Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Register for Transgender Awareness Training

The Monash Ally Network invite you to one of their upcoming Transgender Awareness sessions.

Helping you stay safe

Recently there has been an increase in the number of crime related incidences around the Monash University and MMC area. Making sure you always feel safe is something we take very seriously.

Do you need your profile picture shot?

Our photographer, Ger Hynes, from Hynesite Photography will be on site on Tuesday 11 June from 10.00am until 12noon.

Should we be ditching our smartphones?

If you were to ask SCS's Head of School, Professor Eric Morand, the answer would be unequivocally 'yes'.

Eric was recently interviewed for an article, published in The Age on June 1, about his decision to ditch his smartphone. Having parted ways with it two years ago, Eric says, "I sleep better, I think more clearly and I'm more productive at work."

Read the full article here

Dr Ayse Zengin - championing for gender equity in STEM

Dr Ayse Zengin hopes that one day gender equity can be achieved in STEM. So, when the Australian Academy of Science reached out asking for women in the STEM community to feature in their Women in STEM Decadal Plan, Ayse was only too happy to oblige.

The MLC-ALUCA-Monash Prize for Industry Collaboration for Health Students

The competition provides allied health graduates with the opportunity to create new networks, win some money and even complete an internship with MLC Life Insurance.

2019 MHTP Open Day

All prospective research students are invited to explore the postgraduate research opportunities (Honours, Masters and Phd projects for 2020 intake) available to you at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP).