Monday, 30 March 2015

Monash researchers awarded Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences Fellowships

All new Fellows at the AAHMS launch in Canberra Wednesday 25 March 2015
School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health and MIMR-PHI researchers were among new Fellows at the launch of the newly established Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS) last week.

Led by many eminent scientists including President Professor Ian Frazer, the AAHMS was established in 2014 by leading health and medical minds from across Australia to provide independent advice to government, industry and the community on issues relating to evidence-based medical practice and medical research.

Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and The Ritchie Centre’s Professor Euan Wallace AM and Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor David de Kretser AC received prestigious AAHMS Fellowships along with Monash colleagues Professors Ross Coppel, Stephen Jane, Paul Myles, Robyn O’Hehir, Jamie Cooper and John Zalcberg.

Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Dean, Professor Christina Mitchell is an AAHMS Council member.

The AAHMS was officially launched last Wednesday in Canberra by the Minister for Health, the Hon Sussan Ley MP.

For more information and a list of AAHMS Council members, visit:

National recognition for Monash Partners: One of Australia's first Academic Health Research and Translation Centres

Prof Christina Mitchell
Monash Partners is officially recognised as one only four Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres (AHRTCs) in Australia, acknowledging the collaboration’s capability to improve health outcomes through high impact translational research.

In an announcement made by the Minister for Health, the Hon Sussan Ley MP and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on Saturday, the Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre was recognised as an international leader in linking clinical practice, research translation and education.

An innovative collaboration established in 2013, Monash Partners’ members include Monash University, Monash Health, Alfred Health, Cabrini Health, Epworth Healthcare, Baker IDI, Burnet Institute and MIMR-PHI Institute.

“This recognition will significantly enhance our capabilities as a collaborative clinical and research leader and innovator,” said Monash Partners’ Chair and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University, Professor Christina Mitchell.

Monash designs app to fight problem drinking

A/Prof Egerton-Warburton
Monash University has been awarded a highly competitive project in the state government’s latest initiative to curb problem drinking.

Launched last week, the inaugural VicHealth Innovation Challenge: Alcohol will work with entrepreneurs, non-for-profits, change-makers and universities to generate new ideas to reduce the amount Victorians drink, said CEO Jerril Rechter.

The successful Monash project, “Enough is Enough: Emergency Department Clinicians Action on Reducing Alcohol Harm”,  is a collaboration between the University, Monash Health, the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine and Hello Sunday Morning.

“As far as I am aware this is an international first for a university, tech start up and college to collaborate on an innovative digital solution to a major health care problem”, said lead researcher Associate Professor Diana Egerton-Warburton, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.

Additional advice - DHHS call for submissions - C3108 Simulation Patient Safety Research funding

Further to the earlier advice from the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) in relation to the Simulation Patient Safety Research scheme:

Should references be internal, belong to partner organisations, or external references?
There is no set requirement for who provides references. The department encourages applicants to provide at least one reference who is not part of a lead or partner organisation to provide a objective view.

What level of sign off is required from each partner organisation? Will submissions be considered if all signatures are not able to be obtained within the timeframe? 
The level of delegation required to sign off on the submission will depend on the governance structure of the project lead and partner organisations. Due to time constraints, the department would encourage applicants to obtain sign off prior to submission where possible. The department will consider submissions with outstanding signatures in good faith on the understanding that partner organisations have in principle agreed to the submission; any outstanding signatures must be provided to the department during the evaluation period.

DHHS Call for submissions - Patient Safety Research Project funding - further advice provided

Further to the advice provided on 24 March, the department has received further queries around flexibility of the deadline for submissions for the Patient Safety Research Project funding.

The department has revisited the timelines for the submission process, but unfortunately due to departmental constraints there is no opportunity to extend the submission due date beyond COB Tuesday 31 March.

In light of this, and with the intent of presenting the panel with a diverse range of proposals, the department encourages invited applicants to provide submissions completed to the best of your ability within the available time. Partially incomplete submissions will be considered by the panel, providing they clearly articulate the concept of the proposed research project and provide enough detail for the panel to assess against the evaluation criteria. Further detail can be provided if your submission progresses to interview, and successful project/s can elaborate in the project plan submitted prior to the release of funds.

Should you have further queries or wish to discuss this advice, please contact Amanda Reeves at DHHS directly.

Australia-Japan Foundation Grant Program for 2015-16 - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

The Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) seeks to advance Australia's engagement with Japan by supporting cultural, academic, business and community exchange and facilitating informed discussion on key bilateral foreign and trade policy issues.  The AJF board is also committed to supporting reconstruction efforts for communities of the Tohoku region in north Eastern Japan.  The annual grants program facilitates this engagement.

The 2015-16 Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) grants program reflects the AJF's priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan (2014-17) on the AJF's website.   In addition, this year, the AJF will support up to six Publication Awards capped at AUD10,000 each.  

Applications can be submitted online until the grants round closes on Monday 20 April at 11.00pm (AEST).

CID meeting TOMORROW, 12pm: "New opportunities to improve stroke outcome"

Presented by Dr Connie Wong

Medicine Seminar Room, Level 5 Block E

"Kinomics of the Plasmodium-infected erythrocyte: evolutionary considerations and opportunities for anti-malarial chemotherapy"

MIMR-PHI seminar presented by Professor Christian Doerig.

Thursday 2 April, 4pm-5pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre

See details here.

MIMR-PHI seminar series

The 2015 MIMR-PHI Seminar program has commenced. This year's program features alternating internal and external speakers to ensure that the excellent research being done at the Institute is showcased.

Please note that for all MIMR-PHI post-grad and honours students attendance at all Seminars is compulsory and is a requirement for your candidacy. Scanning of student cards will occur upon entry to the seminar. If any student is unable to attend please email Jackie Harrison prior to the day.

Appointments may also be made to meet with the invited speakers on the day of seminar. If you would like to arrange a time for any confirmed presenter please contact Jackie Harrison or on 9594 7910.

The Autumn Program of speakers is here and also via the SCS calendar.

Registrations Open for 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) 2015

All students are encouraged to take part in this fun and exciting competition.  It is a challenge that can lead to many opportunities and not forgetting you can win money!

Guidelines to entering 3MT competition:

  • Students must register (link below) to be able to participate in the 3MT competition and proceed to the Faculty Final and Monash University Final. 
  • PhD students must have completed their Confirmation (by September) to be able to participate in the Monash University 3MT competition

Some positive changes for the 3MT Monash Final.

·  Prize money -  1st place will now receive $5,000! Runner up will receive $2,000, People's Choice Award $1000 and MPA Encouragement Award $250.

More guidelines available on the MIGR website 

GRADUATE RESEARCH SEMINARS - Confirmation of Candidature

Knarik Tamanyan will be presenting her PhD research titled "Cerebral Hypoxia: could this be why children with all severities of sleep disordered breathing, including primary snoring, present with cardiovascular dysfunction and neurocognitive deficits?"

Monday 30th March 2015 at 1pm 
Location:Ritchie Centre Seminar Room, Level 5, MMC
Supervisor(s): Professor Rosemary Horne, Dr Lisa Walter, Dr Sarah Biggs
Panel Chair: Professor Graham Jenkins
Hannah Loke will present her PhD research titled "The Role of SRY in Normal and Diseased Male Dopamine Pathways"

Friday 10th April 2015 at 2.45pm 
Location: MIMR-PHI Level 2 Meeting Room , 27-31 Wright Street Clayton
Supervisor(s): Dr Joohyung Lee & Professor Vincent Harley

Panel Chair: Professor Kate Loveland

6th ASMR Victoria Student Research Symposium

As part of this year’s Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Medical Research Week® in Victoria, we are proud to present the
6th ASMR Victoria Student Research Symposium
Friday 15th May at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

An exciting all day showcase symposium for ALL Victorian medical research students (UROP, Honours, Masters, PhD, and more) to present their work, listen to some of Victoria’s top medical researchers, and network in a friendly environment! During the symposium, research students participate in oral, “3-minute-thesis” styled oral, and poster presentations in ALL disciplines of medical research.

Registration and abstract submission are NOW open. 
Abstract submission closes 13th April 2015, 12PM 
Registration closes 8th May 2015, 6PM

This event is part of the Medical Research Week® undertaken by the Australian Society for Medical Research. For more information please visit our website: and see attached flyer.

For each educational level, many prizes and awards are given including a ticket to the prestigious ASMR GALA dinner, where the awardee will have an opportunity to dine with well-known researchers.

PhD Scholarships in Stroke Research (Sydney based)

Exciting scholarship opportunities are available for high-achieving PhD candidates to undertake research within the Nursing Research Institute (NRI) at the Australian Catholic University (ACU).

PhD scholars will work full-time at the NRI within our acute stroke research program. The work component of this PhD will comprise of a series of sub-studies which relate to and compliment the ongoing interstate T3 Trial: Triage, Treatment and Transfer of patients with stroke in Emergency Departments (ED). More specifically, the aim of the PhD research will be to identify contextual factors associated with the successful uptake of three clinical care protocols to manage fever, hyperglycemia and swallowing (the FeSS protocols) implemented as part of the T3 trial in ED.

Research Impact and Publishing

The impact and influence of scholarly publications such as journal articles and books can be measured in a variety of ways. Metrics, such as the number of citations, can be used in grant and job applications to demonstrate the impact of your publications and research. The Monash Library has produced a guide which provides an overview of commonly used metrics, and advice about developing a publishing strategy.

Please access the Guide via this link:  Research Impact and Publishing Guide
Do you want a seminar on this topic?
If there is sufficient interest we can arrange a library seminar to explore this topic in more detail. 

Please email Alison Roache if you would a seminar to be arranged..

Congratulations to the following students on the recent award of their PhD

Virginia Knight
Dr Virginia Knight, supervised by Professor Bill Sievert and Associate Professor Peter Tipping, for her research into “The role of PAR-1, PAR-2 and tissue factor in the development of Hepatic fibrosis”.

Dr Alexander Wilding, supervised by Associate Professor Terry Johns, for his project “In vitro models of glioblastoma - targeting cancer metabolism”.

Dr Stacey Ellery, supervised by Dr Hayley Dickinson, for her “Studies on the importance of creatine during pregnancy for the mother and newborn”.

Alex Hodge
Dr Alex Hodge, supervised by Professor Bill Sievert, for his study of “Novel therapies in chronic liver disease”.

  Dr Debbie Phyland, supervised by Professor Julian Smith, for her research into “The impact of vocal load on the vocal function of professional music theatre singers”.

Congratulations also to Kavitha Vaithiyanathan who has been awarded a Master of Reproductive Sciences.

Debbie Phyland

Congratulations to recipients of the 2014 ASID Reearch Prize

Congratulations Kim Trezise, Associate Professor Kylie Gray, John Taffe and Dianne Sheppard for the award winning research paper, "Working memory in adolescent males with Down syndrome and males with autism and intellectual disability: Implications for the classroom."

Published in the Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
See the award here.

Monash Commuter Club

Monash offers all staff (including sessionals and casuals) and non-concession students (including international students), the opportunity to participate in the Monash Commuter Club scheme.   The scheme offers public transport users a 10% discount on 365 day passes.
By joining the myki Commuter Club, not only are you doing your bit for the environment, but you can also: 
  • receive a 10% discount on your 365 day Myki pass
  • use your myki on metropolitan trains, trams or buses all year round
  • avoid fare increases and the need to top up your myki for 12 months. 
International undergraduate students: before you proceed, check the iUSEpass (International Undergraduate Student Education pass) page. If you meet the government criteria, you may be eligible for a bigger discount.

More information here.