Thursday, 28 November 2019

Lifetime achievement award for reproductive health research

Women’s reproductive health expert Professor Lois Salamonsen has been awarded a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, acknowledging her extensive contributions to human health and wellbeing. Read the full story here.

Call for Nominations: FMNHS OHS Committee Representative Membership 2020-2022

The current membership term of the Faculty OHS committee ceases at the end of 2019. The Faculty is therefore seeking nominations for representation on the OHS Committee for the next three years (2020 -2022). Previous committee members are eligible to apply.

Important end-of-year HR dates

Please refer to the flyer for important end-of-year HR dates covering payroll submissions & payments, the advertising of positions, ESS timesheets, and the issuing of contracts.

SCS Health and Wellbeing Survey

Monash University offers Health And Wellbeing services, programs and resources to keep us healthy in mind and body. At SCS, we can have these programs held on-site at MMC-MHTP, provided we meet the minimum staff participation numbers.

Summary of open calls for the Summer of MRFF Grants

We are gearing up for a busy Summer of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Grant Opportunities!

ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility

The MRO is pleased to offer an upcoming interactive session for prospective ARC applicants on the subject of the ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility.

MRFF - Pharmacogenomics research to improve mental health care

In recent months we have seen many delays in the MRFF. This is to update you on the recently announced $7M grant round for ground-breaking research into the use of Pharmacogenomics to improve mental health treatment outcomes and help reduce suicide.

Upcoming supervisor training

Do you have supervisors looking for training that will help them to better communicate with their students, or do you have academics new to your department that need to be accredited?

Success for SCS and Monash Health ED staff at ACEM

Congratulations to SCS and Monash Health ED staff on their recent successes at the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Annual Scientific Meeting held in Hobart from 17-21 November.

Using simulation to improve outcomes for babies in Myanmar

A Monash University researcher has used simulation to teach local Myanmar surgeons how to treat a common yet life-threatening condition affecting babies.

ARC DECRA 2021 (DE21) Faculty Resources and Internal Processes

The Faculty Research Office (FRO) has launched a new online resource for FMNHS ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher (DECRA) fellowship applicants to provide you with up-to-date advice and information to help you prepare your application.

Addendum to MRFF Reproductive Cancer Clinical Trial guidelines

Futher to last week's notice on the MRFF Clinical Trials, please note that the Reproductive Cancer Clinical Trial guidelines does not include prostate cancer.

FMNHS Staff Induction Handbook

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences has developed a Staff Induction Handbook for new academic and professional staff which contains a wealth of general information to help make the transition to Monash a little easier.

Survey: Increasing women's participation in Australian Research Council (ARC) grant processes

The ARC is seeking input into their proposals to increase the participation of women in ARC-funded research.