Thursday, 21 November 2019

Ian Potter Foundation Medial Research EOI

The Ian Potter Foundation Medical Research funding round is now open.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Monash researchers identify attainable treatment target for lupus patients

Dr Vera Golder 
For the first time, Monash researchers have identified an attainable treatment target for systemic lupus erythematosus – also known as SLE or lupus – called Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS), which has shown to be associated with a significant reduction in irreversible end organ damage – a factor that contributes to premature death in patients.

Reminder to register: MHTP ECR Speed Networking Event

All ECRs are invited to attend the annual MHTP ECR Speed Networking Event. Attendees will be eligible to apply for the inaugural 'Andrew Ramsden MHTP ECR Collaborative Award'.

'Accelerating Innovation Worldwide' with Johnson & Johnson's Dr Paul Stoffels M.D.

The Johnson and Johnson Innovation Partnering Office invites you to this free event on 'Accelerating Innovation Worldwide'. The event is suited to anyone with an interest in the broader lifesciences ecosystem, with the keynote presentation by Dr Paul Stoffels M.D., Vice Chair, Executive Committee and Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & Johnson.

Ditch the waste

There are many ways you can contribute to minimising waste and your impact on the environment. But are you doing your bit to 'ditch the waste'?

Sensory Scientific Exhibition

We're opening the world of cancer research to the blind and low vision community with the Sensory Scientific Exhibition and Discovery Day on Friday, 6 December at the Monash Univerity, Clayton campus. We'll have 3D tactile displays, hands-on activities and more! Follow the link for more information and to register.

Now Open in RMS - ARC Discovery Projects (DP21)

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has opened the 2021 Discovery Projects (DP21) round in RMS.

SCS OHS committee - call for agenda items

The next SCS OHS committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 December 2019. Please send any items for discussion to Meeting minutes are available on the intranet here.

MRFF Clinical Trial opportunities NOW OPEN

Four rounds of MRFF clinical trials under the Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Grant Opportunity are NOW open via the NHMRC.

ARC FT20: Eligibility and Compliance check reminder

As the ARC deadline, 27 November, draws closer, we want to be sure that you are making progress on your applications and following the mandatory MRO submission processes.


NHMRC Equipment Grants are now open for application in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS).  These funds are to be used for equipment purchased in 2019 or 2020, but must be fully expended by the end of December 2020.