Monday, 8 October 2018

A step closer to understanding and treating lupus

Dr Joshua Ooi
Monash University researcher Dr Joshua Ooi, alongside co-investigators Professor Eric Morand and Professor Jamie Rossjohn, will be one step closer to developing a potential therapy for lupus, thanks to a highly competitive $400,000 Novel Research Grant awarded by the Lupus Research Alliance.

Alan McCubbin 3MT presentation 2018

Alan's PhD is examining how much sodium athletes need to enhance performance

Diana Egerton-Warburton receives academic promotion at Monash University

Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton

Monash Health emergency physician Diana Egerton-Warburton has been recognised for her research and educational leadership with an academic promotion at Monash University.

Age is a risk factor for infection after stroke

Dr Shu Wen Wen with Professor Don Welsh,
co-chair of the local organising committee
Monash University’s Dr Shu Wen Wen was recognised for her research into the risk of bacterial infection after stroke, winning a prestigious poster prize at the World Congress for Microcirculation in Vancouver, Canada last month.

Medical assistance in dying: a disruption of therapeutic relationships

Medical assistance in dying may disrupt therapeutic relationships and will challenge beliefs.

Endorsement for Ross Coppel, election to University Council

Prof Ross Coppel
Professor Ross Coppel is standing for re-election as staff representative on University Council. Professor Eric Morand and Faculty General Manager Tim Stephens are urging staff to support his election (all staff were emailed a voting link today). 

Welcome Liam Abel-Welch

Congratulations Nicola Abel and her partner Andrew on the birth of their son, Liam Abel-Welch last Wednesday 3rd October.  Liam came into the world weighing 4060g and measuring 540mm.  

MHTP Research Symposium, 7-9 November 2018

Ian Frazer
Prof Ian Frazer AC

Why should you attend the MHTP Research Symposium?

  • Discover some of the ground-breaking research being conducted at our precinct.
  • Network with colleagues from other disciplines – you may meet a potential collaborator!
  • Learn about the translational impact of our research.


What's on at MHTP week ending 12 September 2018

School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) has regular seminar series and postgraduate presentations.  Please visit the MHTP events page for all upcoming events.

Registration is now open for the MMI-MHTP FIJI Intermediate Workshop, 16 October

This half day FIJI Intermediate workshop will provide a great follow up to our Basics workshop, moving into more advanced image correction and image analysis techniques. Sessions are open to all staff and students, and you do not have to be a registered MMI user to attend.

Details here

MRO Summary Notes and NHMRC Slides from NHMRC's New Grant Program Presentation at Monash

Attached HERE are MRO summary notes and the presentation slides from the presentation by Saraid Billiards, Scientific Outreach Director of NHMRC. This presentation which occurred at Monash on the 12th of September included information about some of the decision making with regard to the new NHMRC funding program, including submission dates, some of the eligibility criteria and assessment decisions. 

Animal Ethics Office changeover

The Animal Ethics Office is now based at Hudson (for animal Ethics committees MMCA and MMCB).  Please direct all your animal ethics enquiries and associated business to the following address:

Monash Histology Platform at MHTP has relocated to Level 4 MHRP

From Monday 8th October our new location is Level 4, Rooms 4.34 and 4.35, MHRP (directly above our current location).  

MMC/MCH Event Alert: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month   Monash BreastScreen is opening specific screening appointments in October for employees and volunteers only.