Wednesday, 27 March 2019

CSL Research Acceleration Initiative Information Session - REMINDER

Monash University, CSL and Hudson Institute of Medical Research invite you to attend the Research Acceleration Initiative Information Session on the Clayton campus on Tuesday 2 April. For further details please refer to our previous e-News post

Closure of the stair and pedestrian ramp between the MHRP Building and Carpark K

In order to excavate and install the electrical services to the main switch board, carpark access, stair access and ramp access to north of Building 262 (the MHRP Building) is closed.

Tall Poppy Awards Presentation - Tuesday 2 April

The Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) will be visiting the Clayton campus next Tuesday to speak about the Tall Poppy Awards.

Blood vessels like a 70 year old: Scientists find cause of fetal growth restriction

Around 5 percent of babies born in Australia are just a third of the size they should be and suffer lifelong health complications as part of a condition known as fetal growth restriction (FGR).

FGR means their growth slows or stops during pregnancy, often due to problems with the placenta, but the exact cause is a mystery. If severe, the baby is delivered prematurely, increasing the risk of death or health problems.

Now, Monash University research has found the answer lies in the blood vessels of the placenta and newborn.

SCS awardees at annual Perinatal Congress

School of Clinical Sciences student, Ashwin Ramanathan, and Dr Lindsay Zhou, a neonatal fellow in Monash Newborn, Monash Children’s Hospital and a tutor in the Department of Paediatrics, have taken out awards at the annual Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) Congress held on the Gold Coast last week.

Call for proposals - Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) 2019 (Cycle 1)

Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) is a unique joint drug discovery model focused on collaborating with leading academic medical centers to rapidly translate novel target opportunities into new medicines.


The NHMRC grants scheme for applications in RGMS is closing soon.

Applications now open - FMNHS Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019 (Round 2)

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS) will provide competitive funding in 2019 to support the career development of promising newly-qualified postdoctoral researchers and final year PhD students.

Coupa is LIVE!

Coupa, our exciting, innovative and user friendly purchasing platform is now LIVE.

Last call to update Honours and Graduate Research projects for 2020

The deadline to submit your student research projects in Supervisor Connect has been extended until this Friday 29 March. All submissions must be received by this date in order to make the print deadline.

Expressions of Interest are closing for the 2019 BHERT Awards

Expressions of Interest (EoIs) for the 2019 BHERT Awards are closing on Tuesday 16 April 2019.