Tuesday, 24 November 2015

PhD student showcase symposium success

Professor Eric Morand and 2nd prize winner
Dr Moya Vandeleur
The inaugural PhD Student Showcase Symposium last Friday at MMC was an overwhelming success.

Chaired by our own students, ten outstanding PhD students from across various academic departments at SCS and Hudson Institute presented their research.

"The quality and diversity of laboratory and clinical research presented by these remarkable PhD students was frankly breathtaking," said Head, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health Professor Eric Morand, who opened the session together with Professor Bryan Williams.
First prize winner Natalie Bitto presenting
"Properties and transport of DNA carried
by bacterial  outer membrane vesicles"

"We know that the School of Clinical Sciences has the largest cohort of PhD students amongst Monash University's clinical schools and I am now more confident than ever that it is also the best."

First prize for best presentation was awarded to Natalie Bitto while Dr Moya Vandeleur received second prize.  The Students' Choice Award went to Lexie Prokopuk.

Professor Bryan Williams
presenting the Award to
Professor Rosemary Horne
Professor Rosemary Horne was given a special award in recognition of her exceptional and long service to the PhD program.

"I look forward to this symposium becoming a regular event on the academic calendar and representing an incredible forum for our diverse and talented staff and students to come together and share their research," added Professor Morand.

High impact stroke research wins Vice-Chancellor’s Award

Assoc Prof Cadilhac
Research improving the prevention and treatment of stroke has earned School of Clinical Sciences’ Associate Professor Dominique Cadilhac a prestigious Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research Impact.

Professor Cadilhac’s research program over the last 17 years has focussed on stroke, the leading cause of adult disability and second leading cause of death in Australia.

Using a range of methodologies including mixed-methods health services research, program evaluation and health economics, Professor Cadilhac has provided evidence to improve outcomes for patients with stroke at an acceptable cost.

“Most recent examples of the impact of my research include the establishment of the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry, the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine  (VST) program and providing, for the first time, the greater opportunity to understand unwarranted clinical variation in acute stroke care and the impact on longer-term patient outcomes including quality of life,” said Professor Cadilhac.

“Using decision-analytic modelling in 2007, I showed that by closing recognised gaps in practice and providing improved access to evidence-based therapy, approximately 27,000 (or 38 per cent) of strokes in 2015 could potentially be prevented.

“I calculated $1.06 billion could be recovered in lifetime cost-offsets through this modelling,” said Professor Cadilhac.

“Professor Cadilhac is the leading health services researcher undertaking this important work in Australia, and this work has led to significant economic and social impact,” said Head of Stroke and Ageing ResearchProfessor Velandai Srikanth

When Professor Cadilhac first began tracking access to stroke unit care in 1999 there were only 35 stroke units in this country.

Based on her evidence and consequent lobbying of government to improve health services for stroke, there are now 92 stroke units in Australia, directly contributing to reductions in death and disability.

“This award provides important ratification of the work I have done over the last 17 years with my exemplary team of researchers and collaborators, and it makes me very proud to receive this recognition from the University,” said Professor Cadilhac.

“My outstanding research and professional academic teams have been the invaluable cogs in a very well-oiled and busy machine, and my success is a reflection of their dedication, enthusiasm and broad interdisciplinary expertise that make our work and contributions so well regarded in the field.” 

Australian-first research saving babies

Professor Euan Wallace and
Dr Miranda Davies-Tuck
A highly successful research project at Monash University’s The Ritchie Centre has contributed to a significant reduction in stillbirth at Monash Health – Victoria’s largest maternity service.

A testament to the project’s impact on healthcare, the Below 100: Preventing Stillbirth program was an award winner for improving healthcare through clinical research in this year’s Victorian Public Healthcare Awards.

Stillbirth is a devastating outcome for women, their partners and families. 
Unfortunately, the rate of stillbirth in Victoria has remained unchanged for more than 20 years. In particular, the rate of late pregnancy stillbirth (losses after 36 weeks) has been most stubborn to change.

The collaborative research project led by The Ritchie Centre’s Professor Euan Wallace and Dr Miranda Davies-Tuck has underpinned Monash Health’s drive to be the safest maternity service in Victoria.

The most robust measure of perinatal mortality rates, including stillbirth, is the Gestation Standardised Perinatal Mortality Ratio (GSPMR), a scale that accounts for gestation at birth and allows comparisons across hospitals. 

By definition, the Victorian state-wide GSPMR is 100, i.e. the average. Any hospital with a GSMPR below 100 has a lower perinatal mortality rate than average for the State, and any hospital above 100 has a higher than average rate.

“When we started this project in 2008, the overall GSMPR for Monash Health maternity hospitals was 115, or 15 per cent higher than State average,” said Professor Wallace, who is also Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University and Director of Obstetrics Services at Monash Health.

“However, following the commencement of this research program and the associated changes in clinical care, the GSPMRs have fallen across all three hospitals. The Monash Health average is now 78 – more than 20% better than the State average.”

In order to improve GSPMR rates, Professor Wallace started the Below 100 research program to better understand the causes of stillbirth, with the aim of changing clinical care to address these causes.

“We identified opportunities for improvements in three areas of clinical care: 1) antenatal care; 2) the detection of fetal growth restriction; and 3) late pregnancy fetal surveillance,” said Dr Davies-Tuck.

“Our analysis revealed that women who had received their antenatal care in the community rather than in a hospital clinic had a significantly higher GSPMR.”
“Another part of the project showed that women of South Asian birth were more than twice as likely to have a stillbirth or a growth restricted baby as other women,” added Dr Davies-Tuck.

Growth restriction is associated with a seven-fold increased risk of stillbirth.
“Our data has informed targeted changes in our clinical practice, including establishing a new pregnancy clinic at Dandenong Hospital.”

The new Dandenong clinic has seen a dramatic increase in the number of women receiving antenatal care by Monash Health from 25% in 2013 to 80% in 2015.

“We have also developed new clinical practice guidelines to improve the detection of fetal growth restriction and to commence post-term surveillance in South Asian women at 39 weeks gestation instead of 41 weeks,” said Professor Wallace.

“Our initiatives have led to significant decreases in the GSPMR at all three maternity hospitals, equivalent to about five fewer stillbirths per year at Monash Health.”

If replicated across the state, this would equate to nearly 50 fewer stillbirths in Victoria each year.

Professor Wallace said that recognising the importance of maternal ethnicity in the risk of stillbirth and using this to better target individualise care is an Australian first.

“Every bit as exciting, our research has led to advances in fundamental placental biology that promise predictive testing and preventative therapies into the future.”

Largest ever study of alcohol harm in EDs reveals huge toll

Clinical Assoc Prof
Diana Egerton-Warburton
One in twelve presentations to hospital emergency departments (EDs) are alcohol-related, according to latest research conducted by Monash University and the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).

In the largest study of its kind ever undertaken, eight emergency departments across Australia and New Zealand were monitored over one week in December 2014.

The study found that one in twelve or 8.3% of all presentations were alcohol-related.

“That equates to more than half a million alcohol-related patients attending EDs every year across Australia and New Zealand,” said lead study author Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton at Monash University.
“Our study confirms that alcohol is having a huge impact on our emergency departments.”

Over 9,600 patients were screened as part of the study, which also found that alcohol-affected patients were more likely to require urgent resuscitation and arrive by ambulance and with police.

One drunk person can disrupt an entire ED,” said Professor Egerton-Warburton, who is also Chair of ACEM’s Public Health Committee.

“They are often violent and aggressive, make staff feel unsafe and negatively impact on the care of other patients.”

“The sheer volume of alcohol-affected patients means they disrupt EDs more than patients affected by ICE.”

ACEM is calling on Australian and New Zealand Governments to introduce firmer measures to limit the availability of alcohol.

The measures included in the NSW ‘Lockout’ laws particularly early closure have demonstrated beyond doubt that when you reduce availability, you reduce harm,”  Professor Warburton said.

Other jurisdictions should follow NSW and now Queensland in introducing early closing times and reducing the availability of alcohol. Policy makers have the power to reduce the tide of human tragedy from alcohol harm.”

ARC funding success enables research into school non-attendance

Dr Glenn Melvin
Congratulations to Dr Glenn MelvinCentre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology (CDPP) on recently being awarded a prestigious ARC Discovery Project grant.

Dr Melvin together with CDPP's Associate Professor Kylie Gray and EmeritusProfessor Bruce Tonge, and international colleagues, ProfessorRichard Hastings and Dr Vaso Totsika from the University of Warwick, and Associate Professor David Heyne from Leiden University, will use the grant to develop a better understanding of school non-attendance among children and adolescents with an intellectual disability.

"As we have little understanding of this problem, we are poorly equipped to respond to the support needs of these already marginalised young people," said Dr Melvin. 

"The project will identify specific risk factors associated with school non-attendance."

Findings from this project will inform the development of effective supports and interventions to improve educational experiences and outcomes of young people with an intellectual disability.

Looking for a Sunday drive in the country? Want to escape 2016 grant writing?

The (very) small community of Mollongghip (Happy Valley) is holding an Open Garden to raise funds for the restoration and maintenance of the local community hall. 5 gardens will be open from 10-4 on Sunday 29 November at the reasonable cost of $20 for all 5. There will be refreshments available at the hall where tickets can be purchased. Mollongghip is just over an hour away up the Western Highway towards Ballarat. 

So take a break from thinking about your 2016 NHMRC grants and come for a drive. Professor Rosemary Horne will supply champagne!!

See attached flyer for a description of the best garden and directions. 

SCS intranet - check it out!

The re-vamped and regularly updated SCS intranet can be found here: https://sites.google.com/a/monash.edu/school-of-clinical-sciences-intranet/home?pli=1

Please bookmark this site, or better still, make it the default home page for your browser. The intranet will always be a fluid site with links and documents continually refreshed, but will always remain the first point-of-call for staff and students of the School who are looking for information, for links to relevant websites, or for various forms and documents.

Navigation through the website is via the tabs that the top of the page, or the links along the left-hand side. Currently, the main topics include: School FAQs, Clinical Teaching, Early Career Researchers, Education, OHS, Communications, HR, P2P, R&R, Women In Medicine, Physician PhD students and Research Platforms.

Our intranet can also be accessed from our School home page (www.med.monash.edu.au/scs/) via the intranet link under "About us".

If you would like to add or update content for our intranet, please contact Vithya Premkumar or Katherine Greenberg.

Mandatory on-line training for all University staff and Hudson Institute personnel with Uni Adjunct or Affiliate appointments

Mandatory compliance training by ALL SCS staff needs to be finalised before early December. In 2014, SCS has the lowest completion rates in the Faculty. This can be turned around very quickly, and will take just a small time commitment from all staff and students to assist.

If you have not completed the on-line training modules during the required valid time periods of either two or three years, please complete them at your earliest opportunity as a matter of urgency,  by following the links below. The courses are mandatory for all continuing, fixed term, casual, and sessional staff.

(1) Occupational Health & Safety:  (Highest priority for ALL STAFF AND STUDENTS to complete this please)
The staff and student Induction Portal can be accessed here:  http://www.monash.edu/ohs/ohs-training-and-induction/ohs-induction/ohs-induction-programs. Please allow up to 30 mins to complete this mandatory on-line course.  
This course is valid for 3 years, so if you last completed this course in 2012 or earlier, you will need to complete the current course now.

(2) Equal Opportunity:
Staff and students can access the portal here: http://www.adm.monash.edu.au/staff-development/ws/work/essential/eo.html
Please allow up to 20 mins to complete this mandatory on-line course. 
This course is valid for 2 years, o if you last completed this course in 2013 or earlier, you will need to complete the current course now.

(3) Ethics and Professional Conduct:
Please allow up to 20 mins to complete this mandatory on-line course.
This course is valid for 3 years, so if you last completed this course in 2012 or earlier, you will need to complete the current course now.

(4) Privacy:
Please allow up to 20 mins to complete this mandatory on-line course.
This course is valid for 3 years, so if you last completed this course in 2012 or earlier, you will need to complete the current course now.

Staff and students are required to have an understanding of the University legal obligations and responsibilities relating to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) , Equal opportunity (EO), Privacy, and Ethical Behaviour.  The mandatory on-line compliance training requirements above, can be found here: http://www.adm.monash.edu.au/staff-development/ws/work/essential/ 

Before research groups commence relocating across the Monash Health Translation Precinct, we are required to ensure that everyone has completed the mandatory on-line compliance training. This includes all University staff, as well as all Hudson Institute staff who have an Adjunct or Affiliate appointment with the University. 

SCS calendar - what's on

Did you know that SCS events, lectures, seminars and more are scheduled in the SCS calendar?  You can subscribe to our calendar, ensuring you will receive invitations and never miss another event or meeting.
Just click on any of the scheduled events and you can easily add it to your own calendar.
The SCS calendar is on the front page of SCS eNews: (scsenews.blogspot.com.au). You can also add the SCS calendar to your list of calendars by clicking on the +Google calendar button.

What's on for the week (23-28 Nov)

Tue 24/11/2015 01:00 PM CiiiD Seminar Series
Wed 25/11/2015 10:15 AM SCS morning tea and staff meeting
12:30 PM State Of The Art Lecture- Nephrology “Ciliopathies, Cysts and CKD”
Sat 28/11/2015 01:00 PM “Improving Men’s Health – Research Horizons in Andrology"

Forthcoming events (30 Nov - 11 Dec)

Mon 30/11/2015 02:00 PM LabTracks Q&A session
Tue 01/12/2015 01:00 PM CiiiD Seminar Series
Tue 01/12/2015 04:00 PM Prof Warwick Anderson AM, Secretary-General, International Human Frontier Science Program Organisation
Thu 03/12/2015 12:30 PM Hudson seminar:  Prof Jan Brosens, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Mon 07/12/2015 07:00 PM 2015 Kaarene Fitzgerald Annual Public Lecture
Tue 08/12/2015 01:00 PM CiiiD Seminar Series
Fri 11/12/2015 11:45 AM SCS Meeting & Trivia Lunch

Centre of Inflammatory Disease (CID) Seminar- TODAY 12pm

The next CID Seminar will be held on Tuesday 24th November from 12:00-13:00 in the Medicine Seminar Room Located on Level 5, Block E MMC.

Dr Colin Cheng will be presenting: Role of Glucocorticoid-induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) in regulation of hepatocytic gluconeogenesis

Improving Men’s Health: Research Horizons in Andrology, Saturday 28 Nov

Australian – German partnership in men’s reproductive health
An alliance between Australian and German universities to train the next generation of male reproductive health experts

In 2013, a partnership was established between Monash University and Justus-Leibig University (JLU) in Giessen, Germany. This established an International Research Training Group (IRTG) to train early career researchers at world-leading centres in both countries in male reproductive medicine. The Monash-JLU collaboration was the first IRTG program established between Australia and Germany. Worldwide, there are 41 research training groups between Germany and 20 other countries.
Program for Saturday 28 November at Monash Medical Centre is here.
IRTG Milestone Meeting, Wed 25 Nov to Fri 27 Nov information here.
Read more about the Australian-German partnership here

State Of The Art Lecture- Nephrology - 25 Nov 2015

Unit: Nephrology                   
Presenter: Dr Jessica Ryan                                     
Topic: “Ciliopathies, Cysts and CKD”

Date: Wednesday 25 November 2015
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton

LabTracks Q&A session 30 Nov

Monash Medical Centre Animal House SPF Supervisor Josephine Howden will be hosting an information session on the new LabTracks database system.

The session is designed to answer any questions around LabTracks, and to demonstrate how to use the new system.

What: Labtracks Information Session
Date: Monday, November 30, 2 - 4pm
Where: Block E, Level 5 Surgery Seminar Room
Who: Josephine Howden, LabTracks users (or to-be users)

Animal House has been implementing the new database since July, with all of its breeding colonies now on the system. Many researchers are already using LabTracks.

Anyone with any questions on the use of the new system is invited to attend the session.

2015 Kaarene Fitzgerald Annual Public Lecture 7 December

2015 Kaarene Fitzgerald Annual Public Lecture. 7-9pm Monday 7 December Lecture Theatre 1 MMC.

Each year the Ritchie Centre host the Kaarene Fitzgerald public forum to honour the work that Kaarene did during her lifetime in establishing SIDS and Kids and playing such a pivotal role in reducing the incidence of SIDS both nationally and internationally. This year we are delighted to have Prof Ed Mitchell from Auckland University and Prof Jeanine Young from the University of the Sunshine Coast as our invited speakers.

Ed will present two talks:
Left is right: Should we advise pregnant women to sleep on the left?
Hot off the press: Recent advances in SUDI research.

Jeanine will speak on:
Safe Sleep Advice to Safe Sleep Action: enabling safe infant sleep through delivery of culturally competent care for high risk Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in urban, regional and remote Queensland.

All staff and students are welcome to attend.
Please see attached flyer.

Clinical grantsmanship workshop 15 December

Assoc Prof Arul Earnest
SCS researchers are invited to attend the inaugural Clinical Grantsmanship workshop at MHTP, led by Monash biostatistician Associate Professor Arul Earnest.

15 December, 8.30am - 3.30pm at the Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI), 43-51 Kanooka Grove, Clayton.

This workshop will help researchers improve their chance of success in grant applications by providing relevant talks, pre-review and methodological and biostatistical input for selected proposals.

More information and detailed program here.  Map of MCHRI here.

Hudson seminar: “Loss of endometrial plasticity in recurrent pregnancy loss”, 3 December

Professor Jan Brosens, University of Warwick presents “Loss of endometrial plasticity in recurrent pregnancy loss”

Thursday 3 December 12.30-1.30pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre

Flyer with details here.

Monday, 23 November 2015


The 4th Call for Proposals for post-doctoral researchers of the EU-funded William Harvey International Translational Research Academy (WHRI-ACADEMY) is now open.

Currently, the  Academy​ ​is inviting applications with a view to drawing up a list of experts who will assist ​them​ in the evaluation of the applications.
For further details please contact Xavier Sandin (x.sandin@qmul.ac.uk).

NHMRC Health Tracker and Research Tracker

NHMRC Research Tracker is a fortnightly email newsletter that informs the Australian research community about major NHMRC activities and funding opportunities.  If you haven't already signed up for alerts, do so now!!  Link here to subscribe.

NHMRC Health Tracker is a monthly email newsletter that informs the research and health communities about health policy or practice-related NHMRC activities and opportunities.  Link here to subscribe.

Women get a much needed boost in research funding gender equity plan

Women make up 44% of Australian academics, but just 24% of professors. One of the contributing factors for this disparity is that there are fewer women applying for research grants than men, even though women are just as successful at winning grants as men.

Read full article from The Conversation here.

SCS ECRs - Faculty Travel Grants 2016 - applications now open

Under the Faculty Travel Grant Scheme 2016, the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health has been allocated funds sufficient for 10 travel grants of $1000 each.  This grant is to be used to support early to mid-career researchers (Levels A-C) for their international conference travel, and allocation is contingent upon abstract acceptance.  There will be two rounds of applications in 2016.

We now wish to invite applications from eligible SCS staff via the attached form.  Please read the attached guidelines, and submit your application by Friday 18th December 2015 to jinleng.graham@monash.edu
(The SCS travel grant report form is also attached, if required by last year's travel grant recipients.)

Applications will be jointly assessed by the SCS Executive and you will be notified of the result of your application.

Note: Only salaried staff of School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health are eligible to apply.

Children/teenagers required for sleep research study

The Ritchie Centre (TRC) is looking for children/teens between the ages of 3 and 18 years to participate as controls in research sleep studies.
The Centre is carrying out studies on the effect of sleep disordered breathing on blood flow to the brain and its relationship with learning and behaviour. We are looking for non snoring 3–12 year old volunteers to serve as controls. Participants will have an overnight sleep study at the Melbourne Children’s Sleep Centre in the Monash Medical Centre.
We are also looking for 8–18 year old non snoring, normal-weight volunteers to serve as controls in another study on the effects of being overweight in childhood and snoring during sleep on brain structure, academic performance and the cardiovascular system. The participants will firstly have an MRI scan at the brand new Monash BioImaging Facility located in Wellington Road opposite Monash University Clayton Campus. This will take about an hour and afterwards have an overnight sleep study at the Melbourne Children’s Sleep Centre in the Monash Medical Centre. Both of these procedures will be performed on the same night.
During the sleep study, leads will be attached to measure brain activity, breathing and heart rate whilst the participants sleep. None of these measurements hurt the participants in any way and they will be able to see what their brains are doing! Sleep studies are overnight from 7:00pm and there are facilities for making tea and coffee and watching DVDs. A parent is required to stay and sleep overnight, and staff and students will explain everything about sleep to you. After the study a friendly psychologist will arrange a time to visit your house for some fun psychological testing. Being poor researchers, the only thing that can be offered in return for participation is free parking and gratitude.
For further information please contact: Professor Rosemary Horne, The Ritchie Centre Phone: 9594 5100  Email: rosemary.horne@monash.edu 
or visit www.monashchildrenshospital.org, in the parents tab through the Melbourne Childrens Sleep Centre page for more information. You can also find us at www.facebook.com/pages/Paediatric-Sleep-Research

(This study has approval from the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee – Project Number 14024B/12276B)


The Ritchie Centre is carrying out studies to determine the long-term effects of preterm birth and fetal growth restriction on cardiovascular control and function in children aged between 8 and 12 years. We are looking for volunteers of children who were born preterm (between 25 and 34 weeks gestation) with an appropriate birth weight for their gestational age. The participants will firstly have an ultrasound of their heart at Monash Heart, which will take about 30 minutes and then an overnight sleep study at the Melbourne Children’s Sleep Centre, located at Monash Medical Centre. Both of these procedures will be performed on the same night. During the sleep study, we will attach leads to measure brain activity, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure whilst the participants sleep overnight. These measures are all non-invasive and will not hurt the participants in any way. Sleep studies are overnight from 7:00pm and there are facilities for making tea and coffee and watching DVDs. A parent is required to stay and sleep overnight, and our staff and students will explain everything about sleep to you. Being poor researchers we can only offer free parking and our gratitude for participation!

For further information please contact:

Dr Stephanie Yiallourou
The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute for Medical Research
Department of Paedaitrics, Monash University
Phone:   9594 5399     Email: stephanie.yiallourou@hudson.org.au


Alexsandria Odoi
The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute for Medical Research
Department of Paediatrics, Monash University

Phone: 95945399 Email: alexsandria.odoi@hudson.org.au

OHS update

Make safety the first priority in your workplace
WorkSafe Victoria has launched a campaign that aims to encourage discussions about workplace safety by recognising the important jobs we do at home.
To read about this campaign please visit the following WorkSafe Victoria website:

Monash Animal Research Ethics Update - November 2015

1. Animal Ethics Information Session – Tuesday 23 February 2016 
2. 2015 Annual Reporting 
3. Form Updates 
4. MARP-2 Minor Amendments – Executive Meeting – Monday 14 December 
5. 2016 Animal Ethics Committee Meeting Dates and Submission of Documents 
6. Reminder – Time Extensions 
7. Moving Monash Department? – may need to transfer Animal Ethics
8. Naming Animal Facility staff on Animal Ethics Applications

Read full update here.  Also available on the SCS intranet here.

Telstra coverage at MHTP

Telstra in-building mobile coverage at MHTP is in progress and should be finalised within two weeks.

Telemedicine in the acute health setting: A disruptive innovation for specialists (an example from stroke)

Dominique Cadilhac et al. published in the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.

Read article here.