Monday, 12 January 2015

NHMRC Announcement

Sent on behalf of Professor Matthew Gillespie, Associate Dean (Research Strategy)  Re:  important issues that were announced in the 9 January 2015 NHMRC Tracker

1. New Investigators and/or Cancer Australia Young Investigators
Individuals who wish to apply as NHMRC New Investigators and / or Cancer Australia Young Investigators must submit a eligibility approval form by 5pm AEDT 21 January 2015.  Late submissions will not be accepted.  The New Investigator online form requires that you have an APP ID number, and therefore have commenced an RGMS application. As such, determination of your Chief Investigator team requires prompt action.
All CIAs applying as a New Investigator and/or as a Cancer Australia Young Investigator must complete the online form, which can be submitted between 14 January and 5pm AEDT 21 January. Late submissions not accepted.  Further information.

2. RGMS Password Policy
As of the 12 January NHMRC’s RGMS Password Policy will be changing to comply with new Whole of Australian Government IT security requirements. Users should note new password expiration changes and new password complexity requirements. Further information.

3. NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowships
Early career postdoctoral researchers in dementia and researchers from a range of science and health fields (eg., neurobiology, immunology, chemistry, bioengineering, information and communications technology, genomics, epidemiology and cell and vascular biology) are encouraged to apply for the NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowships. Applications close 11 March. Note that these Fellowships will be provided over four years and include a project component of up to $250,000, funded by the ARC, to support research costs. Further information.

New NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowship Scheme Now Open

Applications for NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowships for funding commencing in 2015 are now open and will close at 5pm AEDT on 11 March 2015.

This joint NHMRC-ARC initiative provides opportunities for early career postdoctoral researchers to undertake advanced training in the health, medical, fundamental sciences, social, economic and cultural fields relevant to dementia, in either Australia or overseas. 

Fellowships will be provided over four years and include a project component of up to $250,000, funded by the ARC, to support research costs.

Further information, including Funding Rules and Advice and Instructions to Applicants for this scheme can be found on the NHMRC website:

Our deadline for this call is Wednesday 25 February 2015 for a compliance check.

EOIs for ARC LIEF 2016 are now open

EOIs are now open for Monash researchers intending to apply for ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment Funding (LIEF) for funding commencing in 2016.

The LIEF scheme provides funding for large-scale cooperative initiatives so that expensive infrastructure, equipment and facilities can be shared by researchers in partnered organisations. Each year Victorian Universities run an Expression of Interest (EoI) process for the LIEF scheme to strengthen the competitiveness of submissions and eliminate duplication of applications for similar infrastructure/equipment.

An EOI must be submitted by the nominated lead Monash CI for all LIEF projects involving Monash researchers.  This applies to projects that are led by Monash as well as those led by a Collaborating Institution.

Key Changes to the 2015 NHMRC Project Grant Application Process

Funding Rules and supporting documents for the 2015 Project Grant round are now available and applications will open in RGMS on 14 January 2015

Please note the following key changes to the application process:
  • Applications must be initiated and the minimum data completed in RGMS by 17:00 AEDT on 18 February 2015.  Applications that fail to satisfy this requirement will not be accepted.
  • All chief investigators on a NHMRC New Investigator (NI) or Cancer Australia Young Investigator Project Grant application must confirm their eligibility by completing a mandatory NI online form by 17:00 AEDT on 21 January 2015 and indicate their NI status within RGMS.
  • Chief Investigator A (CIA) citizenship waivers are no longer required.  Where the CIA is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, they must have the requisite work visa in place at the time of accepting the successful grant and will remain in Australia for at least 80 percent (%) of the funding period.
 For more information, please visit our Project Grants webpage:

Social club BBQ Thursday 15 January

Come and join us for a BBQ lunch this Thursday 15th January
from 12-1.30pm.

Details attached.

Cytogenetics Principal Scientist

Monash Health is seeking a highly motivated scientist with a background in Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology to fill the position of Scientist in Charge of our Cytogenetics laboratory.  

See advertisement and further information here.   
Applications close 30 January 2015.

Medical Scientist: Grade 3 (Post doctoral)

Monash Health is seeking a highly motivated scientist with a background in Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology to fill the position of Scientist in Charge of our Cytogenetics laboratory.  

Please see attached advertisement and information for details.  

Applications close 30 January 2015.

Kids not negatively impacted by weight management programs

Prof Helen Truby
Weight management programs for overweight children do not negatively impact body satisfaction, research shows.

Published in Appetite, researchers at Monash University investigated changes in body perception and satisfaction in overweight and obese children aged five to nine-years-old participating in a weight management program.  
Full story here.

Annual safety tagging

Starting today ESafe will be conducting their annual safety tagging on all equipment  (that's not built in) in all labs on all floors.  This will take 3 staff about a week and a half to complete, so please be aware of your surroundings.

For any questions please contact Rod Gillett (99024728) or Steve Bouralexis (9594 4325)