Professor Euan Wallace |
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Number of caesarean twin deliveries triples
MRFF- Million Minds - Suicide Prevention
Up to $8M is available over 4 years to support research into interventions that aim to reduce the rate of suicide in Australia, and will contribute to the evidence base around what works to reduce suicide in Australia.
Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Needs Grant Opportunities - MRO Guidance and Checklist
Please see here the MRO Guidance and Checklist for the MRFF Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Needs Initiative, which includes the grant opportunities
ARC Discovery Indigenous Projects (IN21)
The ARC's Discovery Indigenous (IN21) is now OPEN. The Discovery Indigenous scheme provides grant funding to support research projects led by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researcher.
ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility information session
The MRO is pleased to offer an upcoming interactive session for prospective ARC applicants on the subject of the ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility:
Monash Research Office - One on One Researcher Information Sessions
With the ARC Major Round on the horizon, you may have questions regarding eligibility, staying clear of the Medical Research Policy, how best to address the selection criteria, or you may need a clarification of the Funding Rules as relevant to your particular scenario.
MRFF - Ovarian Cancer Research Grant
Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative, National Women's Health Strategy 2019 Ovarian Cancer Research Grant.
Indigenous Curriculum Working Group receive VC Award
Last chance to register for SCS end-of-year celebration!
This is your last chance to register for the SCS end-of-year celebration being held on Thursday, 19 December at the Sandringham Yacht Club.
MRFF National Critical Infrastructure Initiative - Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure Grant
New and innovative approaches to enhancing and improving clinical trial infrastructure (including facilities, research equipment, systems and services) - by extending existing or providing new clinical trials into rural, regional and remote areas - holds the potential to address many of the existing barriers, such as distance, geographical isolation and workforce capacity.
Publications 27th Nov 2019
Reply to Rana's comment on sleep and sleep disordered breathing in children with Down syndrome.
Horne R S et al published in Sleep Medicine Reviews
Cardiovascular Autonomic Control Is Altered in Children Born Preterm with Sleep Disordered Breathing.
Thomas B et al published in The Journal of Pediatrics
Waking up too early - the consequences of preterm birth on sleep development.
Bennet L et al published in The Journal of Physiology
Horne R S et al published in Sleep Medicine Reviews
Cardiovascular Autonomic Control Is Altered in Children Born Preterm with Sleep Disordered Breathing.
Thomas B et al published in The Journal of Pediatrics
Waking up too early - the consequences of preterm birth on sleep development.
Bennet L et al published in The Journal of Physiology