Monday, 19 June 2017

End of Financial Year: Payroll processing activities and impact on regular payroll deadlines

As the Monash HR’s Payroll Services team prepares for the end of financial year processing, we’d like to take the opportunity to highlight some changes impacting the regular payroll processes outlined below:
Final salary payments for the 2016/17 financial year
  • The final salary payment for 2016/17 financial will be paid on Thursday 22 June.
  • Salary payments processed after 22 June will be included in the payment summary for the following financial year (2017/18)
Timesheet approval deadlines
  • There are no changes to timesheet approval deadlines, however, timesheets not fully approved by Monday 19 June will not be paid until the next available pay period on Thursday 6 July.
Changes to the offline payment cycle
As a result of end of financial year associated activities (including the production of payment summaries) there will be no offline payments on Friday 23 June 2017 or Tuesday 27 June 2017.
The next available offline payment day is:
  • Friday 30 June – Requests for offline payment(s) must be received by 10am on Thursday 29 June. Payments will be made into nominated bank accounts on Saturday 1 July.
2016/17 payment summaries
  • Access to payment summaries for the 2016/17 financial year will be available (to all current staff) via ESS from Monday 3 July.
  • Staff members who have resigned from Monash will receive their payment summary in the mail. Payment summaries will be posted to the mailing address recorded in the HR system as at Friday 23 June.
  • FAQs on viewing or reading information displayed on payment summaries are available from

For further information on any of the above payroll activities, please contact Access HR on 03 99020400.

Monash lupus research receives donation from Lupus Victoria

A generous donation from Lupus Victoria will fund a Monash University PhD scholarship, enabling vital research into lupus.

Lupus Victoria, a charity supporting research into systemic lupus erythematosus, or lupus, has donated $26,000 to the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS), directly supporting the Kim Jolly Lupus Research Fund Scholarship.

PhD student and Monash Health Rheumatology Fellow Dr Champa Nataraja is the first recipient of the scholarship—her research aiming to improve outcomes for patients with lupus.

“Lupus is a chronic, multi-system autoimmune disease affecting at least 5 million people worldwide, with the majority being women of childbearing age,” Dr Nataraja said.

“Over 70 per cent of patients with lupus are typically treated with glucocorticoids (GC) due to their broad anti-inflammatory effect, however, despite their effectiveness, the use of these drugs is accompanied by a litany of serious adverse effects that contribute to increased morbidity and mortality.”

Dr Nataraja said there is a critical need for alternative therapies to GC that have similar anti-inflammatory effects but without the negative metabolic side-effects.

Under the supervision of Dr Sarah Jones and Professor Eric Morand from the Lupus and Arthritis Research Group, Dr Nataraja is investigating glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ), a protein induced by GC that may lead to an alternative therapy.

“My PhD will validate GILZ as a therapeutic target in lupus, potentially leading to improved therapies and outcomes for patients,” Dr Nataraja said.

I feel honoured and privileged to be the first recipient of The Kim Jolly Lupus Research Fund Scholarship and am grateful this scholarship facilitates me to continue with this vital research project.”

Head of the Lupus and Arthritis Research Group Professor Morand said he is honoured to have the continuing relationship with patients and families affected by lupus, who make up Lupus Victoria, and who share our belief that research is the way we will solve this disease.

“Lupus Victoria were supporters of our work from the start and our growth now to national and international prominence in this field would not have happened without their support at the beginning,” Professor Morand said. 

SCS PhD student Lachlan McMillan selected to attend Stanford SPARK workshop

Lachlan McMillan
School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health PhD student Lachlan McMillan has received a competitive grant to attend the prestigious Stanford SPARK Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course in Tokyo this August.

Established ten years ago and a unique partnership between university and industry, the Stanford SPARK program aims to advance new biomedical research discoveries into promising new treatments for patients.

Lachlan’s PhD is focused on improving bone health in older adults.

“There is currently a crisis in the treatment of osteoporosis, with prescription and adherence to pharmacological regimes at an all-time low,” Lachlan said.

“As such it's imperative we understand how else to best influence bones, in the goal of preventing or attenuating the development of osteoporosis.”

Lachlan is developing a wearable device that will accurately and objectively quantify activity which is most beneficial for bones, i.e. weight-bearing activity such as jumping or hopping.

“We ultimately hope to deploy our device to research institutions around the world who are investigating the effect of physical activity on a range of outcomes, delivering a commercial result.”

Some of the benefits Lachlan hopes to gain from the SPARK program include a much greater understanding of innovation and development in medical technology in fields outside his area of research.

“I hope that I'll get a better understanding of the key medical problems currently being addressed, and how the process works,” Lachlan said.

“I also expect that networking with researchers and medical innovation experts from all over the world will provide me with a unique opportunity to learn from people with varied backgrounds, hopefully leading to future cross-institutional collaborations.”

New SCS website now live

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) has a new-look website, and is now consistent with the University's new templates.

Visit our new site here:

If you have any questions about the new site or require updates, please contact Vithya Premkumar (

MHTP Technical Seminar "Introducing the new Functional Genomics Capability "Pooled CRISPR Screening: What It Can Do For You", Wednesday 21st June

Presenter: Catherine Itman, MHTP Functional Genomics Capability Manager
Location: Seminar room 1, Level 2, TRF Building.
Date: Wednesday 21st June at 11:00am-12:00pm

Learn about how pooled CRISPR library screens are performed and analyzed, and their value in identifying novel target genes involved in a variety of cellular activities. Information will be provided on the types of screens available from the MHTP Functional Genomics Capability and how pooled screens channel into other Platforms and Capabilities within the MHTP-Monash Precinct

Monash Haematology Journal Club: “Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer”, 21 June

7.30am Breakfast & 7.45am Presentation
Monash Medical Centre, Level 2 - Lecture Theatre 3

Presenter: Dr Ming Sheng Lim 

Falling Walls Lab Australia 2017 - DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) invites applications from Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Nations researchers, postdocs and students, entrepreneurs, engineers and innovators from all areas to attend the Falling Walls Lab Australia 2017. Extended deadline for applications is 5pm (AEST) Monday 26 June 2017.

20 Australian and 5 New Zealand/PIF Nations contestants will be invited to participate in this challenge with each required to give a 3 minute presentation on their research, business model or initiative based on the “Which walls will fall next” concept.

Candidates should be research active in any field of the natural sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine as well as social sciences and humanities.

See the website for the application forms and further details.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be either:
·  an Australian or New Zealand citizen
·  an Australian permanent resident or hold a valid student or working visa
·  a New Zealand permanent resident or hold a valid student or working visa
·  a citizen or resident of a PIF Nation outside Australia and New Zealand
You must be based in either Australia, New Zealand, or a PIF Nation at the time of application.
You must be 18 years of age or over
You must be currently enrolled in university or hold a degree (copy of degree may be required).

Applicants must either:
·  hold a bachelor’s degree which must have been received within ten (10) years prior to 1 January 2017 (i.e. conferred on or after 1 January 2007)
·  hold a master’s degree which must have been received within seven (7) years prior to 1 January 2017 (i.e. conferred on or after 1 January 2010)
·  hold a PhD which must have been received within five (5) years prior to 1 January 2017 (i.e. conferred on or after 1 January 2012)

Applicants must hold a passport valid until at least April 2018.

Submission Process
Applications are to be submitted by the researchers directly to the funder.

PURE records must be submitted ahead of the funder's submission date for School and Faculty approval.
Funding Opportunity: Falling Walls Lab Australia
Funder: Australian Academy of Science

​For questions about the scheme, please contact MRO (​

Biostatistics Consulting Platform

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Biostatistics Consulting Platform (BCP) was established last year to support research across all schools and campuses of the Faculty.

The primary aim of the BCP is to enhance the quality, efficiency and impact of Faculty research through the provision of biostatistical advice, consultancy and collaboration at all stages of the research process, including concept development, grant application, study design, protocol development, planning, data collection, statistical analysis, reporting and publication.

All researchers with appointments in FMNHS are eligible for this support.  Adjunct faculty members are also eligible if they regularly include a Monash University affiliation in their publications.
The faculty is heavily subsidising the cost of providing the services of the platform. However, there is a residual user fee, amounting to $100/hour, which will be paid by research grants of users.
SCS researchers should seek approval of their supervisor (or the grant CI) before utilising the service. Researchers must also please advise SCS Finance Manager, Rebecca Preston of their planned usage in order to apportion the costs.
The Biostatistics Consulting Platform web page can also be viewed at:

SCS Career Development Fellowship Scheme (applications close 30th June)

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health strives to undertake high-quality, high-impact research. You will be expected to have a strong research background in a relevant field (e.g. within the research themes of the departments within the School: Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Nutrition, Food & Dietetics, and Imaging) and demonstrated capability to contribute to our broad research agenda.

The successful candidate will conduct research in the relevant areas as listed above. Such duties may include:
·         Conducting research
·         Producing research publications
·         Supervision of research support staff
This position is designed to be adaptable to fit with your career - it is part-time and flexible, supporting a work-life balance to ensure that you can build on your research career in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.
If you are highly motivated and would enjoy being part of a supportive team of research staff, apply now.

The Position Description is HERE and Application form can be found on the SCS intranet HERE

Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday 30th June 2017

SCS Early Career Research Practitioner Fellowship scheme (applications close 30th June)

Applications are now open for the SCS Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme. Up to two awards will be made at 0.5 FTE, Academic Level B.  Recognising the difficult transition from PhD student to independent clinician scientist, in 2015 the School established the Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme to further the aims of the School in training tomorrow’s clinical academic workforce and of consolidating Monash Health as leading academic health service. The Fellowships are offered on a competitive basis, to clinician scientists who have recently been awarded a PhD or MD to provide protected research time to allow them to further develop their clinical or basic science research portfolio while also undertaking clinical duties at Monash Health. It is envisaged that successful applicants will apply for external funding, such as through NHMRC schemes (e.g. Project Grants, Early-Career Fellowships, Career Development Fellowships, or Translational Research Fellowships) during the period of the Fellowship, such that the Fellowship acts as a bridge to independent, sustainable research funding.

The Position Description and Application form can be found on the SCS intranet:
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday 30th June 2017

2017 Faculty ECR Symposium - Monday 30 October

·         Strategic Career Planning – Balancing Teaching & Research and Developing your Career after Disruptions
·         Engaging with Industry & Government – Presentations by researchers and Raven Consulting
·         Grant Development - Capturing Grant Reviewers with your Front Page
·         Panel Discussion – Transition from Postdoc to Chief Investigator
·         Poster Session – Submission via abstract
The event will also provide ECRs in your School with an opportunity to network with other ECRs within the Faculty.

This event is open to all FMNHS Early Career Researchers and FMNHS Early Career Researcher Adjunct staff.  The event will be capped at 100 participants, on a first come, first served basis.

Registrations will open on Tuesday 1 August 2017 and close Friday 15 September 2017.  If you're interested in attending, please contact

PhD opportunity in health professions educational research

The Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (MCSHE), Monash University has an exciting opportunity open to a prospective PhD student to join our team.

The successful candidate would be working on a Department of Health and Human Services-funded project linked with the ice action plan to enhance the clinical supervision education of frontline health and human services workers in Victoria.

The PhD student will conduct a programme of related clinical supervision research including:
1) a realist synthesis of clinical supervision training interventions,
2) realist evaluation of clinical supervision training workshops, and
3) a longitudinal audio diary study exploring the impact of the clinical supervision training program on supervisory beliefs, identities and practices.

More information HERE.

Positions vacant at The Hudson Institute

The following positions are currently being recruited for:

Research Officer (CCR) - A/Prof Ron Firestein - Open until suitable candidates are identified

Research Officer (CCR) - RES A  Andrew Stephens  Closing Monday 3 July  2017 @ 5pm

Programs Administrator (TAP 10) A/Prof Ron Firestein Closing Sunday 18 June 2017 @ 5pm

Cell Culture & Screening Specialist (RSS W) A/Prof Ron Firestein Closing Monday 3 July @ 5pm
Biobank Specialist (RSS W) A/Prof Ron Firestein Closing Monday 3 July @ 5pm

Further information on the roles and PD's are available via

OHS News- External OHS Audit of the School in July

The School will be subject to an external OHS surveillance audit on Tuesday 25th July. The focus will be on the management of OHS systems at the Monash Medical Centre (Clayton) site. In preparation for the audit, there are a number of compliance matters to meet, including:

-       Mandatory on-line training: Fixed-term and continuing staff are required to complete the four mandatory University on-line training modules: ‘OHS Induction’, ‘Ethical and Professional Conduct’, and ‘Privacy’ must be completed every three year. The ‘Equal Opportunity’ module must be completed every two years. This is to ensure that the training keeps abreast of changes in legislation.

-       OHS Training & Inductions: For more information about upcoming training activities, please see:

-       After-Hours Approval Form: Staff and students undertaking any after-hours research in a laboratory or the Animal House are required to complete the Approval Form (

-       Risk Assessments: Each department is required to review and update their risk assessments and submit into the Safety and Risk Analysis Hub (SARAH: When naming a Risk Assessment, please use the prefix ‘SCS’ in each title, so that they can be readily searched (e.g. ‘SCS – Agarose Gel Electrophoresis)

-       MyPlan: The University’s performance development system is myPlan and it is intuitive and user-friendly. The system is used to support the important ongoing conversations between staff and supervisors. When staff are completing their myPlan goals with their supervisors, please ensure that OHS goals (e.g. relevant training courses – both face-to-face and on-line) are discussed and included.  It is particularly important for OHS office-bearers across the School to include OHS activities in their myPlan. To login to myPlan, please go to:

-       SCS OHS Committee meeting papers: All staff and students can access the SCS OHS Committee papers ( and can also submit OHS matters for tabling at the SCS OHS Committee by contacting the SCS OHS Officer, Dr Clare Westhorpe (


Are your details in the Monash online staff directory (MIDS) up to date?

Is your entry in the Monash Internal Directory Service (MIDS) up to date and accurate?  If not, people can't find you!! Take a look via
If not simply log a request via Service Desk to update your entry. Head on over to Service Desk Online and select 'Phones, Faxes, Mobile and Accessories' and then 'Add, change or delete my details'. The efficient Service Desk team usually turn around the changes within half and hour.

To tPA or Not to tPA, That Is the Question

Ronil Chandra et al. published in the American Journal of Neuroradiology.

Read article here.

Defining T helper cell immunity in bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Marcel Nold, Claudia Nold-Petry et al. published in the Journal of Immunology.

Read article here.

IL-37 Causes Excessive Inflammation and Tissue Damage in Murine Pneumococcal Pneumonia.

Claudia Nold-Petry et al. published in the Journal of Innate Immunity.

Read article here.