Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Leading SCS haematologist awarded prestigious VCA Fellowship

Leading haematologist Dr George Grigoriadis was recently awarded a prestigious Victorian Cancer Agency Clinical Research Fellowship for his ongoing research into the role of inflammation in the different stages of myelodysplastic syndromes. 

The competitive grant of $800,000 over four years will also enable Dr Grigoriadis to identify patients who may benefit from treatment with anti-inflammatory agents.

Research Fellowship Applicatio​n Support Program 2015

The Associate Dean (Research Strategy), Professor Matt Gillespie, in conjunction with MRO and the Faculty Research Office is launching a comprehensive program of support for initial or renewing Research Fellowship applicants in 2015.

Please see program below for support and details of the introductory forum to be held on Monday September 15. Speakers will include Professor Gillespie, Professor James Whisstock, Professor Tony Tiganis and Professor Rob Widdop.  Please also see below fo an Expression of Interest link.  Submission of an EOI is essential to register for the forum and to receive future updates on the program.
If you have any questions contact Professor Gillespie:

Research Fellowship application submission in 2015

To improve the quality of Monash Fellowship applications (in particular ARC and NHMRC) to be submitted in 2015, the Faculty has established a pre-submission review process. This pre-submission process has been discussed with, and agreed by, the Monash Research Office (MRO) and the Faculty Research Office (FRO): the process has been informed by Fellowship submissions of 2014. It is designed to enhance the submission process and ensure that the applications provide the most competitive case for appointment.

The key issues of this process are:
  • EoI notification
  • Focused workshops on application preparation
  • Applicants will have access to the Monash Incubator Program, but must remain engaged with the process to receive ongoing support
  • Review of applications
  • MRO have enhanced their compliance / competitiveness checklist
  • Final application completion target is 31 December 2014

Please advise the university of your intention to apply for Fellowship (NHMRC – ECF, TRIP, CDF, PF, RF; ARC – DECRA, FF) through submission of this on line form.  This will enable the university to effectively manage the submission process, distinguish new applicants from renewals, and identify the funding scheme. All applicants who declare their intent to apply will be offered access to the Monash Incubator Program, review of their applications, and have targeted communications during application preparation.

Fellow Application Forum

14:00, Monday 15 September 2014 (G35 Building 77) Monash Campus

This is workshop for 2015 intending applicants (Fellows and new applicants) on “how to sell your fellowship”, and will be conducted by Professors Tony Tiganis, James Whisstock and Rob Widdop (Fellowship Review Panel Members 2014).  The session will address the application vision, reporting output, and how to maximise the overall impact of the application. Time will be allocated for questions and answers.

Those applying through the expression of interest form will be automatically advised of updates to this meeting and subsequent meetings.

Matthew Gillespie
Associate Dean (Research Strategy)


Presentati​on on Pfizer’s Centre for Therapeuti​c Innovation​, MIMR-PHI Boardrooms​, TOMORROW Thursday 28th

Staff are encouraged to attend a presentation on Pfizer’s Centre for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) this Thursday 28 August, 1.30-2.30pm in the MIMR-PHI Level 3 Boardrooms.
Dan Grant and David Gallagher from Pfizer's Sydney office will be making a special visit to MIMR-PHI to discuss the opportunities for funding available through the CTI.
This visit follows from the recent announcement that Pfizer will establish its first CTI outside the US at Monash University.
Therapeutic areas of interest to Pfizer include:
  • Inflammation
  • Autoimmunity
  • Tissue remodeling
  • Oncology
  • Cancer Immunology
  • Rare or genetic diseases
  • Neuroscience
  • Cardiovascular
  • Metabolic diseases

Learning & Teaching Travel Grants

The Faculty is pleased to announce the next round of the Learning & Teaching travel grants has been released. The scheme is designed to assist academic staff to attend and/or present papers at conferences that will develop their educational skills and teaching and learning research activity.
The grants are allocated by the Office of the Deputy Dean (Education) on a competitive basis. It is anticipated that approximately 20 grants will be allocated in this round.

The closing date for applications is 30 November 2014  
Round 1, 2015 will cover attendance at conferences commencing between: 1 January 2015 and 30 June  2015.  The guidelines and application form can be accessed via: 

PLEASE NOTE: completed applications will need to be sent to the  DDE Applications email address: 


"Non-suicidal self injury and stereotypic movement disorder in neurodevelopmental disorders" presented by Professor James C. Harris, Johns Hopkins University

Monday 1st September 12pm, Lecture Theatre 3, MMC
See flyer for details.

SBI Collaborat​ive - From Bench to Bedside - Monday 15th September

Unlocking unique clinical research roadmaps using a systems approach
“From Bench to Bedside” neatly captures the goal of translating basic medical research to clinical outcomes.
However, the simplicity of this expression belies a world of complexity, from the initial discovery of clinical targets, to effective translation to therapies, and the numerous regulatory hurdles. But there are new roadmaps being forged using emerging systems biology platforms that offer researchers unique and sensitive navigation  tools that can fast track the journey.
                                   Room 218, The Melbourne Convention Centre  See flyer for details.

Conference Plenary Lecture: Osteoporosis in Men

Leading endocrinologist Professor Peter Ebeling will deliver a plenary lecture at the IOF Regionals – 5th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting in Taipei on 14 November.
Program attached. 

Peter will also attend the next meeting of the Editorial Board for Clinical Endocrinology in London on 18 November.

Southern Melbourne Cancer Symposium 2014 - 18 September

Based on the success of MCCC's 2013 Cancer Research Symposium, this event promises a comprehensive regional cancer forum presenting the latest preclinical and clinical cancer research projects alongside SMICS service improvement projects from across Southern Melbourne.
18 September at Hemisphere Conference Centre, South Road, Moorabbin
 See or flyer for details.

RNA-Seq Analysis Training Workshop 1st September, Clayton

The VBC and VLSCI will be running a free bioinformatics training workshop on the analysis of RNA-Seq data for differential gene expression. This workshop will take participants through a basic analysis workflow, all the way from raw sequencing reads through to lists of differentially expressed genes.  

We will be using the GVL/Galaxy platform that the VBC run at Monash, and the Degust tool that has been locally developed for differential gene expression analysis. All tools are web-based and intuitive to use.
Presenters: David Powell, Dieter Bulach, Simon Gladman   
Register: Form 
Date: Mon 1st Sep 2014
Time:9:30am - 1:00pm
Where:Building 76, Clayton Campus, Monash University
Required: A Wi-Fi enabled laptop with working internet access (eg. eduroam)
See flyer for details.

SOBS & MCCC Cancer Research Meeting, 12 pm tomorrow (28 August)

12 pm, Thursday 28 August - Room G35, Building 76/77, Clayton Campus

Ian Davies - Eastern Health
"Preclinical studies of 18F-estradiol, a potential novel PET tracer"

Sarah Conduit, Dept Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
 "INPP5E regulates cerebellum development and Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma"
Light lunch will be provided, for more information see flyer or email

Advertising for Summer Research Scholarships - Period 2

The online submission form for advertising your Summer projects for Period 2 is now open and closes  Friday 12 September at 5pm. If you have never submitted a project before and would like to for  this period, please email me your authcate username so I give you access to the form.

Advertising NEW projects
Projects submitted on this form will be automatically deployed to the website and available for students to view once applications open. Once you submit a project, you will be given the option to view the project on the scholarships website.  Follow the instructions

For re-advertising projects from Period 1
If you have already submitted projects for period 1 and are wanting to re-advertise the same project, there is no need to re-enter all the details.
·         Once you log in, select “Manage your submitted research projects”. Your projects from Period 1 will all be listed. 
·         Select the project you wish to re-advertise.
·         Make any changes (if necessary)
·         Scroll to the bottom of the form and you will see the following statement:   This project was used in a previous round. Saving changes to this form will republish this project for applications opening: Tuesday, 16 September 2014.
·         Select “Save changes”

SCS Open Day success

SCS and MIMR-PHI hosted emerging research leaders last week at Student Open Day. Prospective students had the opportunity to talk and network with SCS researchers and current students about exploring a career in medical research.  The event attracted a great turnout of students thanks to Peter Stanton, Paul King and the Open Day committee.  Thank you to the staff and student volunteers who helped make this a successful event.

If any students missed Open Day, they can be directed to our Research Overview and Research Projects brochures that highlight research opportunities in the School.

Request for Applications from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Australia (JDRF)

JDRF Australia has published a Request for Applications to be administered through the Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network.
Funding for this program is provided through the ARC’s Special Research Initiative for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Please refer to the Australian Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Network website for further information or contact the JDRF Scientific Manager, Dr Julia Warning at

OHS Training Session: Liquid Nitrogen

Image courtesy
David Monniaux CC
Please see details below regarding upcoming Liquid Nitrogen Training. Please register your interest in attending to secure a place in this session.
2.30 pm - 3.30 pm, Wednesday, 10 September 
MIMR Building, Level 2 Meeting Room
This training is open to all staff and students who use liquid nitrogen or work in areas where LN2 is stored
To register, please email

Mind Your Family - impact of family violence

Saturday 11 October, Monash University, Clayton

The Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc) and Greater Eastern Primary Health (GEPH) come together to present a special one-day conference for GPs, psychologists and mental health practitioners, dedicated to the identification, management and prevention of domestic violence.   Details and registration here.

Conference flyer here.