Monday, 14 March 2016

Translational Research Facility Grand Opening at MHTP - watch the video

A collaborative initiative of Monash Health, Monash University and Hudson Institute of Medical Research, the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) strengthens links between education and training, basic and clinical research, and patient care.

Enhancing translational research capabilities on the precinct, MHTP expedites discovery and innovation to deliver world-leading healthcare in Melbourne's south-east.

$84 million research facility officially opened at MHTP

The Australian Minister for Health, the Hon Sussan Ley MP, last Thursday officially opened the Translational Research Facility at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP).
The new $84million Translational Research Facility brings together scientists, researchers, clinicians, and patients in an innovative collaboration that allows patient needs to better inform medical research.
Bringing together the expertise of Monash University, the Hudson Institute of Medical Research, and Monash Health, the MHTP encourages patient-centred research and the sharing of knowledge and learning between researchers.
The five-level building houses extensive medical and scientific research laboratories, cutting-edge technological units, as well as clinical trial facilities to bring the latest research directly to patients.
Research at the precinct focuses on six clinical streams:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular
- Diabetes, Obesity, Men’s Health and Endocrinology
- Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases
- Neuroscience and Psychiatry
- Women’s, Children’s and Reproductive Medicine
For the Head of Haematology Research, Associate Professor Jake Shortt, the MHTP provides an advantage over other cancer research facilities due to its proximity to patients.
“I am really excited about the prospects at MHTP – being embedded in a state-of-the-art facility with a really positive and progressive group of clinician scientists is a recipe for success,” Associate Professor Shortt said.

Unique smartphone app to reduce suicide deaths

Suicide is now the greatest killer of Australians aged 15 to 44 according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

A collaboration between Monash University and beyondblue – with funding from the Movember Foundation – has led to the development of a world-first smartphone app and website to help save lives when people feel hopeless and helpless, and want to die.

Dr Glenn Melvin, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist at Monash University’s Centre for Developmental Psychiatry & Psychology was central to developing the app’s safety plan format. He believes the app is a practical suicide prevention tool that can help save lives. “The safety planning app documents a series of steps that the person can use to keep themselves safe when they have suicidal thoughts,” he said.

 “It starts with things they can do themselves, then moves onto people they can contact for support. All this information is with them constantly on their phone and they can access it privately.”

Called the BeyondNow app, which is free and can be downloaded onto a smartphone, it shows people how to create a plan to refer to when they are experiencing suicidal thoughts or are in a suicidal crisis, according to beyondblue CEO, Mr Jeff Kennett.

“A tool like this has been needed for a long time. We know that having access to a safety plan in crisis situations can save lives. Now, we’ve used technology to convert written suicide safety plans, which have been used successfully with American service veterans, into a free app,” he said.

“I hope that men, in particular, will work with their GPs, psychologists, psychiatrists and carers to personalise their safety plan on the BeyondNow app and refer to it when they feel at risk of harming themselves.”

It is estimated 76,000 people attempt suicide each year in Australia. Research shows 15 to 20 per cent of those who try once will try again. The first three months after an attempt are regarded as the highest risk period.

The free BeyondNow App can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play store.  

Grand Rounds: Change Day - The Launch of the Patient Experience Strategy, 16 March

Join David Parkin, OAM, to launch the Patient Experience Strategy
and talk about behavioural change

Wednesday, March 16 (Change Day) 12:30—1:30pm
MMC Clayton Lecture Theatre 1  (Blue Jeans to all sites).  Lunch will be provided from 12pm

See attached flyer.

Reminder: Northern Australia Tropical Disease Collaborative Research Program - Minimum Data Deadline (16 March)

​r​eminder ​from NHMRC ​that Minimum data requirements for the Northern Australia Tropical Disease Collaborative Research Programme (including DFAT’s Tropical Disease Research Regional Collaboration Initiative) must be entered in RGMS by 5:00pm AEDT 16 March 2016 to meet eligibility requirements.

Failure to meet this deadline will result in the application not proceeding.  Late submissions will not be accepted.

UPDATE: 2016 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants

The 2016 Ramaciotti Awards opened recently (as per the email below), and as Monash can only submit a maximum of three applications (including from our affiliates), there will be an expression of interest (EOI), ranking and review process for applications to the Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office ( by no later than Thursday 31 March 2016.

Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected to proceed to full application on or soon after 15 April 2016.

NAB Foundation Stronger Minds Grants - EOI Process

The NAB Foundation Stronger Minds Grants Program is currently open for applications. The 2016 grants support initiatives led by not-for-profits across four categories:
  1. Research: Discover grant - For research that provides a deeper understanding of the key drivers of mental health and wellbeing
  2. Youth: Start well grant - For preventative mental health and wellbeing initiatives that build resilience and help empower young Australians and their families
  3. Rural: Reach grant - For initiatives that support the mental health and wellbeing of rural and remote communities
  4. Social inclusion: Strong Futures - For initiatives that support the long-term empowerment, social inclusion and mental health and wellbeing of disadvantaged or marginalised Australians
Applicants can apply for more than one grant, however each submission must be for a different program and grant category. There is a maximum of two (2) applications per organisation, and these must be in different categories,and only one grant will be awarded per organisation.

Final applications are due to NAB via SmartyGrants at 5pm on Friday 1 April 2016. As Monash University is only permitted to submit two (2) applications in total, there will be an expression of interest (EOI), ranking and review process for selection.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI usingthe attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office ( by no later than Friday 18 March 2016.

Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected to proceed to full application by 30 March 2016.

Applications open: Australian Academy of Science's 2016 Think Tank - Living in a risky world

  • want to influence policy and have your say on the future of your field?
  • Would you like a sponsored opportunity to network with the nation’s next generation of science leaders?
  • Do you have an interest in the science of risk and uncertainty?

Then apply to take part in the 2016 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank An interdisciplinary approach to living in a risky world to be held in Canberra on 20-22 July 2016 by the Australian Academy of Science.

Approximately 60 early- and mid-career researchers (up to 15 years post-PhD, excluding career interruptions) will be chosen from a diverse range of science and social science disciplines. Together they will discuss how we assess, understand and address risk in relation to real world events. Internationally renowned senior scientists will also provide insights into current perspectives in the field.

Find out more and apply to attend this year’s Think Tank by 31 March 2016. Applicants will be notified of the selection outcomes by 30 April. If you require any further information please contact Sandra Gardam on (02) 6201 9426 or via email

Young Tall Poppy Science Awards for 2016 - Information Session (Tuesday 15 March)

Nominations for the annual Young Tall Poppy Science Awards for 2016 are now open, and will close Monday 11 April.

These awards recognise excellence in early career research across all the sciences including biomedical, engineering, mathematics, technology; alongside a passion and capacity to communicate science to the community.  Further details are available at

Mind Your Way has had great results in the past with boosting Monash University's success in these awards, and they are keen to continue that trend this year. The services provided by their team include narrative coaching and grammar editing.

An information session at Clayton campus will be held for anyone interested in applying for the Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.

Tuesday 15 March
Time:  2:00pm
Venue: Clayton campus, Menzies building (20 Chancellor's Walk), Room E1164 (Level 11, East wing)
RSVP: To Christina Majoinen at 

Benefits of attending:
· Hear strategies for writing a successful Tall Poppy application
· Understand our double-review editing process for making your application shine

· Receive copies of previous successful applications to use as a model for your own application

Executive Assistant to President and CEO/CSO – Cartherics Pty Ltd at Moanash Medical Centre, Clayton

The company Cartherics Pty Ltd, located on the 7th Floor of the new Monash Health Translation Precinct at the Monash Medical Centre, Clayton Road, Clayton, 3168; is looking to appoint an Executive Assistant to the President and CEO – Professor Alan Trounson, and the Chief Scientific Officer – Professor Richard Boyd.

The position requires a person with experience in industry, medical research or the not-for-profit sector and will require high level capacity in preparing company and legal documents, an ability to read and prepare financial spread sheets, prepare documents for clinical and regulatory organizations, work closely with the Hudson Institute for Medical Research, Monash Health, Monash University and other research and clinical institutions, in Melbourne and overseas. The position will also require general organizational support for the CEO and CSO.

The company is researching the development of a new generation of immune cell therapies for cancer and is presently funded for 3 years.

The position will be full-time and the salary will be in the range $70,000-$85,000pa.

All enquiries to:

Accommodation required for visiting research fellow from April 2016

Are you interested in providing accommodation for 6 months for a visiting research fellow from Japan?  He will arrive in April 2016 to start his research project with Professor Yahya Shehabi, Head, Critical Care.

If you would like to assist, please contact Dr Suzuki ( and his supervisor Professor Shunsuke Takaki ( in Japan directly or Professor Shehabi at

Confirmation of Candidature Ella Ottrey, 15 March "Exploring mealtimes on subacute wards using an ethnographic approach."

Student: Ella Ottrey
Title: Exploring mealtimes on subacute wards using an ethnographic approach.
Synopsis: Malnutrition is a significant problem in hospitals, with serious impacts on morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. The aim of my PhD is to explore and understand mealtime environment and culture on subacute wards using an ethnographic approach. I will also investigate how staff experience the introduction of a mealtime intervention, “Protected Mealtimes”, that aims to improve nutritional intake for all hospital patients, including the malnourished.
Supervisors: Claire Palermo, Kate Huggins, Judi Porter.
Panel chair: Ricardo Costa.
Independent assessors: Lisa McKenna (Monash University), Karen Walton (University of Wollongong).
Date of presentation: 15/03/2016 12pm, Consult A/B, Level 1, BASE Facility, Notting Hill

Congratulations Dr Robin Chester on the completion of his PhD

Graduate Research Education is pleased to report that Robin Chester has fulfilled the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 

The thesis titled: "A critical study of what psychoanalysis is - the role of paradox" was ratified by the Graduate Research Steering Committee on  Tuesday 8th March 2016 and will be conferred upon graduation. 

The optimal gestation for pertussis vaccination during pregnancy - A prospective cohort study

Euan Wallace et al. published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Read article here.

Biologics for the treatment of autoimmune renal diseases.

Stephen Holdsworth et al. published in Nature Reviews. Nephrology.

Read article here.

The Evolution of Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Stroke

Ronil Chandra et al. published in Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine.

Read article here.

Perceptions of Australasian emergency department staff of the impact of alcohol-related presentations.

Diana Egerton-Warburton et al. published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Read article here.

Stillbirths: recall to action in high-income countries

Euan Wallace et al. published in The Lancet.

Read article here.