Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Publications for 12th March 2019
Ovarian ageing and the impact on female fertility.
Beverley Vollenhoven et al published in F1000Res
A case of accidental neonatal paracetamol overdose with prolonged half-life and measured metabolites.
Andis Graudins, Anselm Wong et al published in Journal of Clinical Toxicology
Effects of Maternal Sildenafil Treatment on Vascular Function in Growth-Restricted Fetal Sheep.
Beverley Vollenhoven et al published in F1000Res
A case of accidental neonatal paracetamol overdose with prolonged half-life and measured metabolites.
Andis Graudins, Anselm Wong et al published in Journal of Clinical Toxicology
Effects of Maternal Sildenafil Treatment on Vascular Function in Growth-Restricted Fetal Sheep.
Polglase GR et al published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Journal