Monday, 9 July 2018

What's on at SCS

School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) has regular seminar series and postgraduate presentations.   SCS staff and students can see more details of events at the SCS Intranet Announcement and events page.

Wed 11/07/2018 07:30 (Preliminary) results of the Monash Health Lymphoma flagship
12:30 Grand Round, "Managing Asthma: a changed landscape"
Thur 12/07/2018 12:00 Supporting and Stimulating Breathing Effort of Preterm Infants at Birth
13:00 Life and Death in RACS
Tue 17/07/2018 12:30 UniSuper - Lunch and Learn session
Thur 26/07/2018 16:00 Dean's forum at SCS
Tue 31/07/2018 09:30 Early Career Researcher Program Getting Started in your Research Career
Wed 22/08/2018 12:00 Mixed methods research in health: introduction to group concept mapping methodology
Thur 27/09/2018 16:00 MHTP Have you got talent?

Pioneer in kidney transplantation recognised in Queen’s Birthday honours

Professor Vernon Marshall and
Dr Catherine Marshall

While Vernon Marshall may not be a household name in Australia, his contribution to medical science through his innovative work in kidney transplantation is known around the world.

Last month, Monash University’s Emeritus Professor Vernon Marshall was among the 68 Australians recognised as Officers in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AO) for his distinguished service to medicine, particularly to renal transplant surgery and organ preservation, and to accreditation and professional standards, as an academic, author and clinician.

Professor Marshall was one of the first surgeons in the world to develop an artificial kidney and one of the first in Australia to perform a kidney transplant.

With his interests focused on surgical metabolism, his work was instrumental in setting up renal dialysis and kidney transplantation.

New treatment for adolescent depression recognised with Monash Health Award

A/Prof Glenn Melvin, Ms Chris Pavlou, A/Prof Michael Gordon

A collaborative project between Monash Health and Monash University to improve outcomes for
adolescents with depression won the ‘Excellence in Supporting the Mental health and Well-Being of Victorians’ Monash Health Award last week.

The pilot project involved Monash University’s Associate Professor Glenn Melvin, Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology, Associate Professor Michael Gordon, Unit Head, ELMHS and Chris Pavlou, discipline senior, ELMHS.

The study aimed to determine if transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an effective treatment for adolescent depression.

Congratulations to our 3MT competition winners

(L-R) Ai-Ming Wong, Nicole Free, Aidan Kashyap,
Ishmael (Mikee) Inocencio, Nazanin Karimnia, Annie Cox

Congratulations to all of our PhD students who participated in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) / Hudson Institute Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Final.

A special congratulations to our winners in both the senior and junior categories:

Senior category:

First prize: Aidan Kashyap

Second prize: Nicole Free 

Third prize: Ai-Ming Wong

People's Choice Award: Ishmael (Mikee) Inocencio

Junior category:

First prize: Nazanin Karimnia

Second prize: Annie Cox

Aidan will compete at the Faculty 3MT finals.

2018 Victoria Prize for Science & Innovation and Victoria Fellowships - Call Open

The Hon Philip Dalidakis, Minister for Trade & Investment, Innovation & the Digital Economy and Small Business, today called for nominations for two of Victoria’s most prestigious science and innovation programs - The Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation, and The Victoria Fellowships.

The Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation celebrates leadership, determination and creativity, highlighting the many ways in which research and development of international significance are conducted in Victoria.
We are seeking leading Victorian scientists and researchers in the life and physical sciences, who have made, or have the potential to make, a significant scientific discovery or technological innovation. If you know someone who fits this description, nominate them for the 2018 Victoria Prize for Science & Innovation valued at $50,000. 
Download the nomination guide, nomination form and referee report here.
Nominations must be received by 2.00pm on Wednesday, 25 July 2018.

The Victoria Fellowships recognise the important role of innovation in Victoria's economic future and the need for Victorians to be skilled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Are you one of Victoria's emerging scientists or researchers? Would a grant to support an overseas study mission further your research career or help develop an innovative idea? If so, apply for a 2018 Victoria Fellowship in the life or physical sciences, valued at up to $18,000.
Victoria Fellowships provide a travel grant to undertake a short-term overseas study mission to assist in developing a commercial idea; undertaking specialist training; or career development not available in Australia. Additionally, Fellows can apply for the Australian French Association for Science and Technology (AFAS) Associate Award valued at up to $3,500.
Download the application guide, application form and referee report here.
Applications and Referee Reports must be received by 2.00pm on Wednesday, 25 July 2018.

Monash Animal Research Ethics Update – June 2018


1.    Notification of Central Animal Ethics Staff changes
2.    Animal Ethics Information Sessions - notification of new date
3.     On-Line Animal Ethics Applications - Update for MARP / SBS AECs
4.    Workplace - the end to the AREU?
5.    Release of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of
Research, 2018 & what it means for Animal Ethics
6.    Common Mistakes when filling out the Application Form
7.    Researchers moving to Monash - Transferring of AEC applications -
no longer allowed
8.    RMIT - Animal Ethics Seminar - Save the date - Friday 31 August 2018
9.    On-Line Animal Ethics Resources
10.    Animal Ethics Regulations, Guidelines, Codes, Training & Information

Attached or available from the web at:

UniSuper - Lunch and Learn session, 17 July

Tuesday, 17 July,  12:30- 1.30pm,  Seminar room 2, TRF

Matt Adams, Employer Partnership Manager from UniSuper will be presenting to SCS and Hudson Institute Staff about the importance of your superannuation.

The rules and terminology surrounding super are complicated. Coupled with this, the rules tend to change from year to year. So, it’s understandable if it all seems a little daunting.

Scholarship opportunity for the BMJ-IHI International Forum – September 2018

Anticipated to attract more than 1200 healthcare quality and safety specialists from across the world, this is the first time the IHI-BMJ Asia-Pacific forum will be held in Australia. Hosting it in Melbourne offers a unique opportunity for Victorian medical, nursing, allied health, health science students, and early graduates, to attend. 

The forum promises to be unmissable for anyone with a passion for improving quality and safety in healthcare, bringing together professionals from around the world to share the latest developments in best practice and build international networks.

This year, the International Forum is expanding to encompass the work of emerging quality leaders. From students to postgraduate year two, we encourage you to submit an abstract for presentation at the BMJ International Forum.

Submitting an abstract to the Students & Juniors Program gives you the opportunity to present your work on the 3 minute thesis stage, display a poster and have your abstract included in the conference proceedings. 

Early Career Researcher Program Getting Started in your Research Career, 31 July

Tuesday 31 July, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Location:  Clayton

This workshop will offer you important guidance on setting yourself up for success as a new researcher. It will assist you in negotiating your role and career strategy, and identifying suitable strategies to build a platform for your ongoing success. The workshop will offer you opportunities to explore particular challenges and to identify learning goals to be pursued in the coming months.

Registrations for ECR events will be managed through myDevelopment. You can find activities specific to ECR's by searching using the prefix 'ECR' when browsing for activities.
At the conclusion of each session, please stay and enjoy refreshments whilst you network with each other, the facilitators and presenters.

Library amnesty on overdue items for July

An amnesty on overdue Monash Health Library items will run for the entire month of July.

•             This affects items on loan from any of our five libraries
•             Items may be returned to any location – Clayton, Dandenong, Casey, Moorabbin or Kingston
•             After-hours chutes are available outside each library

We hope this amnesty will encourage people to have a good look around for items they may have overlooked or “forgotten” to return.

Overdue fines and/or replacement charges will be reversed when the item is returned.

For more information please contact

Shavi Fernando's research sheds light on the effects of melatonin on IVF

Dr Shavi Fernando

Congratulations to Dr Shavi Fernando on completion of his PhD at Monash University.

Shavi conducted a pilot double blind placebo controlled dose-response randomised trial assessing the impact of melatonin on the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (the MIART trial). 

"I randomised women undergoing their first cycle of IVF to receive an oral placebo or any one of three different doses of melatonin during ovarian stimulation," Shavi said.