World first trial of cannabis to treat epilepsy

Associate Professor Udaya Seneviratne
Monash researchers are studying the effects of cannabis on epilepsy patients in a world-first international clinical trial.

Monash Medical Centre is among other Victorian hospitals to participate in the large-scale, multicentre study. 

A common medical condition, epilepsy affects around 1 per cent of the population. 20-30 per cent of epilepsy patients continue to have seizures despite taking current antiepileptic medications, and ongoing seizures carry a risk of serious injuries, psycho-social and mental health problems and sudden death.

“Many centuries ago in China, cannabis was used as a medicinal agent to treat several ailments and in the early 1800s, western medicine started using it as a painkiller,” said Monash University’s Associate Professor Udaya Seneviratne.

“More recently, there has been resurgence in interest of the use of cannabis to treat epilepsy, chronic pain, spasticity, and nausea.”

“Some studies have highlighted dramatic improvement in seizure control with cannabis, in patients with uncontrolled epilepsy,” said Associate Professor Seneviratne, who is also Monash Health’s leading epileptologist.

Cannabis contains over 80 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most studied chemicals.

“THC has psychoactive properties producing a “high”, a property sought by recreational users, however, CBD has medicinal properties, and unlike THC, does not cause addiction,” said Associate Professor Seneviratne.

CBD has potent antiepileptic properties demonstrated in animal studies. Its value as an antiepileptic drug to control seizures has been shown in small studies in humans.

Associate Professor Seneviratne said patients with focal epilepsy who are still having seizures despite taking standard antiepileptic drugs are being selected to take part in the trial.  

“At the moment, we do not have sufficient evidence on efficacy and safety of cannabis to recommend it as an antiepileptic agent to treat epilepsy.”

“Both the medical community and patients are eagerly waiting for the results of this trial—it will be an important milestone in establishing the place of CBD as an antiepileptic drug, bringing hope to those living with epilepsy.”

In Victoria, Monash Medical Centre, Austin Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital are involved in this clinical trial.

Monash research to improve cognitive and psychological recovery for patients with stroke

Associate Professor Cadilhac
Improving cognitive difficulties for patients with stroke is the aim of two collaborative research studies at Monash University, funded by the Victorian Stroke Clinical Network (VSCN).

It is estimated that approximately one third of stroke survivors will develop memory problems, yet stroke rehabilitation centres tend to focus on physical rehabilitation rather than cognitive difficulties and psychological recovery.

Associate Professor Dominique Cadilhac from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) with Dr Rene Stolwyk and Dr Dana Wong of the Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences will undertake two projects relating to the subacute care of patients with stroke.

Associate Professor Cadilhac, Head of Translational Public Health and Evaluation (Stroke and Ageing Research), and her team will conduct program sustainability and feasibility evaluations for both projects.

“The ultimate goal is to provide evidence from these projects that will support further expanding of the availability of these neuropsychological services to patients with stroke throughout Australia,” said Associate Professor Cadilhac.

The first project, led by neuropsychologist Dr Wong, focuses on increasing access to a group rehabilitation program for patients with stroke who have memory problems.

“In collaboration with Monash Health and Austin Health, we will roll out and evaluate the effectiveness of the Monash Memory Skills Group, which has helped improve everyday memory functioning for patients with stroke,” said Associate Professor Cadilhac.
Barry Moore, a stroke survivor who has participated in the Monash Memory Skills Group, said
“With physical issues from a stroke you have access to the support of physiotherapists.  For the mental stuff, however, I really did not know where to go. The Memory Skills Group at Monash was wonderful for me; my brain suffered fairly badly in my stroke and this was the first time anyone had addressed it. The course had many practical aspects relating to memory but also treated how the mind could work better. It was terrific for us to have those discussions with experts."

Developing and evaluating a new teleneuropsychology rehabilitation service for Echuca Regional Health, a collaborating partner organisation, is the aim of the second project led by Dr Stolwyk.

“The hospital’s stroke survivors have not previously had access to such a service, which will provide assessment and treatment for stroke-related cognitive, behavioural and mood impairments,” said Dr Stolwyk.

Echuca Regional Health’s Stroke Coordinator Lauren Arthurson said the VSCN-funded research grants will enable Echuca Health to collaborate with Monash’s leading researchers to provide the necessary support to their stroke patients.

“These grants acknowledge the collaboration between the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health and the Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences and enable translational research with health and industry partners,” said Associate Professor Cadilhac.

“Together we are making a difference to the health of Victorians through the provision of access to cognitive assessment and rehabilitation for people living with stroke.”

Award to aid diabetes research

Monash Health’s Head of Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, Professor Sophia Zoungas, has been awarded the inaugural Australian Diabetes Society Ranji and Amara Wikramanayake Clinical Diabetes Research Award. 
This award recognises the career of a leading clinical diabetes researcher and was made possible by the generosity of Dr Ranji Wikramanayake, a long-standing member of the Australian Diabetes Society.
The award will support Professor Zoungas’ research on the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and its complications.
Professor Zoungas says she is “looking forward to leading the organisation during this period of escalating diabetes prevalence and considerable need for greater efforts to prevent and manage the disease”.
The award will assist Professor Zoungas in enhancing the welfare of individuals with diabetes through improving knowledge and understanding, producing management guidelines, training of health professionals and supporting diabetes research. 

Douglas Blank takes out People's Choice Award

Congratulations to Douglas Blank, PhD student in the Ritchie Centre, who won the People's Choice Award at Monash University's Three Minute Thesis Competition University Final last month.

MHTP research week poster competition (21-25 November 2016)

Research Week is an exciting opportunity to acknowledge the achievements and showcase the ground-breaking research being conducted at the Monash Health Translation Precinct.

Poster competition and Early Career Researchers Awards.

A key element of Research Week is the Poster display and Competition.  The poster competition this year includes awards for Early Career Investigators and Best Poster. 

There will be a $500 prize for the Best Poster in each Category.  The best “Early Career Researcher” will be chosen from the abstracts and the top 8 will be invited to present their research at an oral presentation.  They will receive a prize of $1,000.

This year entries will be submitted online by clicking on the link below and following the instructions.

Please note that the closing date for Poster Abstracts is Friday 4th November.

For further information, please contact Research Support Services:

Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship

The Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) is currently calling for applications for the Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and Entrepreneurship programme.

The programme provides funding to support women in STEM, to eliminate barriers for women’s participation in STEM education and careers, including entrepreneurship. The programme supports outreach programmes targeting girls and women to foster interest in entrepreneurship, to develop innovation and entrepreneurial skills, and to build professional networks. The programme also provides funding to identify and celebrate STEM role models in science and research, entrepreneurship and corporate leadership to inspire school-age girls.

The funds available for a grant are between $5,000 and $250,000 for a maximum duration of 24 months. Full applications are submitted electronically and due externally to by 5pm AEST 6 October 2016.

Please refer to the DIIS website for a complete list of eligibility criteria, Factsheet, Application Form and Scheme Guidelines

MHTP Research Week 2016 Poster Competition

This year there will be a "Best of the Best" ECR session held as part of the MHTP Research Week on Wednesday 23rd November from 3-5pm. ECRs are defined as up to 5 years post-PhD (confirmation date after Dec 2011) 

ALL ECRs are encouraged to submit an abstract --  it's a good opportunity to get a possible oral presentation or poster opportunity for a CV filler. Also there are monetry prizes which will be announced at the cocktail function on Thursday 24th November.

There are other opportunities to get your abstract selected for an oral presentation in other sections of MHTP Research Week.

Abstract deadlines are 4th NOVEMBER , please follow link HERE. Abstracts cannot be submitted from last year's Monash Health Research Week

5th Monash Cardiovascular Symposium (Fetal, Neonatal and Paediatric) at MMC, 3-4 October

Date: 3-4 October 2016
Location: Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton

Click here to download the registration form. Contact Rowena Ferguson via email or on(03) 9594 5191.

CID Weekly Seminar: Tuesday 4 October - Dr Hua Peng Fan and Dr Mailha Alikhan

12:00 - 1:00pm, 4 October, Seminar Room 1, Level 2, TRF Building

Targeted Mutations Identify the Active Site of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ)

Dr Hua Peng Fan, Research Fellow
Monash University Centre for Inflammatory Diseases

Currently I am a Post-doc research fellow in Lupus and Arthritis Research Group, Monash Medical Centre, doing research in human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including RA and SLE. My project focuses on the mechanism study of pro-inflammatory cytokine MIF and GILZ, a glucocorticoid-induced molecule. In my previous study, I proved the role of MIF in leukocyte recruitment in inflammatory disease. For the first time, I also identified that GILZ is indeed a novel target of MIF. The finding that GILZ mediates the antagonistic effect of MIF on glucocorticoid actions suggests its potential as a therapeutic target of inflammatory diseases. My current project focuses on the study of GILZ acetylation and its role in regulation of GILZ anti-inflammatory functions.

The IL-7Ra on CD8+ cell: a potential therapeutic target in ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis

Dr Maliha Alikhan
Research Fellow
Monash University Centre for Inflammatory Diseases
Maliha Alikhan is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases. Maliha completed her PhD at Monash University in 2012, investigating the role of macrophages in acute kidney injury under the supervision of Professor Sharon Ricardo. She joined the group of Professor Richard Kitching in 2013 and has since been researching the innate and adaptive immune responses in experimental models of acute kidney injury and autoimmune anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis. Maliha is currently focusing on the role of memory CD8 T cells in ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis and working to characterise a new potential and targeted treatment option. 

A light lunch is served prior to the seminar at 11:45am in the seminar room foyer, level 2, TRF Building.

Further information available from CID Weekly Seminar Series website []

The CiiiD Tuesday Meeting is held directly after at 1:00pm.  Nicole de Weerd will be presenting on Tuesday 4 October.

CiiiD seminar "Structure-function of the type I interferon ligand-receptor interactions" 4 October: Dr Nicole de Weerd

This week's CiiiD Tuesday seminar, 4th October, will feature Dr Nicole de Weerd from the Hertzog Lab.

Natalie Bitto will chair the seminar, which will be held 1-2pm in the TRF Seminar Room 1.

The CID seminar will be held from 12-1pm in the same room. More information about the CID seminar series can be found here:

A light lunch is served at 11.45am in the TRF Level 2 foyer area.

“TLR-mediated degradation of cIAP1 triggers cell death and inflammasome activation in the absence of XIAP." Thursday 6 October

This week's  Hudson Seminar will be held Thursday 6 Oct, 12-1 pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre.

The speaker will be Dr Kate Lawlor, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Vince Laboratory, Inflammation Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Light refreshments to follow presentation outside the Lecture Theatre.

Dr Kate completed her PhD at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in 2004, where she discovered a pathogenic role for G-CSF in rheumatoid arthritis (phase 1 clinical trials underway, CSL). After being awarded a CJ Martin training Fellowship she completed a postdoctoral position at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (2005-2008, Prof K. Smith) examining the effects of innate inhibitory receptors on autoimmune and infectious diseases. Upon her return to WEHI, Kate has focused her research on the role of cell death regulators in inflammation. Her work has defined the role of Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs), particularly XIAP, in repressing ripoptosome-mediated cell death and inflammasome activation.

Recently, Kate and her research team has uncovered that Toll-like receptors (TLR) utilising the adaptor Myd88 induce the degradation of cIAP1, and its binding partner TRAF2. Conversely, a TRIF-type 1 IFN signal blocks cIAP1 degradation. Notably, in the absence of XIAP, TLR-induced cIAP1 degradation activates the NLRP3 inflammasome. These results may explain why in response to pathogen infection, XIAP mutant patients may develop severe autoinflammatory symptoms characterised by enhanced inflammasome activity.

Grand Round Presentation - Lung & Sleep state of the art lecture - 05/10/2016

Unit: Lung & Sleep      
Presenters: Dr Barton Jennings
Topic:  “Bronchoscopy, EBUS and new lung procedures”
Date: Wednesday 5 October 2016
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton.

HealthPEER Seminar 21 October - The days of the manikin are numbered?

Presenter: Professor Jean Ker (University of Dundee, UK) 
Date: Friday 21st October 2016 
Time: 1:00-2.30 pm 
Location: Clayton Campus 43 Rainforest Walk Meeting Room 1 

RSVP and videoconference requests to: by noon Thursday 20th October

Flyer with more details HERE.

2016 GSSE Preparation Course 3- 4 December

General Surgeons Australia is holding a new Generic Surgical Science Examination (GSSE) Preparation Course in December 2016. This course, devoted to Anatomy, is designed particularly for candidates preparing to sit the RACS GSSE and is also a comprehensive preparation for dissection courses.

The course consists of tutorials (Saturday 3 December 2016 9:00am – 6:00pm at RACS) and wet specimen workshops (Sunday 4 December 2016 8:00am – 5:00pm at University of Melbourne).

Candidates will be provided with learning materials including books and 12 month access to anatomedia online.

Flyer with details here.  Registration form here

Faculty Roadshow for Monash Health Translational Precinct (MHTP) - How to Manage Unsatisfactory Progress

Please Note: Attendance to this Roadshow will be credited towards Level 2 Supervisor Accreditation

The Faculty is committed to providing support to supervisors of graduate research students and improving candidature completions.  One of the challenges for supervisors is managing students who show unsatisfactory progress. 

This roadshow is designed to highlight various options available to supervisors to assist them in this process.   The following topics will be covered:

  • How to manage a student who is showing unsatisfactory progress, both within and outside the milestone framework
  • Administrative support available for managing unsatisfactory progress
  • Case study examples of academic issues relating to unsatisfactory progress 

Date: Thursday 6th October 2016
·         Time: 3.30 - 4.30 pm (approx 1 hour duration) 
·         Venue: Hudson Institute, Level 3 Boardrooms, 27 - 31  Wright St Clayton
·         Location: Monash Medical Centre
Please register your attendance via the Booking System online via the following link:

Food, Fertility and Pregnancy: Monash University leads the way with on-line training for health professionals

Most Australian women’s diets before and during pregnancy do not meet nutrition recommendations.  This issue is further compounded by confusing dietary advice conveyed in the media, on the Internet, and by families regarding what women should and shouldn’t be eating. This advice can be confusing and costly (at best) or dangerous for the health of mother and child (at worst). 
The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Monash University has developed a flexible on-line course entitled Food, Fertility and Pregnancy for all health professionals in antenatal care.  The course has been designed to equip health professionals to answer their patient’s food and nutrition related questions regarding fertility and pregnancy.

  • Is there a special fertility diet?
  • Can foods determine the sex of a baby?
  • Is folate the only nutrient I need to worry about during pregnancy?
  • What foods can I eat when I am pregnant?

Women want confident, consistent and personalised advice regarding fertility and pregnancy.  Australian research has found that doctors, midwives and other health professionals are trusted sources of fertility and pregnancy advice.  Health professionals face many challenges when providing food and nutrition advice.  Such challenges include misinformation in the public, minimal training to provide nutrition advice, and a lack of confidence.  
The Food, Fertility and Pregnancy course aims to address these issues and to help health professionals identify when they should refer women for more specialised dietary advice.    
Information about the two week Food, Fertility and Pregnancy course is HERE.

Food as medicine - FREE online course

Professor Helen Truby and her team in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Monash University have developed a free online course addressing the question- Can we use food as medicine?

Food has traditionally been used as medicine and this course looks to explore its current role in health and disease; take a closer look at nutrition science and how it guides us on what and how much to eat for health;  and how to apply evidenced-based nutrition knowledge to guide food choices.

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in food, nutrition and health and does not require previous knowledge or experience in science or health studies.  This course would also be of interest to medical and healthcare professionals looking to upskill their knowledge in food and nutrition, and see what the current evidence is for using foods to improve health.

There are two Food as Medicine courses running in 2016, starting:
·        Monday 24 October

To learn more about this course

Can a seaweed supplement reduce your risk of diabetes?

We are looking for people to participate in a study to find out if eating a seaweed supplement can reduce your risk of diabetes.

· Are you between the ages of 18 and 65?
· Do you have a BMI less than 30 kg/m2?
· Are you interested in finding out about how your body handles sugar?

Then contact Margaret to find out more information.
Email:  Phone: 9902 4199

This study takes place at the BASE Facility in Notting Hill.  The ethics approval number is CF16/53 - 2016000019.

2016 Diversity and Inclusion Week: Photo Comp Exhibition and Award Ceremony - please join us for lunch!

Join us for the exhibition and award ceremony for the 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Week - Connection and Belonging Photo comp! The best photos will be on show and prizes will be awarded to the winning entries.

Lunch will be provided and all staff and students are welcome to attend.
Wednesday 5 October
12.00pm - 1.45pm
New Horizons Building
Rooms 407 and 408, Level 4, 20 Research Way
Monash University, Clayton campus


Windermere Foundation- 2017 Doctoral Scholarships in Health

The Windermere Foundation will award three 20 17 Doctoral Scholarships to support the professional development of Victorian health practitioners who will become future leaders in their profession . A scholarship of $40,000, payable over two years, will be awarded for each of the following disciplines:

    Allied Health

Guidelines and Applications Instructions, as well as a downloadable editable application form, can be found on the Foundation's website at:

Applications close on Monday 31 October 2016 at 5.00 pm

ARC Funding Rules now available - Linkage (ITRP, LIEF) & Discovery (FL, DE, DP, IN, FT) Programmes

The ARC have released Funding Rules for both the Linkage and Discovery Programmes. Dates have not yet been posted on the ARC web site, please visit the ARC important dates page for any updates.
IMPORTANT: Please be advised there have been major changes in the eligibility rules surrounding project limits. Please read Funding Rules carefully. Summary of changes for each scheme are attached:

The Funding Rules for schemes under the Discovery Programme and Linkage Programme for the years 20172018 are now available on the ARC website.
The Funding Rules published last week include rules for the following funding schemes:
Discovery Programme
·      Australian Laureate Fellowships for funding commencing in 2017
·      Future Fellowships for funding commencing in 2017
·      Discovery Early Career Researcher Award for funding commencing in 2018
·      Discovery Indigenous for funding commencing in 2018
·      Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2018
Linkage Programme
·      Industrial Transformation Research Hubs commencing in 2017
·      Industrial Transformation Training Centres commencing in 2017
·      Linkage Projects commencing in 2017
·      Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities commencing in 2018
Additional guidance material has also been made available on the ARC website, including lists of major rule changes. Please consider the new rules carefully and contact the ARC should you have any questions. Further guidance material will be made available in the coming days.

The ARC will provide further notification when schemes open and the RMS Proposal Forms and other relevant scheme documentation become available.
If you have specific questions regarding the rules for individual schemes, please contact the ARC by phone on +61 2 6287 6600 or via email:

Important Dates for ARC Discovery (DP, DE, IN, FL, FT) and Linkage Programmes (IH, IC, LE)

The ARC have updated their important dates page with 2016/2017 submission dates for the following schemes :
  • Australian Laureate Fellowships 2018
  • Future Fellowships 2017
  • Industrial Transformation Research Hubs 2017
  • Industrial Transformation Training Centres 2017
  • Discovery Projects 2018
  • DECRA 2018
  • Discovery Indigenous 2018
  • LIEF 2018
Please find attached HERE the ARC and internal Monash Research Office (MRO) dates for these schemes.

2017 Faculty Senior and Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Applications are NOW OPEN for our faculty's Fellowship schemes for funding commencing in 2017, as detailed below:

2017 Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships 

Applications are now open for Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017 [SPF 2017]. These Fellowships are targeted at outstanding candidates who have the clear potential to be successful in external career fellowships schemes. The candidates will usually have 4 to 6 years postdoctoral experience. The Faculty may award up to 2 Fellowships each year.
Closing Date:  Monday 21 November 2016 at 5:00PM (AEDT)
Submission Process:  Applicants are required to complete and submit the SPF 2017 Application Form online at the Faculty Grants, Fellowships and Prizes website: 
The SPF 2017 Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants documents are available at

2017 Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships (Round 1)
Applications are now open for Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017 (Round 1) [BPF 2017 (R1)]. These Fellowships provide competitive funding to support the career development of promising newly-qualified postdoctoral researchers at Monash University. They are intended to provide initial support while applications are prepared for externally funded fellowships such as NHMRC Training Fellowships, ARC Postdoctoral Fellowships, etc.  
Applications should be made by the intended Fellow's mentor at Monash University. Mentors would normally be the Fellow's line manager and therefore the mentor must be a member of staff. Adjuncts are not eligible to supervise Monash staff.
The Faculty may award up to 4 Fellowships in each round. Competition is therefore at a high level and mentors should carefully consider candidates before nominating them.
Closing Date:  Monday 14 November 2016 at 5:00PM (AEDT)
Submission Process:  Applicants are required to complete and submit the BPF 2017 (R1) Application Form online at the Faculty Grants, Fellowships and Prizes website: 
The BPF 2017 (R1) Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants documents are available at

Queries about these Fellowship schemes should be directed to the Faculty Research Office by email to or phone (03) 990 58409.


The Office of the Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) is calling for seed funding applications to support projects aimed exclusively at the professional development of graduate research supervisors.

Associate Deans, Graduate Research are encouraged to contact senior research leaders in their respective departments, schools or institutes and discuss initiatives for supervisor development. Supervisors completing proposals must be primary or associate supervisors of Monash graduate research students.

Grant categories and funds
Grants will be allocated to successful proposals within the following categories:
·        Social Impact &/or Industry – grants of up to $15,000
·        Cross-faculty/interdisciplinary – grants of up to $10,000
·        Single focus initiatives – grants of up to $5000

More information HERE.

Monash Warwick Alliance Seed Fund 2016 - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Monash Warwick Alliance Seed Fund 2016 scheme is open for applications, and the submission closing date is 13 November 2016.

·     Purpose: Incubation of new initiatives with high potential via supported workshops/visits. Team Based.
·        Selection Criteria: Based on technical and strategic merit & joint capacity.
·        Value: Up to AUD$30,000 plus GBP£15,000.
·        Next Collection Date: 13 November 2016
Any proposed collaborative activities which fall outside the scope of the Seed Fund or Student-led Initiatives Scheme should be discussed directly with the Alliance Project Team.
Please refer to the web site for more information at:

Queries should be directed to the Monash Warwick Alliance Project Coordinator, Mr Allan Mahler (

MGE Supervisor Development Grants 2017

Monash Graduate Education will again be offering grants for supervisor development based on the successful pilot of the program this year.  

This opportunity from MGE is provided to encourage the development of supervision expertise across the university. For 2017, grants will be available in one or more of the following categories:  
  • Social Impact &/or Industry – grants of up to $15,000 
  • Cross-faculty/interdisciplinary – grants of up to $10,000
  • Single focus initiatives – grants of up to $5000
Supervisors and academic units are invited to submit proposals and costings for development grants to the Faculty using the attached application form.

Applications will be considered on the bases of relevance, innovation, immediacy and distinctiveness (and must not duplicate current central offerings). Some suggestions for requested funding include videos that may be uploaded online, webinars, bootcamps, external facilitators/speakers, etc. 

Applications due to Faculty by 5pm on Thursday 13 October 2016.  

Please send your application to Jen Scott in the Faculty Research Office (

Successful applicants will be advised of the outcome of their applications by Friday 21 October 2016.



Monash Partners Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MPCCC) is pleased to announce the MPCCC Research Grant thanks to support from the Victorian Cancer Agency and in collaboration with Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre.

Value: Up to $300,000 over two years
Closing date: 5pm Wednesday 30 November 2016
For more information or to apply:

Yoga at MHTP, starts 7 October

The next four-week block of yoga at Hudson will begin on Friday, October 7, from 1pm to 2pm.

The style of yoga is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, and suitable for beginners.   
Classes are open to staff and students at MHTP.

Ongoing prices are as follows:

Block of four classes:
Staff $60 ($15/class)/ Students $40 ($10/class)

Casual class:
$20 for staff/ $12 for students

For all enquiries, please contact BYC Health at or ph 0402104729.

MJA podcast: Sarcopenia, with David Scott

Dr David Scott is an exercise physiologist and research fellow with Monash University's Bone and Muscle Health Research Group. He discusses sarcopenia, it's definition, impact, and treatment, with MJA news and online editor Cate Swannell. 
 Listen to podcast HERE.

Read MJA InSight article about sarcopenia HERE.

Nasal High-Flow Therapy for Primary Respiratory Support in Preterm Infants

Atul Malhotra et al. published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Read article here.