Monday, 25 July 2016

Monash part of world-first clinical trial for lymphoma patients

Mr Potter with Dr Gareth Gregory in the MHTP
Clinical Trials Centre
A novel therapy for aggressive lymphoma is being tested in a world-first clinical trial at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP).
In early 2015, researchers at Monash University and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre showed the novel anti-lymphoma therapy is remarkably effective against one of the most aggressive B-cell lymphomas in animal models.
Mr George Potter is the first aggressive B-cell lymphoma patient in Australia—and only second in the world—to receive the new treatment, a drug called dinaciclib, a type of epigenetic therapy that can alter the way a cancer cell reads its own abnormal DNA.
"Certain B-cell lymphomas depend on a cancer causing gene called ‘Myc',” said lead researcher and Monash Health haematologist Dr Gareth Gregory.
"Patients with aggressive lymphoma usually respond well to initial chemotherapy.  Unfortunately, those that relapse or are resistant to upfront therapy have a poor response to further therapies and ultimately have a poor prognosis."
"In the case of aggressive lymphoma, dinaciclib effectively turns off genes that Myc is activating and then kills the cells, including those resistant to conventional chemotherapy," said Dr Gregory.
Dr Gregory and Head of Haematology Research at the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) Associate Professor Jake Shortt have worked on this type of lymphoma for more than seven years and have tested numerous novel and conventional therapies.
"In animal models, dinaciclib is the most effective treatment we have seen to date by a long way," said Associate Professor Shortt. 
"We've even seen results in animal models that have led to some cures—this is something we have never seen before."
Mr Potter is receiving his treatment at the newly opened Clinical Trials Centre at MHTP.
“I am thrilled and very grateful to be part of this trial,” said Mr Potter.
Dr Gregory said initial results from the clinical trial will be available after two to three months of treatment, but overall assessment will take approximately two years.
“We are quite hopeful this therapy will prolong life and provide durable remissions,” added Dr Gregory.
Lymphomas are the most common form of haematological or blood cancer in Australia, and the sixth most common form of cancer overall.  The incidence of lymphomas has more than doubled over the past 20 years and is continuing to rise, for no known reason.

Be Positive: Monash researchers improving screening rates for hepatitis B

Ms Kate Sievert
Improved screening and vaccination rates for chronic hepatitis B in migrant populations in Melbourne is the aim of a project recently recognised as a winner in the One Monash Health Awards.

Project leaders Ms Kate Sievert and Mr Paul O’Neill from the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Monash Health received the competitive innovation award for their Be Positive project, that has challenged both healthcare worker and community preconceived ideas about hepatitis B, and how these populations interact with the Australian healthcare system.
Mr Paul O'Neill
Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is an emerging challenge for healthcare services in Australia. The estimated prevalence of CHB has increased by 50,000 patients in the last 10 years and affects 1% of all Australians.  The long-term complications of CHB include cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.

“The burden of CHB is over-represented among migrants from endemic countries, indigenous
Australians, intravenous drug users, and prisoners,” said Ms Sievert.  “Early diagnosis and treatment of CHB can reduce the progression to cirrhosis, liver cancer and the need for liver transplantation.”
Despite recommendations for universal testing for CHB among at-risk migrant populations, it is estimated that 30% of chronically infected adults in Australia may be unaware of their disease.
“The Be Positive project is the first of its kind at Monash Health and the first in Australia to target the Rohingyan, Afghan, and South Sudanese communities using the same model of peer education and leadership among CHB patients.”
 Public Health strategies aimed at these three communities have been virtually non-existent, despite significantly poor health outcomes in each group relative to the wider Australian-born population.
 “Patients born in countries with high CHB prevalence are 6-12 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer compared to Australian-born individuals,” said Ms Sievert.
“It is imperative that targeted healthcare interventions are developed and carried out within at risk populations to prevent the high morbidity and mortality associated with CHB.”
Opportunistic testing for CHB is considered essential as a prevention strategy for liver cancer but there is a lack of targeted public health projects addressing the poor rates of screening and vaccination among these at-risk populations.
Ms Sievert said that language and cultural barriers, lack of awareness of transmission routes, and poor understanding of severity of disease due to the often-times lack of symptoms are some of the factors contributing to low levels of screening and treatment compliance amongst migrant CHB patients.
“Our Be Positive project focused on the Sudanese, Rohingyan and Afghani migrant population due to the high prevalence of CHB within these groups (8.6-11%), increased resettlement as asylum seekers within the Monash Health catchment area and the lack of any health promotion within these groups,” said Ms Sievert.
“Monash Health serves a large variety of migrant populations in the south-east of Victoria, and we devised a pilot public health intervention within these difficult to engage new migrant communities aimed at reducing future liver cancer burden.”
Using a trained CHB patient leader to tell their story to their own community, stigma and misinformation about CHB was dispelled while culturally relevant information was exchanged.
“We successfully opened conversations about hepatitis B virus (HBV) through SBS radio and community forums, improving the level of HBV knowledge among patients and their wider communities,” said Ms Sievert.
 “Our goal is to increase the rates of testing for HBV across South-east Melbourne and ensure those who may have been living unknowingly with HBV are monitored by the system and treated if required.”
The Be Positive project has shown that we must continue to engage sensitively with migrant groups with a high prevalence of CHB and we cannot approach every migrant group using the same general strategy.

The project was supervised by Dr Suong Le and Dr Anouk Dev, Consultant Hepatologists at Monash Health. The Be Positive project was funded by a Bristol Myers Squibb research grant awarded to Monash Health EMR Benefits Clinician Dr Suong Le, who designed the project.

Monash research to improve diet and reduce obesity risk among young adults

Associate Professor Cate Lombard
Using social marketing and media strategies to reduce the risk of obesity in young adults is the aim of a research project in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, thanks to a successful National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grant worth nearly $1 million.

The $950,000 grant was awarded to lead researcher Associate Professor Cate Lombard and her team for their project 'Communication health: optimising engagement and retention using social media', to motivate and engage young adults in health interventions.

“We need to learn how to engage 18-24 year olds in health-related behaviour and our project will draw on research about current marketing techniques while applying successful strategies to health messages,” said Associate Professor Lombard. 

“We will use novel online ethnographic and segmentation methodologies to understand how and why social media motivates, engages and retains young adults in obesity prevention interventions.”

Young adults aged 18-24 years are engaging with social media daily to stay connected, obtain information, communicate and support peers, with 89% of 18-29 year olds using Facebook.

“Original internet websites allowed only one-way communication through static web pages, however, new web-based internet (Web 2.0) facilitates a two-way communication through sharing or creating information,” said Associate Professor Lombard.

“These new applications including social media platforms are potentially a valuable tool to increase reach, effectiveness and impact of health interventions.”

Weight gain in young adults is driven by modifiable health behaviours, particularly eating behaviours.

Associate Professor Lombard said that young adults are less likely to meet fruit and vegetable targets, and more likely to consume sweetened drinks than other age groups.

“The challenge is how health information can successfully compete in a market saturated with unhealthy messages.”

The outcome of this research is practical insights and applications for targeting healthy eating messages to specific segments of the target population.

Associate Professor Lombard’s research team include Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietetic Professor Helen Truby, Dr Claire Palermo and Dr Tracy McCaffrey.

In further grant success, Professor Truby was awarded another NHMRC grant with colleagues from Newcastle University to examine online interventions targeting healthy eating in young adults.

“Our collaborative project will compare the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of three online interventions targeting healthy eating in young adults aged 18 to 24 years over one year,” said Professor Truby.

Professor Truby said the research team aims to increase access to personalised information and advice about usual dietary intakes; effective engagement strategies for healthy eating program; and cost.

“This was a very competitive round of NHMRC grants with a 16% success rate, so we are delighted to receive two of the five grants awarded," said Professor Truby.

Emergency Department data to reduce alcohol-related harm

Associate Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton
Reducing alcohol-related injury using emergency department (ED) data is the aim of a collaborative project including researchers and clinicians at Monash University and Monash Health.

Monash University’s Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton is a member of the research team awarded an NHMRC partnership grant for the important public health project.

Based on an international model, the intervention has already shown to substantially reduce violent crimes, street assaults and hospital admissions related to alcohol.

“Our project aims to reduce ED attendances related to risky drinking, based on the Cardiff model, which has been introduced in more than 80% of emergency departments in the UK,” said Associate Professor Egerton-Warburton, Director of Emergency Medicine Research at Monash Health.

Building on the international evidence and pilot data from Australia, the team will oversee and evaluate an intervention that aims to reduce alcohol-related injury in the community through a randomised trial in eight emergency departments in Victoria, NSW and the ACT.

“In the UK, this public health project has demonstrated to have a payback of 83 pounds per 1 pound spent—and has significantly reduced emergency department injury presentations and police work,” said Associate Professor Egerton-Warburton.

A key aspect will be the introduction of mandatory “last-drinks” data collection within existing hospital IT systems for triage/clinician follow-up.

Associate Professor Egerton-Warburton said this project gives emergency clinicians the opportunity to become part of the solution, not just mop up the end result of alcohol harm.

“This project has the potential to lead to improved practices in emergency departments across Australia—helping to reduce the national incidence of alcohol-related harm.”

Led by Professor Peter Miller from Deakin University’s Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development, the project team will work with colleagues at St Vincent's Hospital Australia (Melbourne and Sydney), the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Australian National University, Barwon Health, Calvary Health Care ACT, Monash Health, University of New South Wales, South West Health Care, and Cardiff University.

Monash Health will contribute $430,000 to run the project for 5 years.

MCHRI researchers visit the UK

Researchers from the Monash Centre for Health Research Implementation (MCHRI) have recently returned from the Oxford Foundation International Health Conference “Improving Health and Health Services Through Research”, King’s College London having won a prize for the best abstract submitted to the conference.

Dr Melanie Gibson-Helm and Dr Jacqueline Boyle from MCHRI’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Refugee Women’s Health Research Program each presented their research about improving pregnancy care. Their collaborative project with Monash Health, “From Paper to Practice: Implementation of evidence based screening for mental health in pregnancy in refugee women” won Best Abstract.

Dr Gibson-Helm said that meetings with research teams from Newcastle University, the Imperial College of London, University College of London, Oxford University and Bristol University have already led to several new and exciting collaborations.

Jim did it - and is close to his $1000 target for Berry Street

Congratulations Dr Jim Harris who finished his charity fun run last weekend! 

"10 km without stopping and without walking, albeit in a slow time - but I did have a knee injury AND I had a gig the night before..." said Jim.  "If you don't believe me I can show you my medal."

 Jim would like to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported him and has helped him raise money for Berry Street. 

Since setting a nominal fundraising target of $1,000, Jim has so far raised $924.75

That's ONLY $75.25 short... however, you can still donate at the following link:   

Jim will only tell people his time if he reaches $1,000...

Dragons’ Den competition leads to successful medical study program at SCS

Dragons' Den launch at SCS
A structured group study pilot program for Year 3 medical students at the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) is the result of the recent Dragons’ Den competition, with 100 students in 33 groups already signed up and participating.

Medical students Hector Thomson, Lewis Fry and Marcus Davenport launched their “5 Key Points” program this month, using evidence-based methods to help students retain and recall curriculum content.

Dragons' Den winning team with
Associate Professor Sally Ayoub
“Our theory is that to make studying medicine more effective and efficient, you need divide, synthesise and teach,” said Hector.

“5 Key Points is a program where students form their own study groups with two to three friends.  They are then given a program outline dividing the curriculum over 14 weekly sessions.”

The students split the topics between themselves and study their allocated topics, meeting for two hours a week to teach the rest of the group the topics they have researched. At the end of each session, the group then further summarises each topic into 5 key points that they need to know.

“The students submit their 5 key points to our website and receive our 5 key points in return, which have been reviewed by consultants from Monash Health—providing a guide for the students and ensuring they are focusing on the essential issues.”

Lewis and Marcus said from their own experience, they identified the key challenge in Year 3 as the large volume of content and a lack of direction.

“There are over 250 conditions students must cover and it can be an extremely daunting task,” said Lewis.
Marcus, Lewis and Hector did Year 3 at SCS at Monash Medical Centre and formed their own study group.
“We started studying together and found it extremely efficient,” said Marcus.

While the program is still in the early stages of development, the three medical students are delighted with its progress so far.

“This year 5 Key Points is a pilot program at SCS but we hope to expand it to all Year 3 clinical sites in the future,” said Hector.

Hector, Marcus and Lewis thank Dr Claire Dendle who has mentored them throughout the process, as well as the Monash Health consultants who reviewed their material. 

“We are also very grateful for the support of Nicola Abel and Ciara Boyd who have been crucial in getting the program up and running.”

The 5 Key Points website is available at:

BMedSc(Hons)—overseas travel and a chance to study at one of the world’s best universities

 BMedSc(Hons) students Jo and Viv in Oxford
The opportunity to live and study overseas at one of the world’s leading universities for medical research was the drawcard for two Monash medical students completing their Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) at the University of Oxford this year.

School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) medical students Viveka Nainani and Joanna Wang are currently in Oxford, undertaking research projects in vaccine safety and neonatal infections.

“I’m investigating the clinical implications of adverse effects following immunisation with the meningococcal B vaccine,” said Viveka.

“I’m aiming to create a protocol demonstrating what to do when an infant enters A&E with a fever who has been vaccinated in the past 48 hours.”

Viveka and the research team hope this will reduce clinical uncertainty and unnecessary invasive investigations, and thus reduce healthcare consumption.

Also interested in paediatrics, Joanna Wang is examining neonatal enterococcal infections and related healthcare-associated risk factors using data collected through neonIN, an international collaborative neonatal surveillance network.

“Our goal is to reduce rates of neonatal enterococcal infections, which are responsible for a significant burden of morbidity and mortality in these babies,” said Joanna.

“We hope that through identifying trends in neonatal enterococcal infections and related healthcare-associated risk factors, we can identify areas which may be effectively targeted through appropriate prevention and management strategies, thus decreasing infection rates.”

Viveka is interested in pursuing paediatrics as a career specialty and is currently working with the Oxford Vaccine Group, at the forefront of research in both paediatrics and vaccination.

“It's been an incredible opportunity to live and study abroad for 8 months and experience the differences in culture and healthcare overseas.”

Travelling overseas from the UK, learning a range of new research skills, gaining some clinical experience in a different healthcare system and having the opportunity to speak at a UK conference are among the highlights so far for Viveka. 

“Oxford is a beautiful place and has an atmosphere perfect for study and research,” said Joanna.
“Aside from my project, this whole year has been a really great experience—beautiful place, great people, engaging cultural exchange, fun travels.”

Joanna is supervised by, Monash University’s Dr Kenneth Tan and Dr Mark Anthony, neonatologist at the University of Oxford.  Viveka’s supervisors are Associate Professor Jim Buttery, Director of Research and Head of Infection and Immunity at Monash Children’s Hospital and Dr Matthew Snape, consultant in general paediatrics and vaccinology at the University of Oxford.

Viveka and Joanna will return to SCS next year to complete their final year of medical school.

CID Weekly Seminar: Tuesday 26 July 2016

CID Weekly Seminar: Tuesday 26 July 2016
12:00 - 1:00pm
Seminar Room 1, Level 2, TRF Building

Tuesday 26 July - Dr Tin Kyaw
Senior Research Fellow, Vascular Biology and Atherosclerosis Laboratory

A light lunch is served prior to the seminar at 11:45am in the seminar room foyer, level 2, TRF Building.

Further information available from CID Weekly Seminar Series website [

Future CID Weekly Seminars:

Tuesday 2 August
Dr Greg Tesch, Research Group Head - Chronic Kidney Disease and Transplantation Research Group, Centre for Inflammatory Diseases

Tuesday 9 August 
Prof Branch Moody
Professor of Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School

Seminar title: “CD1-Reactive T cells Mediate Human Response to Tuberculosis Infection"

After more than two decades of focus on T cell recognition of MHC-peptide, immunologists were surprised to learn that T cell receptors recognize lipid antigens bound to CD1 proteins.  Emphasizing recently published and unpublished data, the talk explains that many lipids are displayed by cellular CD1 proteins and describes ex vivo T cell responses detected by CD1 tetramers in tuberculosis patients.  These studies provide several further surprises and a broader view of T cell function that includes response to cellular lipids.  

Originally from Irving, Texas, Dr. Moody is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and serves as physician and immunologist at Harvard Medical School.  His laboratory focuses on basic and applied research on how human T cells and macrophages respond to infection in human tuberculosis disease. This work is supported by the NIH Tuberculosis Research Unit Network, the Pew Foundation, the Burroughs Welcome Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Further information is available from the CID Weekly Seminar Series website []

CiiiD seminar Tuesday 26 July "The STAT3-miR-200 family axis is associated with early stage intestinal-type gastric cancer"

This week's CiiiD seminar will be presented by Dr Liang Yu.  Tuesday 26 July 1-2pm, Seminar room 1, TRF.  Charlotte Nejad will be the chair.

Lunch will be served at 11:45am in the foyer of the TRF building.

Updated CiiiD seminar schedule is attached here.

Grand Rounds - Rheumatology Unit "Glucocorticoids and damage: lessons from the clinic and the lab" - 27 July

Dr Vera Golder
Dr Sarah Jones
Presenters:     Dr Vera Golder and Dr Sarah Jones
Date:               Wednesday 27 July 2016
Time:               12.30pm to 1.30pm

Venue:            Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton

Hudson Seminar - Thursday 28 July “Estrogen and the male reproductive tract; defining new roles in development and disease”

Thursday 28 July, 12-1 pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre.

The speaker is Dr Andrew Pask, Associate Professor and Reader
ARC Future Fellow and R@MAP Fellow
School of Bioscience, The University of Melbourne

Dr Andrew Pask is an ARC Future Fellow, Associate Professor and Reader and co-head of the Genetics, Genomics and Development cluster in the School of BioSciences at the University of Melbourne. He completed his PhD in Genetics at LaTrobe University in the laboratory of Prof. J. Graves and trained as a post doc on an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship in the laboratories of Prof. M. Renfree at The University of Melbourne and Prof. R. Behringer at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas. He returned to Melbourne in 2004 and was awarded an NHMRC R.D. Wright Fellowship. In 2008 he moved his laboratory to the University of Connecticut, before returning in 2013 to the University of Melbourne, School of BioSciences. Dr Pask’s research is centered on reproductive development and disease using a variety of models to define key regulatory networks governing development.

Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA) Town Hall Meeting - Thursday 28 July

You are invited to attend a Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA) on Thursday 28 July from 9:30am-11:00am in the Ella Latham Auditorium. Professor Kathryn North, Director of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and lead of the AGHA, will present the latest progress from the Alliance, followed by a question and answer session.

The AGHA brings together 47 partner organisations committed to integrating genomic medicine into Australian healthcare. The AGHA aim to shorten diagnosis times, enable early intervention, and provide access to treatment for people with genetic disorders. 

In 2015, the AGHA was awarded a $25 million grant from the NHMRC’s Targeted Call for Research into Preparing Australia for the Genomics Revolution in Health Care. The AGHA has since established four major research Programs to better understand and address the challenges associated with integrating genomic medicine into Australian healthcare:

1.            A national diagnostic and translational research network
2.            A national data repository that is scalable, shared and standardised
3.            Economic analysis and policy implications for the health system
4.            Genomic workforce, education and ethics

These research programs will be informed by, and translated through, a Rare Disease and Cancer Flagships. These disease Flagships serve as examples for system-wide implementation of genomic medicine in Australia. 

The AGHA Town Hall meeting will be a great opportunity to hear more about the progress of the AGHA. We would like to invite the Victorian members of the AGHA and all involved parties to attend. This event is open to the public and we welcome circulation of this invitation to all interested groups and individuals.

For more information please contact the AGHA at:

See poster with more information here.

Updated Hudson winter seminar program

Please see the amended Hudson winter seminar program here

SCS Social Club event: Christmas in July (27 July)

Thank you to all who have confirmed they are coming to our Xmas in July celebration.

A reminder to staff to write your name and the plate/dish you will be bringing this Wednesday 27 July.   Lists are on the table in our tearoom, Level 5, Block E.

Shine a light on mental health, 8 August

Monday 8 August, 6.30-8pm, Monash University - Caulfield Campus - H116 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield

An inspiring night of musical performances and powerful stories shining a light on mental health in our diverse community. Hosted by the hilarious Diana Nguyen (of NAKED and Phi and Me fame), the event will feature reflections from former Australian of the Year Professor Patrick McGorry AO, writer and author (High Sobriety: My Year Without Booze) Jill Stark, mental health advocate and President of the Monash University International Student Service Karekhaa Nayar, with performances from the Mel O' Neill Quintet, Joel McKerrow, Natasha Weatherhill, the Monash University Sri Lankan Cultural Club and others.

Monash Pitch Originator & Accelerator Startup Competition

We are really excited to announce the launch of our flagship program - the PITCH ORIGINATOR! 

This start-up competition will allow the Monash community to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and aim to launch their awesome idea to commercial success. Students & staff from across the University are eligible to apply. Five winning teams will each receive $20,000, plus entry into the ACCELERATOR program to help refine and polish their idea so it is ready to pitch to investors for seed investment by the end of the program. 

The program timeline for the program is as follows: 
  • 28th July - Applications open (Submission of an Executive summary) and How2Pitch Workshop
  • 18th August - Applications close 
  • 5th September - Rapid Fire Round (60-second pitch to mentors)
  • 29th September - ELEVATOR AWARDS and finale of the PITCH ORIGINATOR 
  • Oct - Nov - 6-week ACCELERATOR program 
Program flyer is attached here. More information about the program and the submission form can be found at: 

Also, the second semester of the how to build a startup series -  the MOTIVATOR series - also starts next week. Copy of the flyer with topics, dates and venues is here. Please note registration ( GENERATOR booking system) is essential and limited to 150. 

Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowships for Life Sciences Research

Applications are now open for Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowships for Life Sciences Research.

  • HFSPO awards a total of 75 postdoctoral fellowships of which 69 are Long-Term Fellowships.
  • A fellowship is worth about 180,000 USD spread over three years and includes support for research costs and child care.
  • Fellows from one of the supporting countries (see below) can apply to work in a research institution in any country of his/her choice.
  • By 11 August 2016, you must have obtained a reference number.

Considering good success rates for applicants, we are reaching out to see if you would be willing to refer your fellows or junior investigators to apply.  The details can be perused at HFSP Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowships

Supporting  countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus (EU part only), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Queries about the scheme should be directed to

Level 2 supervisor accreditation mandatory training

Mandatory training towards Level 2 supervisor accreditation will be run at the MHTP by Monash Graduate Education for all supervisors of SCS PhD students. 

Staff with primary and adjunct appointments are expected to attend one of four of these 90-minute sessions conducted in August and September.

The objectives of this professional development are to
• refresh supervisor awareness of best practice for supervision of postgraduate students,
• discuss management options in the case of problematic projects or student projects, and 
• reinforce the responsibilities of the supervisors and students in this important professional relationship.

Please register your preferred attendance ASAP, as spaces are limited to 45 for each session.

5 August - 9.30 - 11 am, Level 2, Seminar Room, Hudson Building
5 August - 12 - 1:30 pm, Level 2, Seminar Room, Hudson Building
16 August - 3.30 - 5 pm, Level 3 Boardroom, Hudson Building
1 September - 10 - 11:30 am, Level 3 Boardroom, Hudson Building

ECRs: Mentoring opportunity 2-4 September, Melbourne

The fourth annual Research Ambassadors and Mentoring Program (RAMP) Meeting will be held in Melbourne from 2-4 September 2016 at RMIT University, Melbourne.

Please read invitation information here.   Registration form is here.  Brochure with overview of the RAMP program is here.

LabArchives Introductory Session

All new graduate research students that have commenced their studies from January 2016, is required to adopt the use of the electronic laboratory notebook, LabArchives, to manage and organise their research.

The Introduction to the Basics of LabArchives sessions below are for:
· mandatory for new graduate research students that have commenced from January 2016 on-wards;
· graduate research students (pre-2016 cohorts) are encouraged to attend to learn about the platform but this is not mandatory for these cohorts.

Please register for a LabArchives Introductory Session:

Introduction to the Basics of LabArchives Session 1 - Thursday 11th August, 10:00-11:00am, Room D523, Level 5, 35 Rainforest Walk (Blding 13D), Clayton

Introduction to the Basics of LabArchives Session 2 - Friday 12th August, 3:00-4:00pm, Room D523, Level 5, 35 Rainforest Walk (Blding 13D), Clayton

· Please bring a laptop if possible!
Pre-training requirement: Please ensure that before you attend the Introduction to LabArchives session, you create a LabArchives account with your Monash Authcate username and password, using the step-by-step instructions attached below.

For any questions related to LabArchives training sessions, please contact Jackie How (ELN Coordinator) -

Instructions for creating a new LabArchives account here.

Bicycle parking at MHTP

The MHTP Partners are pleased to announce that the new bicycle storage cage and change room facilities will soon be open.  The new bicycle cage has undercover secure bicycle storage for 78 bikes.  The new facility is located in the south west corner of the new MHTP TRF Building and will be finished in a few weeks.

If you would like access please click here.  Please note when you are given access, you will need to provide your email address and a valid Monash Health Proxy ID card for access.  

Anti-Xa activity in apixaban overdose: a case report

Andis Graudins et al. published in Clinical Toxicology.

Read article here.