribute to the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australia- Indonesia Centre (AIC)- Small and Rapid Research (SRR) grants are now open

Australia- Indonesia Centre (AIC) has established Small and Rapid Research (SRR) grants scheme. SSR grants scheme aims to provide analysis which seeks to inform the policy community about the opportunities to address the impact of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Research Data Management Checklist now available

Under the University's Research Data Management Policy, and the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research (2018), researchers are strongly encouraged to plan how they will manage their data throughout the research project. Funding agencies are also increasing their expectations around data planning, and it is becoming common for this information to be supplied as part of the application or awarding of a grant.

To aid researchers in meeting their research data management requirements, the Library has created a new Research Data Planning Checklist.

REMINDER: 2020 Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme - EOI to MRO on 15 June

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 round of applications will progress as planned however a smaller number of proposals will be funded compared to previous rounds. The Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme is a joint initiative of Universities  Australia and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Germany's national agency   for the support of international academic co-operation.

Monash Research Toolkit

To support Monash’s research community throughout the changing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, the Research Strategy office is launching a Research Toolkit - a website which collates a whole range of resources, templates, tools and live examples to support research continuity as conditions evolve.

REMINDER: ​2020 ECR Publication Prize – ​Applications Close TOMORROW on 11 June

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (MNHS) is committed to developing Faculty-based Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiatives to assist our ECRs in the development of their research careers.  In addition to the emphasis placed on a strong track record in research publications and competitive funding, there is also the requirement for ECRs to secure competitive Prizes & Awards.  In support of this, the Faculty Research Office offers the FMNHS ECR Publication Prize.

SCS staff acknowledged in recent Monash University promotions

Congratulations to all School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health  staff who were successful in this year's Monash University academic promotions round!  This round, we add four Associate Professors and two Senior Lecturers to our group.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Please watch and vote - Virtual SCS-Hudson 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Finals, 10-12 June 2020

Sent on behalf of Professor Kate Loveland and the SCS-HISS Postgraduate Team

This year, the SCS-Hudson 3MT Final is held virtually,

Congratulations Dr Rachel Hill - recipient of One in Five research grant!

Dr Rachel Hill
Congratulations to Dr Rachel Hill, Head of Behavioural Neuroscience Lab, Department of Psychiatry, who was recently awarded a research grant from One in Five, following her lab's recent breakthrough findings on the identification of a new genetic mutation in schizophrenia.

SCS Awards for Excellence 2020

Nominations are now open for SCS Awards for Excellence 2020 (categories below).  Please note that applications due 5:00 pm, Friday 19 June 2020.  Please e-mail nomination form and submission (document addressing selection criteria) to:

Monday, 8 June 2020

Men's Health Week- Wayne Schwass

Men’s Health Week at Monash will start on Monday 15 June and to raise awareness of men’s health week we have partnered up with Medibank to have Wayne Schwass deliver a presentation for Monash.