Thursday, 30 April 2020

2020 Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation scheme

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 round of applications will progress as planned however a smaller number of proposals will be funded compared to previous rounds.

COVID-19 'Free to Access, Access to Free' e-resources

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of content providers are offering temporary free access to scholarly content and collections (removing paywalls), or offering free access to their content on platforms where Monash is already a subscriber (free to subscribers).

Ferring COVID-19 Investigational Grants

During this challenging time, Ferring remains committed to building families worldwide and to supporting them from conception to birth. Ferring is funding exploratory, basic and clinical research grants to collect data and expand knowledge on the effects of COVID-19 on reproduction, pregnancy and neonatal health.

Responding to Public Enquiries on COVID-19 'Cures'

Public interest in research has increased as a result of COVID-19, and many of our researchers are receiving a higher volume of queries from the public.

The Faculty have developed a standard response to help make it quicker for you to respond to queries from the public, approved by the Universities media and legal teams. Please see the COVID-19 intranet page.

AXA Exceptional Flash Call for Proposals on COVID-19

In response to the current COVID-19 crisis, the AXA Research Fund Team is launching a flash call for projects: Mitigating risk in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Mindful May

Being in isolation and working from home has changed our daily routines.  We all may be feeling alone and wondering "when is this going to end?"

Christie Bennett awarded PhD

Dr Christie Bennett
Congratulations to Christie Bennett from the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food who was last week awarded her PhD.

Christie's PhD was entitled 'Sleep during pregnancy: a novel opportunity to change the health of two generations.' Her research found that sleep in pregnancy does have a relationship with maternal diet and post-partum mental health.

What is psoriatic arthritis, the condition Kim Kardashian West lives with?

Dr Fabien Vincent
While psoriasis is a common chronic skin condition, less is known about psoriatic arthritis, a more debilitating disease that affects the distal and peripheral joints. Thanks to Kim Kardashian, psoriatic arthritis has been put in the spotlight. SCS’ Dr Fabien Vincent published an explainer in The Conversation about what the condition really is. Read the full story here.

2020 Prizes & Awards (P&A) Calendar

Please refer to the Prizes & Awards (P&A) Calendar for opportunities closing in 2020 here. Dates are subject to change for all prizes and awards, and many have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sustainable Healthcare: Medical Journal of Australia themed issue launch

Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI) invites you to the online launch of the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) themed issue on Sustainable Healthcare. This is the first in a series of Planetary Health Dialogues.

REMINDER: NHMRC Ideas Grants Minimum Data

A friendly reminder that Minimum Data Compliance date for Ideas Grants is in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

29th April 2020 Publications

Pre-existing Comorbidity Burden and Patient Perceived Stroke Impact.
Sewell K et al published in International Journal of stroke.

Rare germline genetic variants and risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
Nguyen-Dumont T et al published in International Journal of Cancer

Anifrolumab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Reply.
Morand EF The New England Journal of Medicine