Monday, 24 September 2018

Monash University welcomes renowned cardiologist to lead Victorian Heart Hospital

Professor Stephen Nicholls

World-renowned cardiologist and researcher Stephen Nicholls will join Monash University as Professor of Cardiology and will also lead the new Victorian Heart Hospital (VHH).

Professor Melissa Southey delivers prestigious Jass Memorial Lecture

Professor Melissa Southey receives
 the 'Jass Memorial Lecture Microscope'
from Professor John Hopper

Monash University’s Chair of Precision Medicine, Professor Melissa Southey was invited to deliver the highly prestigious Jass Memorial Lecture at the Familial Aspects of Cancer: Research and Practice scientific meeting in Kingscliff, NSW earlier this month.

Monash Heath Award for improving lung outcomes for premature babies

Dr Atul Malhotra and Dr Rebecca Lim
The team behind a world-first trial using cells from the human placenta to repair the lungs of premature babies has been awarded a Monash Health Award for improving healthcare through clinical research.

Upcoming ARC Discovery Program - Key Dates & Funding Rules

The ARC has released the Grant Guidelines for the Discovery Program (2018 edition).  They are now available on GrantConnect, and are attached here

SCS Career Development Fellowship for Part-Time Women Researchers

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) strives to undertake high-quality, high-impact research. The successful candidate will be appointed up to 0.5 FTE at academic Level B.