Acceptable workplace behaviour

You may have heard recent media reports about sexual harassment in Australian hospitals, including a case at Monash Health in 2006.

Monash University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, harassment and vilification for all staff and students.

Harassment is unwelcome conduct that might reasonably cause a person to be offended, humiliated or intimidated. Harassment which is offensive conduct based on a person’s disability, race or of a sexual nature are forms of discrimination.

Students and staff are encouraged to ask for help if you:
  • feel attacked, harassed, intimidated, stalked, bullied or threatened
  • have concerns about someone else's behaviour or wellbeing
  • have received unwanted attention
  • are worried about someone harming themselves or someone else
  • wish to clarify issues of responsibility, confidentiality or duty of care.
The University’s Safer Community Unit is a central point of enquiry for confidential information, advice and support in managing inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviours. Safer Community staff will provide leadership and support in all stages of responding to complex and sensitive situations.

Contact details:  Phone:  +61 3 990 51599  or

If appropriate, staff and students are also encouraged to approach their line manager or supervisor.
The University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a professional counselling service available to all employees and their immediate family members, offers confidential, short-term support for a variety of work-related and personal problems that may be affecting you at work or at home.
EAP:  Call 1800 350 359  or read here for more information.
Other contact details for mental health advice here.

Kind regards
Eric Morand

Head, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health

Monash Health and MHTP Research Week (THIS WEEK!!)

17-19 March, New Lecture Theatre 1, MMC
Research Week is an exciting opportunity to acknowledge the achievements and showcase the ground breaking research being conducted at the MHTP.
Highlights will include the official opening of the new, refurbished MHTP Lecture Theatre 1. There will also be a catered lunch every day and a Festscrift for Dr Philip Graves on 20 March. 
Generous Prizes are being awarded for the Poster competition and Best Young Basic and Clinical Researchers Competition.
·  Best Young Basic and Clinical Researchers Competition $1500 each.
·  Poster Presentations “Best in Theme” Poster awards 1st Prize $500, 2nd Prize $200.
For further information about Research Week and for the Abstract/Poster Guidelines and Research Week Entry Form please visit: RESEARCH WEEK.

All staff are welcome to all sessions, however it is hoped that all will attend the 2-hour session for their own research theme. 
  • Cardiovascular Research
  • Inflammation & Infectious Diseases
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes
  • Neurosciences and Mental Health
  • Cancer Research
  • Women’s, Children’s & Men’s Health
See detailed program here.

Vale Dr Geoffrey Conron

Highly regarded psychiatrist Dr Geoffrey Conron died earlier this month. Head of the Psychiatry Unit at the Alfred Hospital from the early 1970's, Geoff was a loyal and key supporter of the Monash Department. Until the establishment of a Chair at the Alfred in 1984, Geoff was our representative at the Alfred. 

He was an Honorary member of the Monash Department throughout his whole period at the Alfred. He was very supportive in the difficult process of establishing the Chair of Hospital and Community Psychiatry at the Alfred,  and formed a productive alliance with its first incumbent, Bruce Singh. This continued with the subsequent appointment of Nicholas Keks, and later of Jayashri Kulkarni. Geoff's goodwill was vital to the success of everything that the Monash Department tried to achieve at the Alfred.

Geoff was a tireless teacher of psychiatry to our medical students at the Alfred, supported the MPM, and participated in teaching and examining in the program. He was highly regarded as a clinician and leader, and set a high standard in all areas. 

Geoff was particularly interested in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, and was a valued colleague and friend to many in that field.

(By Emeritus Professor Graeme Smith)

World's Greatest Shave at SCS / MMC on Tuesday 17 March at 4.45pm, Lecture Theatre 1

As part of the World's Greatest Shave campaign to raise awareness and money for leukaemia research, SCS Year 4 student Sarah Lim will shave her (long and very beautiful) hair.

Sarah's Brave Shave will be happening in LT1 at Monash Medical Centre this Tuesday 17th March at 4:45pm.  Doing the shaving will be our special guest shaver, Professor Michelle Leech. 

Please come along, with coins in your pocket and support for Sarah, or if you can't make it on the day  Sarah's fundraising page is here.  

If you can spare the time, please feel free to wander down to LT1 on Tuesday afternoon and join in the celebration as Sarah says farewell to her long locks!

ARC Centres of Excellence 2017 - Call for Notices of Intent - Due 25 March 2015

The Monash Research office has announced a call for Notices of Intent (NOI) for the ARC Centres of Excellence 2017 scheme.  Submissions are due at MRO ( by Wednesday 25 March 2015.  

The NOI application form is attached here.

The ARC has advised that there will be a two stage process for ARC Centres of Excellence for funding commencing in 2017: the submission of an Expression of Interest; and shortlisted applicants proceeding to full proposal and interview.  The release of Funding Rules by ARC has been delayed but is anticipated in April 2015.

Call for Notices of Intent – ARC Centres of Excellence for funding commencing in 2017
Monash researchers wishing to participate on an ARC Centre of Excellence in the forthcoming round are requested to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Monash Research Office by 25 March 2015.  This applies to Monash-lead Centres as well as non-Monash lead Centres.  

DAAD Research Grants and Research Stays - Now Open for Application

The DAAD is Germany's largest scholarship-awarding organisation and runs several programs to support academic exchange between Germany and all parts of the world. These programs range from short-term exchanges for research or teaching purposes to doctoral scholarships lasting several years. The scholarships offered by the DAAD are awarded to younger university graduates from all academic disciplines.

The following programs are open for application until 31 March 2015:
Research Grants - Short-Term Grants
Research grants provide PhD students and young academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research or continue their education in Germany at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany.

Meeting with Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance - Tuesday 17th March 4-5pm, Medicine Seminar Room

Prof North
The Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA) meeting with clinicians/researchers is on Tuesday 17th March, 4 - 5pm in the Medicine Seminar Room, Level 5, Block E, MMC Clayton.

Prof Kathryn North (Director, Murdoch Children's Research Institute) and A/Prof Clara Gaff  (WEHI/MGHA) will represent MGHA to discuss:

- 5 year vision of integration of genomics into clinical medicine, developing new intellectual property and clinical tests, linked to EHRs and clinicians, etc
- A plan being developed for presentation to the State Government, as a response to an election promise of $25 million to develop a statewide Medical Genomics initiative.

The Future of Medical Genomics at Monash, 25 March 12.30-5.30pm

Prof Andrew Sinclair
Wednesday 25th March at 12.30-5.30pm, Lecture Theatre 1, MMC. 

Opening with Grand Rounds, Prof Andrew Sinclair (Deputy Director of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute) will tell an inspiring story of building from his basic discovery of the gene responsible for sex determination (as a post-doc) into the delivery of hope for parents facing a very difficult decision at the time of birth of their child.
A symposium will follow where speakers will address the medical genomics platforms available and developing at Monash. Speakers include: A/Prof Clara Gaff, Prof Paul Hertzog, A/Prof Elizabeth Algar, Mr Steve Androulakis, Dr Stuart Archer, Prof Justin St John, Ms Vivien Vasic, Dr Trevor Wilson, Prof Richard Kitching & Dr David Cram.
Prof Kate Loveland will open the symposium and Prof Ian Smith will moderate the discussion which aims to highlight how the area of medical genomics relates to our education and research practices. 

Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics to Explore Cellular Identity and Uncover Drivers of Cellular Behaviours

10 – 11am , Monday 23 March, Monash University, CL_15 Innovation Walk/G19 (Building 75)

Featuring speaker: Assistant Professor Alex K. Shalek, Institute for Medical Engineering & Science & Department of Chemistry, MIT Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, & Harvard Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard.

See details here.

Notification Animal Ethics Information Sessions – Friday 24 April & Tues 21 July 2015

Monash University requires that:

•    All new research staff and students using live animals complete the
information session “Animal Use in Research and Teaching”.
•    Investigators must have successfully completed the relevant
training to be named on an animal ethics application.

Friday 24 April 2015, 10am – 12:30pm
Lecture Theatre S1, 16 Rainforest Walk (Building 25), Clayton Campus

Tuesday 21 July 2015, 10am – 12:30pm
Lecture Theatre S3, 16 Rainforest Walk (Building 25), Clayton Campus

Register on-line here

Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Program Information session - 23rd March

SCS-MH Students and supervisors are invited to meet Dr. Melanie Pritchard, Senior Manager for the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Training program and learn about how this Program will assist your PhD candidature and career development.  She will provide an overview of the program and explain the way that we expect to use GRAMS to register and record activities.
There will be time to discuss outstanding issues around implementation, including the latest developments from MIGR.
23 March at 11.00 am, Dept of Medicine Seminar room, Level 5 Block E MMC

Read here  for further information about the Biomedical Sciences PhD program.

Coursework units for Translational Research Doctoral program

All Monash graduate research students, irrespective of program option, must complete the following activities prior to the Confirmation milestone:
  • Monash Induction (online);
  • Faculty Induction;
  • Research Integrity (online).

Students register for theses activities via GRAMS (accessible via or the GRAMS webpage).  Enrolment form is here.

In addition, all newly enrolled GR students must complete the following 6-credit-point coursework unit prior to confirmation of their PhD candidature (Note: students who commenced in 2014 -  we are extending the opportunity to you to undertake this coursework):

Monash Doctoral Program online activity management system

The Graduate Research Activity Management System (GRAMS) is now live and ready for use!

GRAMS is an all-encompassing online system that has been designed to support Graduate Research supervisors and students in the management of their professional development activities. Activities are categorised into three Modules - the Compulsory Module, the Graduate Researcher Development Module and the Discipline Enhanced Development Module. Student's access to, and requirements within, these Modules will be dependent on their year and course of enrolment.

GRAMS will allow supervisors to:
  • View all your students and their Monash Doctoral Program;
  • Search for available activities, both Graduate Researcher Development and Discipline Enhanced Development, and make recommendations to your students;
  • View and monitor students attendance at activities and hours completed;
  • Generate reports to assist in tracking your students’ progress in their respective programs.
The Graduate Researcher Development Module is available to all graduate research students regardless of course and year of enrolment. It contains a selection of research, professional and career related development activities designed to establish students as a researcher and give them a competitive edge when it comes to employment opportunities. All of the activities in this Module are categorised into the following eight Learning Domains:

Timeout newsletter

Read the latest issue of Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter here, featuring:
  • Monash Global Walk/Run
  • Does diet have an impact on the mind?
  • Creating a healthy workplace together
  • Discounts
  • And more!

Health concerns over Paleo cookbook aimed at toddlers

Professor Helen Truby, Head, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics on SBS news.  Watch video here

Serious health concerns have been raised over a cookbook that promotes the Paleo diet for toddlers. The book - co-authored by celebrity chef Pete Evans - has been shelved by its publisher - after several health officials raised concerns. 

Morning Tea/School Meeting - Friday 27th March 2015 - 10am, Lecture Theatre 2, MMC Clayton

If you have any achievements to include in the Head of School report, please let us know by contacting Jin Graham.

Nominations for the SCS Quiet Achiever Award are now open, via attached form.

Outside Studies Programme, 2015

This year, applications for OSP for all Faculties across the University will open on Friday 20 March and close on Friday 17 April. This single, annual round will capture applications for both Semester 2 (2015) and Semester 1 (2016).

For 2015, the OSP application process has been improved and streamlined with the following benefits to applicants:

1.       OSP applications will be prepared and submitted via an easy to use online form, in a similar way to Academic Promotions,
2.       Applications will be forwarded to your Supervisor and Head of Area for approval/support by the HR OSP Coordinator (you are no longer required to do this personally),
3.       HR will process leave using the details within the OSP application so that you’ll no longer be required to fill in a separate leave form.

Monash University Career Connect

The University's new Career Connect has opended in the Clayton Campus Centre opposite Monash Connect. Students are able to book a 30-minute one-on-one appointment with a career educator, bring in their resume and documents and have a job application checked, or access information about volunteering and student leadership programs. For more information,visit the website.

Expressions of Interest: Monash Diverse Genders and Sexualities (DGS) Advisory Group

The Social Justice Unit is calling for nominations for its Diverse Genders and Sexualities (DGS) Advisory Group from members of academic and professional staff from all Australian Monash campuses who want to make a positive contribution to supporting the social inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community at Monash University. 

Academic Promotion Information

The key dates for this year's academic promotion round have now been set. 
The promotion round for applications to Levels C to E will be Monday 4 May to Friday 26 June 2015.  In order to help prospective candidates prepare their application, a series of Information Sessions will be conducted across Faculties and campuses throughout mid-to-late March.  


Date: Monday 23 March 2015
Time: 12:30 - 2:00pm
Venue: Medicine A Lecture Theatre, 37 Rainforest Walk (M3, Building 13A, Clayton Campus)

Date: Wednesday 25 March 2015

Time: 12:00 - 1:30pm

Venue: Seminar Room 1, Level 5, The Alfred Centre

It is strongly recommended that interested attendees PLEASE REGISTER THEIR INTENT TO ATTEND, via the "REGISTER NOW"function here.

Hospital carshare

Car-pooling is just a click away after the launch of a new website connecting Monash Health staff with other car poolers. Monash Health is the latest healthcare organisation to have access to the website Hospital Carshare, developed and launched by Metro Parking.

To launch the site, Metro parking is offering Zouki coffee vouchers to the first 100 people who register on the website.

The Careshare network works by linking staff by their postcode and their place of work. Staff register whether they are a driver, passenger or both, their home postcode and their Monash Health work place. Staff can then connect with other drivers/passengers in their area who are travelling to the same site. Seven major Monash Health sites are included in the Hospital Careshare network.

In order for the first 100 people that sign up to Hospital Car Share to claim their free coffee voucher, they just need to email their confirmation email of inclusion in Hospital Carshare to

Public transport discounts for international students

International undergraduate students are now entitled to receive a 50% discount on the purchase of a yearly myki pass.  Read here for details.
Please pass this onto any international students you may have working with you.