Monday, 23 October 2017

Internationally renowned nephrologist receives academic promotion at Monash

Professor Kevan Polkinghorne
Nephrologist Kevan Polkinghorne was recently recognised for his clinical and research achievements, receiving an academic promotion at Monash University.

Head of Haemodialysis Programme at Monash Health, Professor Polkinghorne’s research interests are in haemodialysis and chronic kidney disease.  Internationally regarded as haemodialysis vascular access expert, Professor Polkinghorne’s early research led to the recognition of the important link between haemodialysis vascular access type and mortality in Australia and New Zealand.

“My PhD research led to reporting and practice changes with ANZDATA registry and nephrology unit across Australia and New Zealand, and I led the first CARI guidelines (the Australian and New Zealand kidney guidelines group) evidence implementation project to change clinical practice,” Professor Polkinghorne said. 

Professor Polkinghorne’s current major projects include two multicentre randomised controlled trials, investigating ways of improving outcomes for haemodialysis patients.

“I’m leading an NHMRC-funded joint Canadian/Australian randomised trial to determine if high dose fish oil in haemodialysis patients affects cardiovascular outcomes,” Professor Polkinghorne said.

“This study aims to recruit 1200 haemodialysis patients across Canada and Australia and builds upon a previous small randomised trial performed in Canada that suggested a benefit of fish oil on cardiac haemodialysis patients.”

Cardiovascular events are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in dialysis patients and traditional therapies which are effective in the general population, such as the statins to lower cholesterol, are not effective in this patient population.

Professor Polkinghorne said there is a real need to test more novel therapies in this population. The trial has commenced in Canada with recruitment in Australia to begin next month.

This trial continues Professor Polkinghorne’s interest in fish as an agent in haemodialysis following completion of another randomised trial of its use in early arteriovenous fistula failure, published in JAMA Int Med earlier this year where he was the senior author.

In another NHMRC-funded study, Professor Polkinghorne is a chief investigator on a project implementing a structured intervention aimed at bacteraemia related to central venous catheter use in haemodialysis patients.

Bacteraemia related from dialysis catheters is a major source of patient morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients and costs the healthcare system substantial amounts of money each year.

“This project is a multi-million dollar partnership between the NHMRC, Kidney Health Australia, the CARI guideline group, the Victorian and Queensland health departments and more than 30 hospitals throughout Australia,” Professor Polkinghorne said.

“Using a stepped-wedge, cluster trial design we will implement a treatment bundle where all aspects of catheter management from insertion to removal is standardised with the hope of reducing catheter sepsis and complications.”

“Previous work in the ICU settling has shown this approach to be effective so we hope to replicate these results to the dialysis settling.” 

Professor Polkinghorne’s other research interests include the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease with his work on the kidney aspects of the AusDiab chort study.  Professor Polkinghorne has published more than 144 peer-reviewed papers, including in the JAMA and the NEJM.

He has co-supervised two PhD students to completion and is currently supervising three PhD candidates.

Professor Polkinghorne said his academic promotion is nice recognition—both personally and professionally—for all the work he has done.

“I especially acknowledge Professor Peter Kerr for encouraging me to do my PhD in clinical research, which back when I did it, was almost unheard of in nephrology,” Professor Polkinghorne said. 

Award winning MonashHeart research shows valve repositioning is safe for cardiac patients

MonashHeart’s Dr Hashrul Rashid, recently recognised with a Monash Health Award for “Improving Healthcare through Clinical Research”, is congratulated as the only trainee doctor and Monash University research student to win a Monash Health Award.

Dr Rashid’s winning project was part of his PhD entitled “Diseases of the Aorto-Ventricular Interface and Valvular Therapeutics: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) and the role of Multi-Detector CT in improving clinical outcomes". 

MonashHEART has been a pioneer in the field of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), a novel method to treat severe aortic valve disease percutaneously (rather than open heart surgery) and is also a world-leader in cardiac CT,” said Dr Rashid, a cardiology registrar at MonashHeart and graduate research student in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS).

“I decided to combine these two MonashHeart strengths and looked at how we can improve clinical outcomes in TAVR procedures with this imaging modality.”

Dr Rashid examined the clinical outcomes of valve repositioning with a next-generation TAVR device, the Lotus Valve system.

“This device is unique as it allows complete valve repositionability to improve its deployment accuracy, which isn't possible with first-generation TAVR devices.”

“Though the benefit of a repositionable valve is clear (improved accuracy, less valve complications), the safety of valve repositioning was unclear (theoretical risk of stroke due to dislodged calcified debris),” Dr Rashid said.

“For the first time, our study has demonstrated that valve repositioning does not lead to harmful complications.”

“In fact, there was a trend towards reduced pacemaker rates, which was a positive outcome, and in addition to this, our complication rates were similar or even better than the landmark clinical trials, showcasing our expertise in this field.”

Dr Rashid presented this project at the TCT Asia Pacific, the largest interventional cardiology conference in this region, and was awarded the TCTAP 2016 Best Abstract Award for his work.  His research was also published in the prestigious Journal of Cardiology earlier this year.

Dr Rashid is supervised by Professor James Cameron and Associate Professor Arthur Nasis at the Monash Cardiovascular Research Centre and he thanks them and his MonashHeart colleagues for their guidance and advice throughout his research and clinical career. 

International award and fellowship for Monash haematologist will improve outcomes for lymphoma patients

Dr Gareth Gregory
Monash haematologist Dr Gareth Gregory has been recognised as an international expert in aggressive lymphoma, recently receiving the European Hematology Association Clinical Research Training in Hematology Award.

Following a highly competitive application process, Dr Gregory was one of only 15 international early career academic haematologists selected who demonstrated success in clinical research.  Only two were awarded to recipients outside Europe.

The Award consists of three workshops in Europe over the next nine months, where Dr Gregory will network with world-leading haematologist clinician-researchers to hone clinical trial design and execution.

“I have a passion for translational research in order to improve outcomes for patients afflicted by blood cancer,” Dr Gregory said.

My interest in this field has led to a number of clinical and preclinical projects, including my PhD research in which I identified novel oncogenic dependencies of aggressive lymphoma.”

Recent translation of my findings has led to an international phase I clinical trial of new therapies at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) to treat aggressive lymphoma.”

This award provides Dr Gregory with the opportunity to learn from global leaders in the haematology research community, with the ultimate aim of creating successful investigator-initiated clinical trials to run from the MHTP to benefit Australian patients.

In further success, Dr Gregory has also been awarded the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) Early Career Practitioner Fellowship for 2018.

This fellowship bridges the difficult divide between award of a PhD and eligibility for other early career funding opportunities,” Dr Gregory said.

“The fellowship will enable me to consolidate my role as a clinician-researcher within the MHTP and to create a comprehensive lymphoma translational research group to complement the expanding haematology and oncology presence in the precinct.”

“I am very excited to be working alongside leading researchers in this area including Professors Segalov and Southey and Associate Professors Shortt and Azad.”

Dr Gregory said all of these opportunities are the result of the vision to expand haematology clinical and research activities within Monash Health and Monash University and none would have been possible without the personal mentorship from Unit Head, Professor Stephen Opat, and his PhD supervisor Associate Professor Jake Shortt. 

“I am very excited for the continued growth of these services and the bright future for haematology research within the Monash network.”

Monash medical students awarded prestigious VMIAL scholarships

Dr Colette Reeves, Ms Helen Huang, Ms Emily Lin, 
Professor Eric Morand, and Dr John Locke
Generous scholarships from Victorian Medical Insurance Agency Ltd (VMIAL) are enabling Monash medical students’ research into autoimmune disease and cervical spine injury.

Medical students Ms Emily Lin and Ms Helen Huang were awarded prestigious PSA Insurance Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Scholarships this year to undertake a year of research at the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS).

Funded by VMIAL, the PSA Insurance scholarships cover the students’ course fees and on-campus accommodation.  A feature of these scholarships is the recipients’ opportunity to provide tutoring and mentoring to junior medical students residing in campus accommodation.

VMIAL Board members Dr Colette Reeves and Dr John Locke visited the School of Clinical Sciences last week to meet the scholarship recipients and to hear about their research activities.

“My project focuses on systemic sclerosis (SSc), an autoimmune connective tissue disorder of which the causes are unknown,” Emily said.

“I’m investigating the relationship between SSc and several cytokines and have found that specific cytokines are associated with specific subtypes of SSc. This information can be used to help understand how SSc develops and may inform the development of future therapies.”

Emily said the PSA Insurance scholarship has made a significant and positive contribution to her educational experiences.

“As a part of the scholarship, I was given the opportunity to mentor and teach junior medical students, which I really enjoyed and overall resulted in my BMedSc(Hons) year being an integrated and fulfilling experience,” Emily said.

“I’ve been introduced to the exciting world of research with all its hurdles and steep learning curves, developed a passion to pursue research as a clinician-scientist, and have become involved in the guidance and education of junior medical students!”

“I’m incredibly grateful for the growth and support I’ve experienced this year from the Rheumatology Research Group at Monash Medical Centre, the BMedSc(Hons) course, and VMIAL for their benefaction and encouragement in the pursuit of knowledge.”

Fellow student and scholarship recipient Helen Huang is investigating suspected cervical spine injury (CSI), a common presentation in Emergency Departments.

“Despite frequent use of cervical spine immobilisation, there is limited evidence for this practice in a low-risk, non-major trauma setting,” Helen said.

“My research has shown that while the rate of imaging and immobilization is high, the actual incidence is low, and there is scope to reduce the rate of cervical spine imaging and immobilisation in some patients without causing additional harms.”

Helen said the generous scholarship awarded by VMIAL has provided her with multiple opportunities that would not have otherwise been possible.

“One of my personal highlights was mentoring younger students – it gave me a chance to keep up to date on my clinical knowledge, but also to teach other students, the latter being a valuable skill to carry into my future career.”

“It’s been a pleasure mentoring my students, not just on pure knowledge, but also advice on how to tackle medical school, and its various challenges.”

“Another highlight has been the opportunity to live on campus, and participate in campus and college life,” Helen said.

“This has allowed me to meet people of many different backgrounds and form friendships that I will value for the rest of my life.”

Helen is especially grateful for the financial donation provided by the scholarship.

“My project this year was prospective, and therefore fairly intense. However, having the scholarship meant that I was able to dedicate a substantial amount of my time and focus to my project and recruiting patients, which would not have otherwise been possible, as I usually work part-time to support my studies.”

When we think of projects to support deserving medical students, in collaboration with Monash University, we hope that the intended outcome, which is to make their life that little bit easier during such a demanding period of study, meets our objectives,” said Mr Sylvain Mani, CEO, VMIAL.

“This certainly appears to be the case here after hearing what Emily and Helen say on the impact of these scholarships.”

“As our company crosses over its 90th birthday we remain committed to the purpose upon which VMIAL was founded back in 1926 in not only providing tailored insurance solutions exclusively to doctors and dentists but, just as importantly, ploughing back into these professions in a most tangible way.”

“These stories and experiences which we’ve witnessed across all of the universities that offer our scholarships, encourage us to not only maintain these activities but also continue in our efforts to support as best we can young doctors and dentists,” Mr Mani said.

BMedSc(Hons) course convenor Dr Megan Wallace said the research degree allows high achieving medical students and graduates, the opportunity to undertake a formal year of research.

“The BMedSc(Hons) year gives students a strong grounding in research skills, improves their critical thinking and enhances their capacity to practice evidence-based medicine,” Dr Wallace said.

“It’s really wonderful that VMIAL provide these PSA Insurance Scholarships for our Honours students. The scholarship allows the recipients to focus more time on their research and to give something back to the profession by helping junior medical students prepare for medical practice!”

Cardiologist Dr Wally Ahmar wins Heart Foundation's Presidents Award

Denise Ahmar, Dr Wally Ahmar and
Heart Foundation CEO Ms Diana Heggie
Congratulations MonashHeart cardiology Dr Wally Ahmar for his Heart Foundation's Presidents Award for "tireless contribution to heart health and the Heart Foundation".

Dr Ahmar is one of only three annual Award recipients.

Dr Ahmar said he is deeply committed to improving heart health, not only at the coal face in acute and emergency hospital care but also in tackling coronary artery disease prevention and international relationships for global heart health.

Congratulations Emily Cohen who recently undertook her thesis defence at Utrecht University

Emily Cohen
Emily Cohen successfully defended her PhD thesis "From Head to Heart: the effects of fetal growth restriction and preterm birth on the cerebral and systemic circulation" this month in Utrecht.

Emily completed her PhD jointly between The Ritchie Centre and Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

At the Ritchie Centre Emily recruited total of 67 growth restricted and appropriately grown infants throughout the first few months of life. She investigated a variety of parameters that define cardiovascular function, such as heart function using echocardiography and heart rate control. 

Emily produced a review and four first author manuscripts from this part of her thesis. She was supervised by Prof Rosemary Horne, A/Prof Flora Wong and Dr Stephanie Yiallourou and received a scholarship from Red Nose (formerly SIDS and Kids) for the Melbourne part of her project.

Emily also analysed existing data from The Netherlands on brain oxygenation and brain blood flow in IUGR and appropriately grown newborns and wrote a second review and a further 3 peer reviewed publications. 

The thesis defense was held in the lovely Academiegebouw with 6 examiners questioning Emily over 50 minutes with friends and family present. Afterwards there was champagne and Dutch nibbles. Rosemary and Stephanie travelled to Utrecht to celebrate.

Written by Prof Rosemary Horne.


Thursday 26 October, 2-3pm, Level 3 boardrooms, MIMR building, MHTP

This workshop will look briefly at recently developed range of fluorescence based protocols and imaging techniques that are bringing a new importance to the histopathological analysis of the tissue and tumor microenvironment, giving the researcher better insight into the complexities of tumor immune responses and potentially pathologists a more accurate insight for better clinical outcomes
This new development combines: the sequential multi-biomarker labeling of up to 8 antigens using antibodies all of the same species in a single tissue section; multispectral imaging (MSI) to remove the typically problematic formalin fixed paraffin embedded ( FFPE) tissue autofluorescence and correct cross-talk between fluorescent channels; and an automated analysis that can quantitate the per-cell biomarker expression to determine cellular phenotype and their distribution within in the tumor microenvironment.

When these powerful methods of fluorescence based imaging are applied to cancer immunology, we can open up contextual windows, synergizing with highly multiplexed, yet contextually naïve, flow cytology and genomic methods and far more informative to the currently used IHC methods commonly used in tumor and tissue research and diagnosis.

To register for the seminar please contact:  by COB 24 October.

Grand Rounds, "Thunderstorm Asthma", 25 Oct - Lecture Theatre 3

12.30 - 1.30pm, Wednesday 25 October, Lecture Theatre 3 MMC

Monash Lung & Sleep
Presenters: Associate Professor Peter Holmes and Professor Phil Bardin

"Thunderstorm Asthma"

Monash Haematology Journal Club, 25 Oct

25 October, 7.30am Breakfast & 7.45am Presentation
Monash Medical Centre, Level 2 - Lecture Theatre 3

HAA Practice Presentations:
Excellent Outcomes of Older patients with PCNSL using R-MPV/Ara-C immunochemotherapy without Whole Brain Radiotherapy (WBRT) – Dr Maciej Tatarczuch
Ironing out the emergency department - progress on identification and management of iron deficiency anaemia (mini oral) – Dr Agnes Yuen
Predicting infections in Myelodysplastic syndromes: a 12 year population based study of epidemiology, risk factors and outcomes – Dr Allison Mo

Transformed Lymphomas: an Australian Tertiary Centre Experience – Dr Aditya Tedjaseputra 

Save the Date: Centre for Cancer Research Childhood Cancer Research Symposium, 7 February 2018

Objective: Improving outcomes in children diagnosed with cancer through innovative research into the development and progression of these diseases and identification of new and more effective therapeutic strategies.

Description: On 7 February 2018, the Centre for Cancer Research at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research will be hosting a Childhood Cancer Research Symposium.  This is a scientific event, targeted at paediatric cancer researchers and clinicians.  The Symposium will include prestigious guest speakers from local and international organisations, such as the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (USA), the SickKids Hospital (Canada), KK Women's and Children's Hospital (Singapore), the Queensland Brain Institute, the Royal Children's Hospital, Monash University, Monash Children's Hospital and the Hudson Institute of Medical Research.

Symposium attendees will learn first-hand about the latest developments and advancements in paediatric cancer research.  They will hear about cutting-edge strategies, technologies and solutions for basic and translational research, including clinical implications.  Specific themes include: latest developments and discoveries in paediatric brain tumours; translational research highlights and paediatric precision medicine.

Appetite hormones and weight management seminar, 2 November

Thursday 2nd November  3.30pm to 6pm
Location : Monash University CAULFIELD Campus
Building H (Level 1)- Lecture Theatre H125

The increase in overweight and obesity is a major concern with almost 2 in 3 (63%) of Australian adults now suffering from these debilitating conditions. Physical activity and food intake are the primary regulators of energy balance. The brain plays an important role in the regulation of food intake, thus increasing interest has been directed at unravelling the interplay between appetite regulating gut hormones and the central nervous system and weight management.  This special seminar will provide participants with an overview of the latest research and clinical applications of the role of gut hormones in appetite regulation and weight management. 

This seminar is sponsored by the Nutrition Society of Australia.

2018 Prizes & Awards Calendar (January to March) - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

In previous years, Mind Your Way has struggled to identify and support researchers for prizes and awards that fall into the January-March period. As such, they would like to try a different approach and lobby for nominations before the end of this year. Essentially, the idea is that they want names of intending applicants before Christmas, so that they can plan ahead with the relevant researchers before they go on summer vacation or get busy writing their grant and fellowship applications.

Please find attached HERE the Prizes & Awards Calendar for opportunities closing in January to March 2018

A highlight is Veski's Premier's Award for Health and Medical Research which closes on 25 January 2018.

Please provide nominations to the Faculty Research Office ( by no later than Friday 24 November 2017, and we will arrange editorial assistance from Mind Your Way for intending applicants.

Please note: Only Monash staff are eligible to access Mind Your Way services paid by the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice-President. Adjuncts and affiliates wishing to engage Mind Your Way will have to enter into a contract and pay directly for services offered by Mind Your Way. If, as part of the eligibility criteria, there are limits on numbers of applications that can be submitted by Monash, approval must be sought and obtained by the appropriate delegated individual.

New MPA Advocacy Service at MMC

To support the needs of postgraduate students based at the MMC, an MPA advocate will be on site once a month to provide confidential, one-on-one support to postgrads.  The MPA advocacy service is free, independent from the university, and all details and concerns raised are treated confidentially and will be addressed in a timely and respectful manner. 

The advocate can help with course progression, authorship, supervision, milestones and other concerns related to your candidature at Monash.

Day:  Tuesdays once a month (starting 21 November and 12 December)
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Level 2 Meeting Room MHRP building (Rear of MIMR building and next to MHTP)

Or you can contact MPA advocates at any time on 990 31880 (Caulfield Office) or 990 53197 (Clayton office)

eSolutions Updates - WiFi vulnerability / Going overseas ?

WiFi KRACK vulnerability:
You may be aware from the news that a new vulnerability has been discovered in the security of WiFi connections. Details of how to exploit this vulnerability were published online by a security researcher this week. We can assure you that all of eSolutions relevant areas have given it the attention and priority it deserved. As many of you would have already read about this worldwide vulnerability in the mainstream media and may be wondering what it means for you. Here are a few key points.
What does this mean to you ?
If you are connecting to a website via a secure web connection in your browser, that browser based security is still intact. If someone were to capture your compromised WiFi network traffic, all they would be capturing is the encrypted communication between your browser and the secure website. They would still not be able to easily read the information you are sending to and from that secure web site.  A secure website can be identified where the web site address is a HTTPS address, rather than an unencrypted HTTP address, and you have an indicator in your browser address bar showing the web site as secure. Another example would be if you connect to a secure VPN after connecting to a wireless connection. Any traffic sent via the VPN would still be protected by the whatever encryption the VPN provides. 
What do you need to do ?
  • Update all the wireless devices you own (including your home router, SMART TV & printers) - We've spoken about the importance of device updates in the past, if you have been keeping your devices updated, most of you would have received the latest patch to address the vulnerability. If you haven't updated in a while, now is a good time.
  • Access websites that are secure

In Conclusion

While this vulnerability has resulted from a flaw in the underlying WiFi protocols, various operating system and device vendors have already released updates that will prevent the vulnerability from being applicable to your device. Microsoft quietly released a patch last week to do this for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 operating systems. We have already deployed this patch to all Monash devices running our Standard Operating Environment (SOE) and it should apply to your device the next time you reboot it while connected to the Monash network. Apple has a patch in beta testing that should be released soon for iOS based phones, tablets and Mac computers. Android patches are in development but may take longer to release and may not apply to all Android devices.

Going overseas ?

With the end of year on the horizon, we are finding that many of you are either going overseas on business or leisure. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to change passwords at least a week before your intended date of departure. Things can get tricky if you are overseas and your devices have not been synced with your new password.

Also, check all of your portable devices at least a week before your intended date of departure. We have recently had a spike in requests to work on laptops the day before or the morning of the trip. Last minute requests can sometimes jeopardise outcomes as parts may need to be ordered or the repair may take longer than usual.

Effects and associations of nutrition in patients with venous leg ulcers: a systematic review.

Simone Gibson et al. published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Read article here.

Developing a Set of Core Outcomes for Trials in Hemodialysis: An International Delphi Survey

Kevan Polkinghorne et al. published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases.

Read article here.

Global dietary calcium intake among adults: a systematic review

Peter Ebeling et al. published in Osteoporosis International.

Read article here.

Electroencephalography in the Diagnosis of Genetic Generalized Epilepsy Syndromes

Udaya Seneviratne et al. published in Frontiers in Neurology.

Read article here.

Clot retrieval and acute stroke care

Dominique Cadilhac et al. published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Read article here.

Conservative post-natal management of antenatally diagnosed congenital pulmonary airway malformations.

Flora Wong, AV Makhijani published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Read article here.

Screening for Sturge-Weber syndrome: A state-of-the-art review

Michael Ditchfield et al. published in Pediatric Dermatology.

Read article here.

Pulmonary hypertension associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants

Claudia Nold-Petry et al. published in the Journal of Reproductive Immunology.

Read article here.

“Meal realities” – An ethnographic exploration of hospital mealtime environment and practice

Ella Ottrey et al. published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Read article here.

Procalcitonin to initiate or discontinue antibiotics in acute respiratory tract infections

Yahya Shehabi et al. published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Read article here.

Programmatic Assessment of Professionalism in Psychiatry Education: A Literature Review and Implementation Guide

Chris Plakiotis published in Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

Read article here.

Cell-Based Therapies for Tissue Fibrosis

Rebecca Lim, William Sievert published in Frontiers in Pharmacology.

Read article here.

EEG power spectrum maturation in preterm fetal growth restricted infants

Emily Cohen et al. published in Brain Research.

Read article here.

Ethnicity, Obesity, and Pregnancy Outcomes on Fetal Programming

Euan Wallace et al. published in Diet, Nutrition, and Fetal Programming.

Read article here.